dancer in Arabic

Meaning of dancer in Arabic is: (راقص) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

dancer in Arabic

Arabic for dancer

1) dancer-noun


  ∘ dancer meaning in Arabic & English

a person who dances or whose job is dancing

الراقص هوالشخص الذي يرقص أو يعمل في مجال الرقص

  ∘ Examples of dancer in Arabic and English

She is a professional dancer.

هي راقصة محترفة.

The dancer moved gracefully on stage.

تحرك الراقص برشاقة على المسرح.

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He became a famous dancer worldwide.

أصبح راقصا مشهورا عالميا.

The dancers practiced for hours every day.

كان الراقصون يتدربون لساعات كل يوم.

  ∘ How to pronounce dancer in English?

The word dancer is pronounced in English as



  ∘ dancer meaning in Arabic & English

a person who dances or whose job is dancing

شخص يرقص أو عمله هو الرقص

  ∘ Examples of dancer in Arabic and English

She is a professional dancer.

هي راقصة محترفة.

He became a famous dancer in his city.

أصبح راقصا مشهورا في مدينته.

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The dancers rehearsed for weeks before the show.

تدرب الراقصون لأسابيع قبل العرض.

A skilled dancer moves with grace and precision.

يتحرك الراقص الماهر برشاقة ودقة.

The competition featured dancers from around the world.

ضمت المسابقة راقصين من جميع أنحاء العالم.

  ∘ How to pronounce dancer in English?

The word dancer is pronounced in English as

Arabic for dancer

1) dancer-noun


  ∘ dancer meaning in Arabic & English

a person who dances or whose job is dancing

الراقص هوالشخص الذي يرقص أو يعمل في مجال الرقص

  ∘ Examples of dancer in Arabic and English

She is a professional dancer.

هي راقصة محترفة.

The dancer moved gracefully on stage.

تحرك الراقص برشاقة على المسرح.

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He became a famous dancer worldwide.

أصبح راقصًا مشهورًا عالميًا.

The dancers practiced for hours every day.

كان الراقصون يتدربون لساعات كل يوم.

  ∘ How to pronounce dancer in English?

The word dancer is pronounced in English as



  ∘ dancer meaning in Arabic & English

a person who dances or whose job is dancing

شخص يرقص أو عمله هو الرقص

  ∘ Examples of dancer in Arabic and English

She is a professional dancer.

هي راقصة محترفة.

He became a famous dancer in his city.

أصبح راقصًا مشهورًا في مدينته.

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The dancers rehearsed for weeks before the show.

تدرب الراقصون لأسابيع قبل العرض.

A skilled dancer moves with grace and precision.

يتحرك الراقص الماهر برشاقة ودقة.

The competition featured dancers from around the world.

ضمت المسابقة راقصين من جميع أنحاء العالم.

  ∘ How to pronounce dancer in English?

The word dancer is pronounced in English as
