alcoholic in Arabic

Meaning of alcoholic in Arabic is: (سكير، مدمن خمر) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

alcoholic in Arabic

Arabic for alcoholic

1) alcoholic-noun


  ∘ alcoholic meaning in Arabic & English

a person who regularly drinks too much alcohol and cannot easily stop drinking, so that it has become an illness

السكير هو الشخص الذي يشرب الكحول بكثرة و لا يستطيع التوقف ننا يؤدي للإدمان

  ∘ Examples of alcoholic in Arabic and English

His uncle was an alcoholic.

طان عمّه سكير.

An alcoholic should not be allowed to drive.

يجب أن لا يسمح للسكير بقيادة السيّارة.

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He didn't get any job because he is an alcoholic.

لم يحصل على أيّ عمل لأنه سكير.

A new center was opened to help alcoholics to stop addiction.

أفتتح مركز جديد لمساعدة السكيرين للتوقف عن الإدمان.

  ∘ How to pronounce alcoholic in English?

The word alcoholic is pronounced in English as

2) alcoholic-noun

مدمن خمر-اسم

  ∘ alcoholic meaning in Arabic & English

a person who regularly drinks too much alcohol and cannot easily stop drinking, so that it has become an illness

مدمن الخمر هو الشخص الذي يشرب الكحول بكثرة و لا يستطيع التوقف ننا يؤدي للشرب المستمر

  ∘ Examples of alcoholic in Arabic and English

His uncle was an alcoholic.

كان عمّه مدمن خمر

An alcoholic should not be allowed to drive.

يجب أن لا يسمح لمدمن الخمر بقيادة السيّارة.

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He didn't get any job because he is an alcoholic.

لم يحصل على أيّ عمل لأنه مدمن خمر.

A new center was opened to help alcoholics to stop addiction.

أفتتح مركز جديد لمساعدة مدمني خمر للتوقف عن الإدمان.

  ∘ How to pronounce alcoholic in English?

The word alcoholic is pronounced in English as

Arabic for alcoholic

1) alcoholic-noun


  ∘ alcoholic meaning in Arabic & English

a person who regularly drinks too much alcohol and cannot easily stop drinking, so that it has become an illness

السكير هو الشخص الذي يشرب الكحول بكثرة و لا يستطيع التوقف ننا يؤدي للإدمان

  ∘ Examples of alcoholic in Arabic and English

His uncle was an alcoholic.

طان عمّه سكير.

An alcoholic should not be allowed to drive.

يجب أن لا يُسمح للسكير بقيادة السيّارة.

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He didn't get any job because he is an alcoholic.

لم يحصل على أيّ عمل لأنه سكير.

A new center was opened to help alcoholics to stop addiction.

أُفتتح مركز جديد لمساعدة السكيرين للتوقف عن الإدمان.

  ∘ How to pronounce alcoholic in English?

The word alcoholic is pronounced in English as

2) alcoholic-noun

مدمن خمر-اسم

  ∘ alcoholic meaning in Arabic & English

a person who regularly drinks too much alcohol and cannot easily stop drinking, so that it has become an illness

مدمن الخمر هو الشخص الذي يشرب الكحول بكثرة و لا يستطيع التوقف ننا يؤدي للشرب المستمر

  ∘ Examples of alcoholic in Arabic and English

His uncle was an alcoholic.

كان عمّه مدمن خمر

An alcoholic should not be allowed to drive.

يجب أن لا يُسمح لمدمن الخمر بقيادة السيّارة.

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He didn't get any job because he is an alcoholic.

لم يحصل على أيّ عمل لأنه مدمن خمر.

A new center was opened to help alcoholics to stop addiction.

أُفتتح مركز جديد لمساعدة مدمني خمر للتوقف عن الإدمان.

  ∘ How to pronounce alcoholic in English?

The word alcoholic is pronounced in English as
