certain in Arabic

Meaning of certain in Arabic is: (مؤكّد، متأكّد، معيّن) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

certain in Arabic

Arabic for certain

1) certain-adj


  ∘ certain meaning in Arabic & English

that you can rely on to happen or to be true

مؤكّد أيّ موثوق به أو محتّم

  ∘ Examples of certain in Arabic and English

Their expectations about the case are certain.

توقعاتهم بخصوص القضيّة مؤكّدة.

It looks certain that he will achieve his aims.

يبدو أنه من المؤكّد سيحقق أهدافه.

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It is certain that he will never refuse the offer.

من المؤكّد أنه لن يرفض العرض.

  ∘ How to pronounce certain in English?

The word certain is pronounced in English as

2) certain-adj


  ∘ certain meaning in Arabic & English

firmly believing something; having no doubts

متأكّد من أمر ما أي ليس لديّه أيّ شكوك تجاهه و مؤمن أه سيتحقق

  ∘ Examples of certain in Arabic and English

He wasn't certain that he will meet the manager.

لم يكن متأكّد أنه سيقابل المدير.

She was certain that she had left her keys in the office.

كانت متأكّدة أنها تركت مفاتيحها في المكتب.

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They are absolutely certain that they will pass the exam.

إنهم متأكّدون بأنهم سيجتازوا الامتحان.

  ∘ How to pronounce certain in English?

The word certain is pronounced in English as

3) certain-adj


  ∘ certain meaning in Arabic & English

used to mention a particular thing, person, or group without giving any more details about it or them

شخص أو شيّء معيّن أيّ محدّد دون إعطاء أيّ تفاصيل

  ∘ Examples of certain in Arabic and English

There are Certain problems which are complex to solve.

هناك مشاكل معيّنة تكون معقّدة في حلّها.

I agree with you to a certain degree.

أتفق معك إلى درجة معيّنة.

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There is a certain importance in this process.

هناك أهميّة معيّنة في هذا النهج.

  ∘ How to pronounce certain in English?

The word certain is pronounced in English as

Arabic for certain

1) certain-adj


  ∘ certain meaning in Arabic & English

that you can rely on to happen or to be true

مؤكّد أيّ موثوق به أو محتّم

  ∘ Examples of certain in Arabic and English

Their expectations about the case are certain.

توقعاتهم بخصوص القضيّة مؤكّدة.

It looks certain that he will achieve his aims.

يبدو أنه من المؤكّد سيحقق أهدافه.

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It is certain that he will never refuse the offer.

من المؤكّد أنه لن يرفض العرض.

  ∘ How to pronounce certain in English?

The word certain is pronounced in English as

2) certain-adj


  ∘ certain meaning in Arabic & English

firmly believing something; having no doubts

متأكّد من أمر ما أي ليس لديّه أيّ شكوك تجاهه و مؤمن أه سيتحقق

  ∘ Examples of certain in Arabic and English

He wasn't certain that he will meet the manager.

لم يكن متأكّد أنه سيقابل المدير.

She was certain that she had left her keys in the office.

كانت متأكّدة أنها تركت مفاتيحها في المكتب.

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They are absolutely certain that they will pass the exam.

إنهم متأكّدون بأنهم سيجتازوا الامتحان.

  ∘ How to pronounce certain in English?

The word certain is pronounced in English as

3) certain-adj


  ∘ certain meaning in Arabic & English

used to mention a particular thing, person, or group without giving any more details about it or them

شخص أو شيّء معيّن أيّ محدّد دون إعطاء أيّ تفاصيل

  ∘ Examples of certain in Arabic and English

There are Certain problems which are complex to solve.

هناك مشاكل معيّنة تكون معقّدة في حلّها.

I agree with you to a certain degree.

أتفق معك إلى درجة معيّنة.

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There is a certain importance in this process.

هناك أهميّة معيّنة في هذا النهج.

  ∘ How to pronounce certain in English?

The word certain is pronounced in English as
