grace in Arabic

Meaning of grace in Arabic is: (انْسِيَابِيَّة، رَحْمَة، رَشَاقَة) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

grace in Arabic

Arabic for grace

1) grace-noun


  ∘ grace meaning in Arabic & English

[uncountable] an attractive quality of movement that is smooth and done with control; a simple and beautiful quality

الانسيابيّة هي القدرة على التّحكّم بحركات الجسم والتّحرّك برشاقة

  ∘ Examples of grace in Arabic and English

The child was moving with the grace of a dancer

كانت الطّفلة تتحرّك بانسيابيّة راقصة

She dances with grace as a ballerina

ترقص بانسيابيّة كراقصة باليه

  ∘ How to pronounce grace in English?

The word grace is pronounced in English as

2) grace -noun


  ∘ grace meaning in Arabic & English

[uncountable] the love that God shows towards the human race

رحمة الله هي حبّه وشفقته على عباده (النّاس)

  ∘ Examples of grace in Arabic and English

He would have been killed if not for the grace of God

كاد يقتل لولا رحمة الله

The grace of God

رحمة الله

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The divine grace had recovered my husband from cancer

لقد شفت الرّحمة الإلهيّة زوجي من السّرطان

  ∘ How to pronounce grace in English?

The word grace is pronounced in English as

3) grace-noun


  ∘ grace meaning in Arabic & English

[uncountable] an attractive quality of movement that is smooth and done with control; a simple and beautiful quality

الرّشاقة أي القدرة على التّحكّم بحركات الجسم والتّحرّك بانسيابيّة

  ∘ Examples of grace in Arabic and English

The child was moving with the grace of a dancer

كانت الطّفلة تتحرّك برشاقة راقصة

Christine has natural grace and beauty.

لدى كريستين رشاقة وجمال طبيعيّين

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She dances with grace

ترقص برشاقة

  ∘ How to pronounce grace in English?

The word grace is pronounced in English as

4) His/Her/Your Grace-noun

صاحب الجلالة-اسم

  ∘ His/Her/Your Grace meaning in Arabic & English

​His/Her/Your Grace [countable] used as a title of respect when talking to or about an archbishop, a duke or a duchess

صاحب الجلالة هو السّلطان أو الملك أو الأمير ونحوهم

  ∘ Plural of صاحب الجلالة in Arabic

أصحاب الجلالة

  ∘ Examples of His/Her/Your Grace in Arabic and English

Her Grace went to hunt

ذهبت صاحبة الجلالة للصّيد

This wine was made especially for His Grace

صنع هذا الخمر خصّيصا لصاحب الجلالة

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His Grace dissolved the Parliament

حلّ صاحب الجلالة البرلمان

Her Grace want him executed by the dawn

تريد صاحبة الجلالة أن يعدم عند بزوغ الفجر

Enter, your Grace

أدخل, جلالتك

Thank you, your Grace

شكرا لجلالتك

His Grace has invited you to his castle

دعاك صاحب الجلالة إلى قلعته

5) grace -noun


  ∘ grace meaning in Arabic & English

[uncountable] a quality of behaviour that is polite and pleasant and deserves respect

اللّياقة هي التّصرّف بدماثة وأخلاق وأدب

  ∘ Examples of grace in Arabic and English

She conducted herself with grace and dignity

إنّها تتصرّف بلياقة ووقار

She accepted my gift with grace

قبلت هديّتي بلياقة

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He smiled to me with his usual grace

ابتسم لي بلياقته المعهودة

She has the grace to apologize if she did something wrong

عندها اللّياقة للاعتذار إن ارتكبت خطأ ما

  ∘ How to pronounce grace in English?

The word grace is pronounced in English as



  ∘ grace meaning in Arabic & English

[uncountable] an attractive quality of movement that is smooth and done with control; a simple and beautiful quality English

اللّياقة هي القدرة على التّحكّم بحركات الجسم والتّحرّك برشاقة

  ∘ Examples of grace in Arabic and English

The child was moving with the grace of a dancer

كانت الطّفلة تتحرّك بلياقة راقصة

She dances with grace as a ballerina

ترقص بلياقة كراقصة باليه

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Christine has natural grace and beauty.

لدى كريستين لياقة وجمال طبيعيّين

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  ∘ grace meaning in Arabic & English

​graces [plural] (especially British English) ways of behaving that people think are polite and acceptable

اللّياقة الاجتماعيّة هي الأخلاق والآداب الاجتماعيّة الّتي يراها النّاس مهذّبة ومقبولة

  ∘ Examples of grace in Arabic and English

He is sadly lacking in social graces in his behavior and speak

يفتقد للأسف اللّياقة الاجتماعيّة في سلوكه وحديثه

She us well versed in social graces

إنّها ضليعة في اللّياقة الاجتماعيّة

Arabic for grace

1) grace-noun


  ∘ grace meaning in Arabic & English

[uncountable] an attractive quality of movement that is smooth and done with control; a simple and beautiful quality

الِانْسِيَابِيَّةُ هِيَ القُدْرَةُ عَلَىْ التَّحَكُّمِ بِحَرَكَاتِ الجِسْمِ وَالتَّحَرُّكُ بِرَشَاقَةٍ

  ∘ Examples of grace in Arabic and English

The child was moving with the grace of a dancer

كَانَتِ الطِّفْلَةُ تَتَحَرَّكُ بِانْسِيَابِيَّةِ رَاقِصَةٍ

She dances with grace as a ballerina

تَرْقُصُ بِانْسِيَابِيَّةٍ كَرَاقِصَةِ بَالِيْهْ

  ∘ How to pronounce grace in English?

The word grace is pronounced in English as

2) grace -noun


  ∘ grace meaning in Arabic & English

[uncountable] the love that God shows towards the human race

رَحْمَةُ اللهِ هِيَ حُبُّهُ وَشَفَقَتُهُ عَلَىْ عِبَادِهِ (النَّاسِ)

  ∘ Examples of grace in Arabic and English

He would have been killed if not for the grace of God

كاد يقتل لولا رحمة الله

The grace of God

رَحْمَةُ اللهِ

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The divine grace had recovered my husband from cancer

لَقَدْ شَفَتِ الرَّحْمَةُ الإِلَهِيَّةُ زَوْجِيَ مِنَ السَّرَطَانِ

  ∘ How to pronounce grace in English?

The word grace is pronounced in English as

3) grace-noun


  ∘ grace meaning in Arabic & English

[uncountable] an attractive quality of movement that is smooth and done with control; a simple and beautiful quality

الرَّشَاقَةُ أَيِ القُدْرَةُ عَلَىْ التَّحَكُّمِ بِحَرَكَاتِ الجِسْمِ وَالتَّحَرُّكُ بِانْسِيَابِيَّةٍ

  ∘ Examples of grace in Arabic and English

The child was moving with the grace of a dancer

كَانَتِ الطِّفْلَةُ تَتَحَرَّكُ بِرَشَاقَةِ رَاقِصَةٍ

Christine has natural grace and beauty.

لَدَىْ كْرِيْسْتِيْنَ رَشَاقَةٌ وَجَمَالٌ طَبِيْعِيَّيْنِ

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She dances with grace

تَرْقُصُ بِرَشَاقَةٍ

  ∘ How to pronounce grace in English?

The word grace is pronounced in English as

4) His/Her/Your Grace-noun

صَاحِبُ الجَلَالَةِ-اسم

  ∘ His/Her/Your Grace meaning in Arabic & English

​His/Her/Your Grace [countable] used as a title of respect when talking to or about an archbishop, a duke or a duchess

صَاحِبُ الجَلَالَةِ هُوَ السُّلْطَانُ أَوِ المَلِكُ أَوِ الأَمِيْرُ وَنَحْوُهُم

  ∘ Plural of صَاحِبُ الجَلَالَةِ in Arabic

أَصْحَابُ الجَلَالَةِ

  ∘ Examples of His/Her/Your Grace in Arabic and English

Her Grace went to hunt

ذَهَبَتْ صَاحِبَةُ الجَلَالَةِ لِلصَّيْدِ

This wine was made especially for His Grace

صُنِعَ هَذَا الخَمْرُ خِصِّيْصًا لِصَاحِبِ الجَلَالَةِ

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His Grace dissolved the Parliament

حَلَّ صَاحِبُ الجَلَالَةِ البَرْلَمَانَ

Her Grace want him executed by the dawn

تُرِيْدُ صَاحِبَةُ الجَلَالَةِ أَنْ يُعْدَمَ عِنْدَ بُزُوْغِ الفَجْرِ

Enter, your Grace

أُدْخُلِ, جَلَالَتُكِ

Thank you, your Grace

شُكْرًا لِجَلَالَتِكَ

His Grace has invited you to his castle

دَعَاكَ صَاحِبُ الجَلَالَةِ إِلَىْ قَلْعَتِهِ

5) grace -noun


  ∘ grace meaning in Arabic & English

[uncountable] a quality of behaviour that is polite and pleasant and deserves respect

اللِّيَاقَةُ هِيَ التَّصَرُّفُ بِدَمَاثَةٍ وَأَخْلَاقٍ وَأَدَبٍ

  ∘ Examples of grace in Arabic and English

She conducted herself with grace and dignity

إِنَّهَا تَتَصَرَّفُ بِلِيَاقَةٍ وَوَقَارٍ

She accepted my gift with grace

قَبِلَتْ هَدِيَّتِيْ بِلِيَاقَةٍ

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He smiled to me with his usual grace

ابْتَسَمَ لِيْ بِلِيَاقَتِهِ المَعْهُوْدَةِ

She has the grace to apologize if she did something wrong

عِنْدَهَا اللِّيَاقَةُ لِلِاعْتِذَارِ إِنِ ارْتَكَبَتٍ خَطَأً مَا

  ∘ How to pronounce grace in English?

The word grace is pronounced in English as



  ∘ grace meaning in Arabic & English

[uncountable] an attractive quality of movement that is smooth and done with control; a simple and beautiful quality English

اللِّيَاقَةُ هِيَ القُدْرَةُ عَلَىْ التَّحَكُّمِ بِحَرَكَاتِ الجِسْمِ وَالتَّحَرُّكُ بِرَشَاقَةٍ

  ∘ Examples of grace in Arabic and English

The child was moving with the grace of a dancer

كَانَتِ الطِّفْلَةُ تَتَحَرَّكُ بِلِيَاقَةِ رَاقِصَةٍ

She dances with grace as a ballerina

تَرْقُصُ بِلِيَاقَةٍ كَرَاقِصَةِ بَالِيْهْ

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Christine has natural grace and beauty.

لَدَىْ كْرِيْسْتِيْنَ لِيَاقَةٌ وَجَمَالٌ طَبِيْعِيَّيْنِ

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  ∘ grace meaning in Arabic & English

​graces [plural] (especially British English) ways of behaving that people think are polite and acceptable

اللَّيَاقَةُ الِاجْتِمَاعِيَّةُ هِيَ الأَخْلَاقُ وَالآدَابُ الاِجْتِمَاعِيَّةُ الَّتِيْ يَرَاهَا النَّاسُ مُهَذَّبَةً وَمَقْبُوْلَةً

  ∘ Examples of grace in Arabic and English

He is sadly lacking in social graces in his behavior and speak

يَفْتَقِدُ لِلْأَسَفِ اللِّيَاقَةَ الِاجْتِمَاعِيَّةَ فِيْ سُلُوْكِهِ وَحَدِيْثِهِ

She us well versed in social graces

إِنَّهَا ضَلِيْعَةٌ فِيْ اللِّيَاقَةِ الِاجْتِمَاعِيَّةِ
