employee in Arabic

Meaning of employee in Arabic is: (مُوَظَّف) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

employee in Arabic

Arabic for employee

1) employee-noun


  ∘ employee meaning in Arabic & English

a person who is paid to work for somebody

شخص يتقاضى راتبا مقابل العمل لدى شخص آخر

  ∘ Examples of employee in Arabic and English

The company has over 100 employees.

لدى الشركة أكثر من 100 موظف.

She is a former employee of the bank.

هي موظفة سابقة في البنك.

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Every employee must comply with the company regulations.

يجب على كل موظف الالتزام بقوانين الشركة.

Employees are entitled to a day off each week.

يستحق الموظفون يوم إجازة كل أسبوع.

The new employee was introduced to the team.

تم تقديم الموظف الجديد للفريق.

He was recognized as the best employee of the month.

عرف أنه أفضل موظف في الشهر.

  ∘ How to pronounce employee in English?

The word employee is pronounced in English as

Arabic for employee

1) employee-noun


  ∘ employee meaning in Arabic & English

a person who is paid to work for somebody

شخص يتقاضى راتباً مقابل العمل لدى شخص آخر

  ∘ Examples of employee in Arabic and English

The company has over 100 employees.

لدى الشركة أكثر من 100 موظف.

She is a former employee of the bank.

هي موظفة سابقة في البنك.

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Every employee must comply with the company regulations.

يجب على كل موظف الالتزام بقوانين الشركة.

Employees are entitled to a day off each week.

يستحق الموظفون يوم إجازة كل أسبوع.

The new employee was introduced to the team.

تم تقديم الموظف الجديد للفريق.

He was recognized as the best employee of the month.

عُرف أنه أفضل موظف في الشهر.

  ∘ How to pronounce employee in English?

The word employee is pronounced in English as
