فخور in English

Meaning of فخور in English is: (proud) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

فخور بالانجليزي

English for فخور


1) proud-adj


  ∘ فخور meaning in English & Arabic

feeling pleased and satisfied about something that you own or have done, or are connected with

الشعور بالرضا والسعادة تجاه شيء تمتلكه أو قمت به، أو أنت مرتبط به

  ∘ Examples of فخور in English and Arabic

He is proud of his new car.

هو فخور بسيارته الجديدة.

She was proud to have graduated top of her class.

كانت فخورة بتخرجها في صدارة فصلها.

More Examples

The proud parents showed off their baby to everyone.

عرض الوالدان الفخوران طفلهما على الجميع.

He felt proud of his achievements.

شعر أنه فخور تجاه إنجازاته.

They are proud of their heritage.

هم فخورون بتراثهم.

She was too proud to admit her mistake.

كانت فخورة جدا لتعترف بخطئها.

  ∘ How to pronounce فخور in English?

proud is pronounced in English as

English for فخور


1) proud-adj


  ∘ فخور meaning in English & Arabic

feeling pleased and satisfied about something that you own or have done, or are connected with

الشعور بالرضا والسعادة تجاه شيء تمتلكه أو قمت به، أو أنت مرتبط به

  ∘ Examples of فخور in English and Arabic

He is proud of his new car.

هو فخور بسيارته الجديدة.

She was proud to have graduated top of her class.

كانت فخورة بتخرجها في صدارة فصلها.

More Examples

The proud parents showed off their baby to everyone.

عرض الوالدان الفخوران طفلهما على الجميع.

He felt proud of his achievements.

شعر أنه فخور تجاه إنجازاته.

They are proud of their heritage.

هم فخورون بتراثهم.

She was too proud to admit her mistake.

كانت فخورة جدًا لتعترف بخطئها.

  ∘ How to pronounce فخور in English?

proud is pronounced in English as
