bridge in Arabic

Meaning of bridge in Arabic is: (جسر، علاقة) among others. This article contains pronunciation, examples, and more!

Arabic for bridge

1) bridge-noun


  ∘ bridge meaning in Arabic & English

[countable] a structure that is built over a road, railway, river, etc. so that people, vehicles, etc. can cross from one side to the other

الجسر هو ما يبنى فوق الطرقات أو الأنهار أو الخ..... ليعبر الناس أو وسائل النقل أو الخ....... من جهة لأخرى

  ∘ Plural of جسر in Arabic

أجسر جسور

  ∘ Examples of bridge in Arabic and English

The view from over the bridge is charming.

إن المنظر من على الجسر خلاب.

The crossed the bridge over the sea to reach the land.

عبروا الجسر فوق البحر ليصلوا إلى اليابسة.

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There was a hanging bridge over the Euphrates River in Deir- Alzour in Syria.

كان هناك جسر معلّق فوق نهر الفرات بمدينة دير الزور في سوريا.

  ∘ How to pronounce bridge in English?

The word bridge is pronounced in English as

2) bridge-noun


  ∘ bridge meaning in Arabic & English

[countable] a thing that provides a connection or contact between two different things

العلاقة هي الرابطة التي تربط بين شخصين أو شيّئين

  ∘ Examples of bridge in Arabic and English

Languages build bridges between any two cultures.

تبني اللغات علاقات بيّن أيّ ثقافتيّن.

Workshops can serve as a bridge between college and labour market.

يمكن لورشات العمل أن تخدم كعلاقة بيّن الكليّة و سوق العمل.

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A bridge should be built between school and community.

يجب أن تبنى علاقة بيّن المدرسة و المجتمع.

  ∘ How to pronounce bridge in English?

The word bridge is pronounced in English as

Arabic for bridge

1) bridge-noun


  ∘ bridge meaning in Arabic & English

[countable] a structure that is built over a road, railway, river, etc. so that people, vehicles, etc. can cross from one side to the other

الجسر هو ما يُبنى فوق الطرقات أو الأنهار أو الخ..... ليعبر الناس أو وسائل النقل أو الخ....... من جهة لأُخرى

  ∘ Plural of جسر in Arabic

أجسر جسور

  ∘ Examples of bridge in Arabic and English

The view from over the bridge is charming.

إن المنظر من على الجسر خلاب.

The crossed the bridge over the sea to reach the land.

عبروا الجسر فوق البحر ليصلوا إلى اليابسة.

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There was a hanging bridge over the Euphrates River in Deir- Alzour in Syria.

كان هناك جسر مُعلّق فوق نهر الفرات بمدينة دير الزور في سوريا.

  ∘ How to pronounce bridge in English?

The word bridge is pronounced in English as

2) bridge-noun


  ∘ bridge meaning in Arabic & English

[countable] a thing that provides a connection or contact between two different things

العلاقة هي الرابطة التي تربط بين شخصين أو شيّئين

  ∘ Examples of bridge in Arabic and English

Languages build bridges between any two cultures.

تبني اللغات علاقات بيّن أيّ ثقافتيّن.

Workshops can serve as a bridge between college and labour market.

يمكن لورشات العمل أن تخدم كعلاقة بيّن الكليّة و سوق العمل.

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A bridge should be built between school and community.

يجب أن تُبنى علاقة بيّن المدرسة و المجتمع.

  ∘ How to pronounce bridge in English?

The word bridge is pronounced in English as
