هَجومي in English

Meaning of هَجومي in English is: (offensive) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

هَجومي بالانجليزي

English for هجومي


1) offensive-adj


  ∘ هجوميّ meaning in English & Arabic

rude in a way that causes somebody to feel upset or annoyed because it shows a lack of respect

فظ في طريقة تجعل الشخص يشعر بالضيق أو الاستياء لأنه يظهر عدم احترام

  ∘ Examples of هجوميّ in English and Arabic

His comment was highly offensive.

كان تعليقه هجوميا للغاية.

Offensive language should be avoided.

يجب تجنب اللغة الهجومية.

More Examples

The joke was considered offensive.

اعتبرت النكتة هجومية.

She found his remarks deeply offensive.

وجدت تعليقاته هجومية بعمق.

Using offensive gestures is inappropriate.

استخدام الإيماءات الهجومية غير مناسب.

He apologized for his offensive behavior.

اعتذر عن سلوكه الهجومي.

  ∘ How to pronounce هجوميّ in English?

offensive is pronounced in English as

English for هَجومي


1) offensive-adj


  ∘ هُجُوْمِيّ meaning in English & Arabic

rude in a way that causes somebody to feel upset or annoyed because it shows a lack of respect

فظ في طريقة تجعل الشخص يشعر بالضيق أو الاستياء لأنه يظهر عدم احترام

  ∘ Examples of هُجُوْمِيّ in English and Arabic

His comment was highly offensive.

كان تعليقه هَجوميًا للغاية.

Offensive language should be avoided.

يجب تجنب اللغة الهَجومية.

More Examples

The joke was considered offensive.

اعتُبرت النكتة هَجومية.

She found his remarks deeply offensive.

وجدت تعليقاته هَجومية بعمق.

Using offensive gestures is inappropriate.

استخدام الإيماءات الهَجومية غير مناسب.

He apologized for his offensive behavior.

اعتذر عن سلوكه الهَجومي.

  ∘ How to pronounce هُجُوْمِيّ in English?

offensive is pronounced in English as
