Arabic for progressive
1) progressive-adj
تدريجيّ -اسم
∘ progressive meaning in Arabic & English
happening or developing gradually over a period of time
تدريجيّ أي خطوة فخطوة أو شيئا فشيئا
∘ Examples of progressive in Arabic and English
a progressive reduction in the size of the workforce
تقليص تدريجيّ لحجم العمالة
a progressive increase in population
زيادة تدريجيّة في أعداد السّكّان
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The progressive decline of the Ottoman Empire
التّدهور التّدريجيّ للإمبراطوريّة العثمانيّة
a progressive reduction in oil prices
انخفاض تدريجيّ في أسعار النّفط
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2) progressive-adj
تصاعديّ -اسم
∘ progressive meaning in Arabic & English
happening or developing steadily
تصاعديّ أي بصورة تصاعديّة أو متزايدة
∘ Examples of progressive in Arabic and English
a progressive reduction in the size of the workforce
تقليص تصاعديّ لحجم العمالة
a progressive increase in immigrants
زيادة تصاعديّة في أعداد المهاجرين
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a progressive tax on property
ضريبة تصاعديّة على الممتلكات
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3) progressive-adj
تقدّميّ -اسم
∘ progressive meaning in Arabic & English
in favour of new ideas, modern methods and change
تقدّميّ أي مؤمن بأفكار التّقدّم والتّطوّر أو متحرّر في الآراء السّياسيّة والاقتصاديّة والاجتماعيّة وغيرها
∘ Examples of progressive in Arabic and English
a progressive administration
إدارة تقدّميّة
a progressive school
مدرسة تقدّميّة
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progressive and policies
سياسات تقدّميّة
a progressive party
حزب تقدّميّ
He is a progressive and open-minded politician
سياسيّ تقدّميّ ومنفتح
The prince is progressive in outlook
الأمير تقدّميّ الرّؤية
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4) progressive-adj
مستمرّ -اسم
∘ progressive meaning in Arabic & English
The progressive form of a verb is used to show that the action is continuing. It is formed with the verb "be" followed by the present participle (= -ing form of the verb)
المستمرّ هو حالة من أحوال الفعل في اللّغة الإنجليزيّة تظهر أنّ الفعل أو النّشاط لا زال يحدث في وقت التّكلّم
∘ Examples of progressive in Arabic and English
"He is swimming " is an example of the present progressive
جملة "إنّه يسبح" مثال على المضارع المستمرّ
"I was studying" is an example of the past progressive.
جملة "كنت أدرس" مثال على الماضي المستمرّ
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Arabic for progressive
1) progressive-adj
تَدْرِيْجِيّ -اسم
∘ progressive meaning in Arabic & English
happening or developing gradually over a period of time
تَدْرِيْجِيٌّ أَيْ خُطْوَةً فَخُطْوَةٍ أَوْ شَيْئًا فَشَيْئًا
∘ Examples of progressive in Arabic and English
a progressive reduction in the size of the workforce
تَقْلِيْصٌ تَدْرِيْجِيٌّ لِحَجْمِ العَمَالَةِ
a progressive increase in population
زِيَادَةٌ تَدْرِيْجِيَّةٌ فِيْ أَعْدَادِ السُّكَّانِ
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The progressive decline of the Ottoman Empire
التَّدَهْوُرُ التَّدْرِيْجِيُّ لِلْإِمْبِرَاطُوْرِيَّةِ العُثْمَانِيَّةِ
a progressive reduction in oil prices
انْخِفَاضٌ تَدْرِيْجِيٌّ فِيْ أَسْعَارِ النَّفْطِ
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2) progressive-adj
تَصَاعُدِيّ -اسم
∘ progressive meaning in Arabic & English
happening or developing steadily
تَصَاعُدِيٌّ أَيْ بِصُوْرَةٍ تَصَاعُدِيَّةٍ أَوْ مُتَزَايِدَةٍ
∘ Examples of progressive in Arabic and English
a progressive reduction in the size of the workforce
تَقْلِيْصٌ تَصَاعُدِيٌّ لِحَجْمِ العَمَالَةِ
a progressive increase in immigrants
زِيَادَةٌ تَصَاعُدِيَّةٌ فِيْ أَعْدَادِ المُهَاجِرِيْنَ
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a progressive tax on property
ضَرِيْبَةٌ تَصَاعُدِيَّةٌ عَلَىْ المُمْتَلَكَاتِ
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3) progressive-adj
تَقَدُّمِيّ -اسم
∘ progressive meaning in Arabic & English
in favour of new ideas, modern methods and change
تَقَدُّمِيٌّ أَيْ مُؤْمِنٌ بِأَفْكَارِ التَّقَدُّمِ وَالتَّطَوُّرِ أَوْ مُتَحَرِّرٌ فِيْ الآرَاءِ السِّيَاسِيَّةِ وَالِاقْتِصَادِيَّةِ وَالِاجْتِمَاعِيَّةِ وَغَيْرِهَا
∘ Examples of progressive in Arabic and English
a progressive administration
إِدَارَةٌ تَقَدُّمِيَّةٌ
a progressive school
مَدْرَسَةٌ تَقَدُّمِيَّةٌ
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progressive and policies
سِيَاسَاتٌ تَقَدُّمِيَّةٌ
a progressive party
حِزْبٌ تَقَدُّمِيٌّ
He is a progressive and open-minded politician
سِيَاسِيٌّ تَقَدُّمِيٌّ وَمُنْفَتِحٌ
The prince is progressive in outlook
الأَمِيْرُ تَقَدُّمِيُّ الرُّؤْيَةِ
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4) progressive-adj
مُسْتَمِرّ -اسم
∘ progressive meaning in Arabic & English
The progressive form of a verb is used to show that the action is continuing. It is formed with the verb "be" followed by the present participle (= -ing form of the verb)
المُسْتَمِرُّ هُوَ حَالَةٌ مِنْ أَحْوَالِ الفِعْلِ فِيْ اللُّغَةِ الإِنْجْلِيْزِيَّةِ تُظْهِرُ أَنَّ الفِعْلَ أَوِ النَّشَاطَ لَا زَالَ يَحْدُثُ فِيْ وَقْتِ التَّكَلُّمِ
∘ Examples of progressive in Arabic and English
"He is swimming " is an example of the present progressive
جُمْلَةُ "إِنَّهُ يَسْبَحُ" مِثَالٌ عَلَىْ المُضَارِعِ المُسْتَمِرِّ
"I was studying" is an example of the past progressive.
جُمْلَةُ "كُنْتُ أَدْرُسُ" مِثَالٌ عَلَىْ المَاضِيْ المُسْتَمِرِّ
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