evening in Arabic

Meaning of evening in Arabic is: (مَسَاء، أُمْسِيَّة) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

evening in Arabic

Arabic for evening

1) evening -noun


  ∘ evening meaning in Arabic & English

The part of the day between the afternoon and the end of the day

معنى المساء أي الفترة الزّمنيّة الممتدّة من الظّهيرة وحتّى آخر اليوم

  ∘ Plural of مساء in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of evening in Arabic and English

I'll see you tomorrow evening

سأراك غدا مساء

I play computer games in the evening

ألعب على الكمبيوتر في المساء

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Come to me this evening

تعال إليّ هذا المساء

I attended the party yesterday evening

حضرت الحفلة مساء البارحة

The president was ousted on Friday evening

عزل الرّئيس مساء يوم الجمعة

Evening news from Al Jazeera channel

أخبار المساء من قناة الجزيرة

On a beautiful fall evening

في مساء يوم خريفيّ جميل

Collocations of evening in English & Arabic

tomorrow evening

مساء الغد

yesterday evening

مساء البارحة

this evening

هذا المساء

Friday evening

مساء الجمعة

Saturday evening

مساء السّبت

a long evening

مساء طويل

to spend the evening

قضى المساء

the evening air

هواء المساء

the evening breeze

نسمات المساء

the evening meal

وجبة المساء

the evening walk

مشي المساء

the evening prayer

صلوات المساء

during the evening

أثناء المساء

in the evening

في المساء

the evening wore on

حلّ المساء

the evening progressed

حلّ المساء

the evening star

نجوم المساء

the evening sky

سماء المساء

the previous evening

مساء اليوم المنصرم / المساء المنصرم

  ∘ How to pronounce evening in English?

The word evening is pronounced in English as

2) evening-noun


  ∘ evening meaning in Arabic & English

A social event that takes place in the evening

  ∘ Plural of أمسيّة in Arabic

أمسيّات/ أماسيّ

  ∘ Examples of evening in Arabic and English

An evening of poetry

أمسيّة شعريّة

A musical evening

أمسيّة موسيقيّة

  ∘ How to pronounce evening in English?

The word evening is pronounced in English as

Arabic for evening

1) evening -noun


  ∘ evening meaning in Arabic & English

The part of the day between the afternoon and the end of the day

مَعْنَىْ المَسَاءُ أَيِ الفَتْرَةُ الزَّمَنِيَّةُ المُمْتَدَّةُ مِنَ الظَّهِيْرَةِ وَحَتَّىْ آخِرِ اليَوْمِ

  ∘ Plural of مَسَاء in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of evening in Arabic and English

I'll see you tomorrow evening

سَأَرَاكَ غَدًا مَسَاءً

I play computer games in the evening

أَلْعَبُ عَلَى الكُمْبْيُوْتَرِ فِيْ المَسَاءِ

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Come to me this evening

تَعَالَ إِلَيَّ هَذَا المَسَاءَ

I attended the party yesterday evening

حَضَرْتُ الحَفْلَةَ مَسَاءَ البَارِحَةِ

The president was ousted on Friday evening

عُزِلَ الرَّئِيْسُ مَسَاءَ يَوْمِ الجُمُعَةِ

Evening news from Al Jazeera channel

أَخْبَارُ المَسَاءِ مِنْ قَنَاةِ الجَزِيْرَةِ

On a beautiful fall evening

فِيْ مَسَاءِ يَوْمٍ خَرِيْفِيٍّ جَمِيْلٍ

Collocations of evening in English & Arabic

tomorrow evening

مَسَاءُ الغَدِ

yesterday evening

مَسَاءُ البَارِحَةِ

this evening

هَذَا المَسَاءُ

Friday evening

مَسَاءُ الجُمُعَةِ

Saturday evening

مَسَاءُ السَّبْتِ

a long evening

مَسَاءٌ طَوِيْلٌ

to spend the evening

قَضَىْ المَسَاءَ

the evening air

هَوَاءُ المَسَاءِ

the evening breeze

نَسَمَاتُ المَسَاءِ

the evening meal

وَجْبَةُ المَسَاءِ

the evening walk

مَشْيُ المَسَاءِ

the evening prayer

صَلَوَاتُ المَسَاءِ

during the evening

أَثْنَاءَ المَسَاءِ

in the evening

فِيْ المَسَاءِ

the evening wore on

حَلَّ المَسَاءُ

the evening progressed

حَلَّ المَسَاءُ

the evening star

نُجُوْمُ المَسَاءِ

the evening sky

سَمَاءُ المَسَاءِ

the previous evening

مَسَاءُ اليَوْمِ المُنْصَرِمِ / المَسَاءُ المُنْصَرِمُ

  ∘ How to pronounce evening in English?

The word evening is pronounced in English as

2) evening-noun


  ∘ evening meaning in Arabic & English

A social event that takes place in the evening

  ∘ Plural of أُمْسِيَّة in Arabic

أُمْسِيَّات/ أَمَاسِيّ

  ∘ Examples of evening in Arabic and English

An evening of poetry

أُمْسِيَّةٌ شِعْرِيَّةٌ

A musical evening

أُمْسِيَّةٌ مُوْسِيْقِيَّةٌ

  ∘ How to pronounce evening in English?

The word evening is pronounced in English as
