lens in Arabic

Meaning of lens in Arabic is: (عَدَسَة) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

lens in Arabic

Arabic for lens

1) lens-noun


  ∘ lens meaning in Arabic & English

a curved piece of glass or plastic that makes things look larger, smaller or clearer when you look through it

العدسة هي قطعة زجاجيّة منحنية تجعل الأشياء أكبر أو أصغر عند النّظر إليهم من خلالها

  ∘ Plural of عدسة in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of lens in Arabic and English

Tinted lenses

عدسات ملوّنة

The lenses of my eyeglasses are thick

عدستا نظّارتي سميكة

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The lens of the magnifying glass has broken

انكسرت عدسة العدسة المكبّرة

  ∘ How to pronounce lens in English?

The word lens is pronounced in English as



  ∘ lens meaning in Arabic & English

a piece of equipment that is part of a camera, containing one or more lenses

العدسة هي جزء من الكاميرا

  ∘ Plural of عدسة in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of lens in Arabic and English

a standard 85mm lens

عدسة قياسيّة مقاس 85 مم

The camera lens is cracked

عدسة الكاميرا مشعورة

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a 100mm zoom lens

عدسة تكبير مقاس 100 مم

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  ∘ lens meaning in Arabic & English

(informal) a contact lens (= a small round piece of thin plastic that you put on your eye to help you see better)

العدسة هي العدسة البلاستيكيّة اللّاصقة الّتي توضع على العينين لغاية طبّيّة أو تجميليّة

  ∘ Examples of lens in Arabic and English

Have you worn your lenses?

هل وضعت عدساتك؟



  ∘ lens meaning in Arabic & English

(anatomy) the clear part of the eye, behind the pupil, that focuses light so that you can see clearly

عدسة العين هي جسم شفّاف مرن يقع خلف الحدقة (=القزحيّة) تجمع الضّوء لكي تتّضح الرّؤية

Arabic for lens

1) lens-noun


  ∘ lens meaning in Arabic & English

a curved piece of glass or plastic that makes things look larger, smaller or clearer when you look through it

العَدَسَةُ هِيَ قِطْعَةٌ زُجَاجِيَّةٌ مُنْحَنِيَةٌ تَجْعَلُ الأَشْيَاءَ أَكْبَرَ أَوْ أَصْغَرَ عِنْدَ النَّظَرِ إِلَيْهِمْ مِنْ خِلَالِهَا

  ∘ Plural of عَدَسَة in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of lens in Arabic and English

Tinted lenses

عَدَسَاتٌ مُلَوَّنَةٌ

The lenses of my eyeglasses are thick

عَدَسَتَا نَظَّارَتِيْ سَمِيْكَةٌ

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The lens of the magnifying glass has broken

انْكَسَرَتْ عَدَسَةُ العَدَسَةِ المُكَبِّرَةِ

  ∘ How to pronounce lens in English?

The word lens is pronounced in English as



  ∘ lens meaning in Arabic & English

a piece of equipment that is part of a camera, containing one or more lenses

العَدَسَةُ هِيَ جُزْءٌ مِنَ الكَامِيْرَا

  ∘ Plural of عَدَسَة in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of lens in Arabic and English

a standard 85mm lens

عَدَسَةٌ قِيَاسِيَّةٌ مَقَاسَ 85 مِمْ

The camera lens is cracked

عَدَسَةُ الكَامِيْرَا مَشْعُوْرَةٌ

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a 100mm zoom lens

عَدَسَةُ تَكْبِيْرٍ مَقَاسَ 100 مِمْ

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  ∘ lens meaning in Arabic & English

(informal) a contact lens (= a small round piece of thin plastic that you put on your eye to help you see better)

العَدَسَةُ هِيَ العَدَسَةُ البْلَاسْتِيْكِيَّةُ اللَّاصِقَةُ الَّتِيْ تُوْضَعُ عَلَىْ العَيْنَيْنِ لِغَايَةٍ طِبِّيَّةٍ أَوْ تَجْمِيْلِيَّةٍ

  ∘ Examples of lens in Arabic and English

Have you worn your lenses?

هَلْ وَضَعْتِ عَدَسَاتِكِ؟



  ∘ lens meaning in Arabic & English

(anatomy) the clear part of the eye, behind the pupil, that focuses light so that you can see clearly

عَدَسَةُ العَيْنِ هِيَ جِسْمٌ شَفَّافٌ مَرِنٌ يَقَعُ خَلْفَ الحَدَقَةِ (=القَزَحِيَّةِ) تَجْمَعُ الضَّوْءَ لِكَيْ تَتَّضِحَ الرُّؤْيَةُ
