exceptional in Arabic

Meaning of exceptional in Arabic is: (اسْتِثْنَائِيّ) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

exceptional in Arabic

Arabic for exceptional

1) exceptional-adj


  ∘ exceptional meaning in Arabic & English

unusually good

استثنائيّ أي غير معتاد جودته لا توصف

  ∘ Examples of exceptional in Arabic and English

All of her sings are great but this one is exceptional

كلّ أغانيها عظيمة لكنّ هذه استثنائيّة

Messi is an exceptional football player

ميسّي لاعب كرة قدم استثنائيّ

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With an exceptional bravery, the knights defended their king

بشجاعة استثنائيّة دافع الفرسان عن ملكهم

An exceptional young musician

موسيقيّ شابّ استثنائيّ

This laptop has exceptional performance

أداء الحاسوب هذا استثنائيّ

What an exceptional scenery

ما هذا المنظر الاستثنائيّ

We have made an exceptional profit this quarter

حقّقنا ربحا استثنائيّا هذا الرّبع

  ∘ How to pronounce exceptional in English?

The word exceptional is pronounced in English as



  ∘ exceptional meaning in Arabic & English

very unusual

استثنائيّ أي غير اعتياديّ

  ∘ Examples of exceptional in Arabic and English

In these exceptional circumstances we should transcend our political differences

في هذه الظّروف الاستثنائيّة علينا تجاوز خلافاتنا السّياسيّة

An exceptional medical case that I have never witnessed before

حالة طبّيّة استثنائيّة لم أشهدها مسبقا

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The deputy president made exceptional efforts to resolve the conflict

بذل نائب الرّئيس جهودا استثنائيّة لحلّ النّزاع

Nothing exceptional in your work

لا شيء استثنائيّا في عملك

Arabic for exceptional

1) exceptional-adj


  ∘ exceptional meaning in Arabic & English

unusually good

اسْتِثْنَائِيٌّ أَيْ غَيْرُ مُعْتَادٍ جُوْدَتُهُ لَا تُوْصَفُ

  ∘ Examples of exceptional in Arabic and English

All of her sings are great but this one is exceptional

كُلُّ أَغَانِيْهَا عَظِيْمَةٌ لَكِنَّ هَذِهِ اسْتِثْنَائِيَّةً

Messi is an exceptional football player

مِيْسِّيْ لَاعِبُ كُرَةِ قَدَمٍ اسْتِثْنَائِيٌّ

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With an exceptional bravery, the knights defended their king

بَشَجَاعَةٍ اسْتِثْنَائِيَّةٍ دَافَعَ الفُرْسَانُ عَنْ مَلِكِهِمْ

An exceptional young musician

مُوْسِيْقِيٌّ شَابٌّ اسْتِثْنَائِيٌّ

This laptop has exceptional performance

أَدَاءُ الحَاسُوْبِ هَذَا اسْتِثْنَائِيٌّ

What an exceptional scenery

مَا هَذَا المَنْظَرُ الِاسْتِثْنَائِيُّ

We have made an exceptional profit this quarter

حَقَّقْنَا رِبْحًا اسْتِثْنَائِيًّا هَذَا الرُّبُعَ

  ∘ How to pronounce exceptional in English?

The word exceptional is pronounced in English as



  ∘ exceptional meaning in Arabic & English

very unusual

اسْتِثْنَائِيُّ أَيْ غَيْرُ اعْتِيَادِيٍّ

  ∘ Examples of exceptional in Arabic and English

In these exceptional circumstances we should transcend our political differences

فِيْ هَذِهِ الظُّرُوْفِ الِاسْتِثْنَائِيَّةِ عَلَيْنَا تَجَاوُزُ خِلَافَاتِنَا السِّيَاسِيَّةِ

An exceptional medical case that I have never witnessed before

حَالَةٌ طِبِّيَّةٌ اسْتِثْنَائِيَّةُ لَمْ أَشْهَدْهَا مُسْبَقًا

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The deputy president made exceptional efforts to resolve the conflict

بَذَلَ نَائِبُ الرَّئِيْسِ جُهُوْدًا اسْتِثْنَائِيَّةً لِحَلِّ النِّزَاعِ

Nothing exceptional in your work

لَا شَيْءَ اسْتِثْنَائِيًّا فِيْ عَمَلِكَ
