واجب in English

Meaning of واجب in English is: (assignment, duty, homework) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

واجب بالانجليزي

English for واجب


1) assignment-noun


  ∘ واجب meaning in English & Arabic

[countable] a task or piece of work that somebody is given to do, usually as part of their job or studies

الواجب هو الفعل أو العمل الذي يتوجب عليّنا القيّام به

  ∘ Examples of واجب in English and Arabic

I've been working to finish my assignment all the day.

عملت طوال النهار لأنهي واجبي.

They were given an assignment on history.

أعطيوا واجب في التاريخ.

More Examples

They asked the teacher how much time the assignment will take.

سألوا المعلمة كم من الوقت يحتاج الواجب.

  ∘ How to pronounce واجب in English?

assignment is pronounced in English as

2) duty-N


  ∘ واجب meaning in English & Arabic

something that you feel you have to do because it is your moral or legal responsibility

شيء تشعر أن عليك القيام به لأنه مسؤوليتك الأخلاقية أو القانونية

  ∘ Examples of واجب in English and Arabic

Paying taxes is a legal duty.

دفع الضرائب واجب قانوني.

Helping others is a moral duty.

مساعدة الآخرين واجب أخلاقي.

More Examples

He resigned from his duties.

استقال من واجباته.

She fulfilled her duty as a mother.

قامت بواجبها كأم.

The duties of a teacher extend beyond the classroom.

تتعدى واجبات المعلم الفصل الدراسي.

Officers are on duty 24/7.

يقوم الضباط بالواجب على مدار الساعة.

3) homework-n


  ∘ واجب meaning in English & Arabic

work that is given by teachers for students to do at home

عمل يعطيه المعلمون للطلاب ليقوموا به في المنزل

  ∘ Examples of واجب in English and Arabic

I have a lot of homework to do tonight.

لدي الكثير من الواجبات لأقوم بها الليلة.

She finished her homework before dinner.

أنهت واجبها المنزلي قبل العشاء.

More Examples

Math homework is difficult for him.

واجب الرياضيات صعبا بالنسبة له.

The teacher assigned us homework over the weekend.

أعطانا المعلم واجبا لعطلة نهاية الأسبوع.

Can we work together on the science homework?

هل يمكن أن نعمل معا على واجب العلوم؟

They complained about having too much homework.

اشتكوا من الواجبات الكثيرة.

English for واجب


1) assignment-noun


  ∘ واجب meaning in English & Arabic

[countable] a task or piece of work that somebody is given to do, usually as part of their job or studies

الواجب هو الفعل أو العمل الذي يتوجب عليّنا القيّام به

  ∘ Examples of واجب in English and Arabic

I've been working to finish my assignment all the day.

عملت طوال النهار لأنهي واجبي.

They were given an assignment on history.

أُعطيوا واجب في التاريخ.

More Examples

They asked the teacher how much time the assignment will take.

سألوا المعلمة كم من الوقت يحتاج الواجب.

  ∘ How to pronounce واجب in English?

assignment is pronounced in English as

2) duty-N


  ∘ واجب meaning in English & Arabic

something that you feel you have to do because it is your moral or legal responsibility

شيء تشعر أن عليك القيام به لأنه مسؤوليتك الأخلاقية أو القانونية

  ∘ Examples of واجب in English and Arabic

Paying taxes is a legal duty.

دفع الضرائب واجب قانوني.

Helping others is a moral duty.

مساعدة الآخرين واجب أخلاقي.

More Examples

He resigned from his duties.

استقال من واجباته.

She fulfilled her duty as a mother.

قامت بواجبها كأم.

The duties of a teacher extend beyond the classroom.

تتعدى واجبات المعلم الفصل الدراسي.

Officers are on duty 24/7.

يقوم الضباط بالواجب على مدار الساعة.

3) homework-n


  ∘ واجب meaning in English & Arabic

work that is given by teachers for students to do at home

عمل يعطيه المعلمون للطلاب ليقوموا به في المنزل

  ∘ Examples of واجب in English and Arabic

I have a lot of homework to do tonight.

لدي الكثير من الواجبات لأقوم بها الليلة.

She finished her homework before dinner.

أنهت واجبها المنزلي قبل العشاء.

More Examples

Math homework is difficult for him.

واجب الرياضيات صعبًا بالنسبة له.

The teacher assigned us homework over the weekend.

أعطانا المعلم واجبًا لعطلة نهاية الأسبوع.

Can we work together on the science homework?

هل يمكن أن نعمل معًا على واجب العلوم؟

They complained about having too much homework.

اشتكوا من الواجبات الكثيرة.
