Arabic for mechanics
1) mechanic-noun
علم الحركة (الميكانيك)-اسم
∘ mechanic meaning in Arabic & English
mechanics [uncountable] the science of movement and force
علم الحركةأو الميكانيك هو العلم الّذي يدرس الحركة وتأثير القوّة على حركة الأجسام
∘ Examples of mechanic in Arabic and English
The professor gave a lengthy boring lecture in mechanics
أعطى (=ألقى) الأستاذ الجامعيّ محاضرة مطوّلة مملّة في علم الحركة (=الميكانيك)
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∘ How to pronounce mechanic in English?
The word mechanic is pronounced in English as
علم الحركة (الميكانيك)-اسم
∘ mechanics meaning in Arabic & English
mechanics [uncountable] the practical study of machines
الميكانيك هو اختصاص من اختصاصات الجامعة يدرس فيه الطّلّاب الآلات والمحرّكات الخ
∘ Examples of mechanics in Arabic and English
The department of mechanics
قسم الميكانيك
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Arabic for mechanics
1) mechanic-noun
عِلْمُ الحَرَكَةِ (المِيْكَانِيْكُ)-اسم
∘ mechanic meaning in Arabic & English
mechanics [uncountable] the science of movement and force
عِلْمُ الحَرَكَةِأو المِيْكَانِيْكُ هُوَ العِلْمُ الَّذِيْ يَدْرُسُ الحَرَكَةَ وَتَأْثِيْرِ القُوَّةِ عَلَىْ حَرَكَةِ الأَجْسَامِ
∘ Examples of mechanic in Arabic and English
The professor gave a lengthy boring lecture in mechanics
أَعْطَىْ (=أَلْقَىْ) الأُسْتَاذُ الجَامِعِيُّ مُحَاضَرَةً مُطَوَّلَةً مُمِلَّةً فِيْ عِلْمِ الحَرَكَةِ (=المِيْكَانِيْكَ)
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Mechanics is outside the domain of our curriculum
المِيْكَانِيْكَا (=المِيْكَانِيْكُ) (=عِلْمُ الحَرَكَةِ) خَارِجُ نِطَاقِ مِنْهَاجِنَا
I find fluid mechanics complex and hard to understand
أَجِدُ مِيْكَانِيْكَ المَوَائِعِ (=مِيْكَانِيْكَا المَوَائِعِ) مُعَقَّدَةً وَصَعْبَةَ الفَهْمِ
∘ How to pronounce mechanic in English?
The word mechanic is pronounced in English as
عِلْمُ الحَرَكَةِ (المِيْكَانِيْكُ)-اسم
∘ mechanics meaning in Arabic & English
mechanics [uncountable] the practical study of machines
المِيْكَانِيْكُ هُوَ اخْتِصَاصٌ مِنِ اخْتِصَاصَاتِ الجَامِعَةِ يَدْرُسُ فِيْهِ الطُّلَّابُ الآلَاتِ وَالمُحَرِّكَاتِ الخ
∘ Examples of mechanics in Arabic and English
My cousin is studying mechanics at college.
يَدْرُسُ ابْنُ عَمَّتِيَ المِيْكَانِيْكَا (=المِيْكَانِيْكَ) فِيْ الجَامِعَةِ
The department of mechanics
قِسْمُ المِيْكَانِيْكُ
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