extend in Arabic

Meaning of extend in Arabic is: (مد) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

extend in Arabic

Arabic for extend

1) extend-v


  ∘ extend meaning in Arabic & English

  ∘ Examples of extend in Arabic and English

She extended her visit by another week.

مدت زيارتها لأسبوع آخر.

They are planning to extend the kitchen.

يخططون لأن يمدوا المطبخ.

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The company extended its business into Asia.

مدت الشركة أعمالها إلى آسيا.

This road extends for miles.

هذا الطريق يمد لأميال.

He extended his hand in greeting.

مد يده في التحية.

The deadline has been extended to tomorrow.

مد الموعد النهائي إلى الغد.

Arabic for extend

1) extend-v


  ∘ extend meaning in Arabic & English

  ∘ Examples of extend in Arabic and English

She extended her visit by another week.

مدت زيارتها لأسبوع آخر.

They are planning to extend the kitchen.

يخططون لأن يمدوا المطبخ.

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The company extended its business into Asia.

مدت الشركة أعمالها إلى آسيا.

This road extends for miles.

هذا الطريق يمد لأميال.

He extended his hand in greeting.

مد يده في التحية.

The deadline has been extended to tomorrow.

مد الموعد النهائي إلى الغد.
