dog in Arabic

Meaning of dog in Arabic is: (تَتَبَّعَ، رَدِيْء، عَانَى) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

dog in Arabic

Arabic for dog

1) dog -


  ∘ dog meaning in Arabic & English

  ∘ Examples of dog in Arabic and English

He was dogging me all night until I called the police

كان يتتبّعني طوال اللّيل إلى أن اتّصلت بالشّرطة

  ∘ How to pronounce dog in English?

The word dog is pronounced in English as

2) dog -noun


  ∘ dog meaning in Arabic & English

a thing of a low quality

  ∘ Examples of dog in Arabic and English

  ∘ How to pronounce dog in English?

The word dog is pronounced in English as

3) dog -verb


  ∘ dog meaning in Arabic & English

to cause trouble for somebody for a long time

  ∘ Examples of dog in Arabic and English

He has been dogged by misfortune for all of his life

عانى من سوء الحظّ طوال حياته

My grandpa was dogged by poverty

عانى جدّي من الفقر

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Messi has been dogged by injury for the whole season

عانى ميسّي من الإصابة لموسم كامل

  ∘ How to pronounce dog in English?

The word dog is pronounced in English as

4) dog -noun


  ∘ dog meaning in Arabic & English

a common animal with four legs, especially kept by people as a pet or to hunt or guard things

  ∘ Plural of كلب in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of dog in Arabic and English

Yesterday, I forgot to feed my dog

نسيت إطعام كلبي البارحة

The dog barking is loud

نباح الكلب عال

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I'll bug dog food tomorrow

سأشتري طعام الكلاب غدا

  ∘ How to pronounce dog in English?

The word dog is pronounced in English as



  ∘ dog meaning in Arabic & English

a male dog, fox or wolf

  ∘ Examples of dog in Arabic and English

I am afraid of dogs

أخشى الكلاب

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  ∘ dog meaning in Arabic & English

used especially after an adjective, to describe a man who has done something bad

  ∘ Examples of dog in Arabic and English

He is a rude god

إنّه كلب وقح



  ∘ dog meaning in Arabic & English

an offensive way of describing a women who is not considered attractive

  ∘ Examples of dog in Arabic and English

She has a face of a dog

وجهها كوجه الكلب

Arabic for dog

1) dog -


  ∘ dog meaning in Arabic & English

  ∘ Examples of dog in Arabic and English

He was dogging me all night until I called the police

كَانَ يَتَتَبَّعُنِيْ طَوَالَ اللَّيْلِ إِلَىْ أَنِ اتَّصَلْتُ بِالشُّرْطَةِ

  ∘ How to pronounce dog in English?

The word dog is pronounced in English as

2) dog -noun


  ∘ dog meaning in Arabic & English

a thing of a low quality

  ∘ Examples of dog in Arabic and English

  ∘ How to pronounce dog in English?

The word dog is pronounced in English as

3) dog -verb


  ∘ dog meaning in Arabic & English

to cause trouble for somebody for a long time

  ∘ Examples of dog in Arabic and English

He has been dogged by misfortune for all of his life

عَانَىْ مِنْ سُوْءِ الحَظِّ طَوَالَ حَيَاتِهِ

My grandpa was dogged by poverty

عَانَىْ جَدِّيَ مِنَ الفَقْرِ

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Messi has been dogged by injury for the whole season

عَانَىْ مِيْسِّيْ مِنَ الإِصَابَةِ لِمَوْسِمٍ كَامِلٍ

  ∘ How to pronounce dog in English?

The word dog is pronounced in English as

4) dog -noun


  ∘ dog meaning in Arabic & English

a common animal with four legs, especially kept by people as a pet or to hunt or guard things

  ∘ Plural of كَلْب in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of dog in Arabic and English

Yesterday, I forgot to feed my dog

نَسِيْتُ إِطْعَامَ كَلْبِيَ البَارِحَةَ

The dog barking is loud

نُبَاحُ الكَلْبِ عَالٍ

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I'll bug dog food tomorrow

سَأَشْتَرِيْ طَعَامَ الكِلَابِ غَدًا

  ∘ How to pronounce dog in English?

The word dog is pronounced in English as



  ∘ dog meaning in Arabic & English

a male dog, fox or wolf

  ∘ Examples of dog in Arabic and English

I am afraid of dogs

أَخْشَىْ الكِلَابَ

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  ∘ dog meaning in Arabic & English

used especially after an adjective, to describe a man who has done something bad

  ∘ Examples of dog in Arabic and English

He is a rude god

إِنَّهُ كَلْبٌ وَقِحٌ



  ∘ dog meaning in Arabic & English

an offensive way of describing a women who is not considered attractive

  ∘ Examples of dog in Arabic and English

She has a face of a dog

وَجْهُهَا كَوَجْهِ الكَلْبِ
