مقاومة in English

Meaning of مقاومة in English is: (resistance) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

مقاومة بالانجليزي

English for مقاومة


1) resistance -noun


  ∘ مقاومة meaning in English & Arabic

[uncountable, singular] dislike of or opposition to a plan, an idea, etc.; the act of refusing to obey

المقاومة هي المعارضة لخطّة أو مخطّط أو مشروع

  ∘ Examples of مقاومة in English and Arabic

The scheme was met with fierce resistance

ووجه المخطّط بمقاومة شرسة

Resistance to change had destroyed the kingdom

دمّرت مقاومة التّغيير المملكة

More Examples

The feminist movement mounted substantial resistance to the bill

قاومت الحركة النّسويّة مشروع القانون مقاومة شديدة

  ∘ How to pronounce مقاومة in English?

resistance is pronounced in English as



  ∘ مقاومة meaning in English & Arabic

[uncountable, singular] the act of using force to oppose somebody/something

المقاومة هو استخدام القوّة أو العنف لمعارضة شخص أو شيء ما

  ∘ Examples of مقاومة in English and Arabic

The occupation was met with massive armed resistance

ووجه الاحتلال بمقاومة مسلّحة شعواء

He put up strong resistance to soldiers

قاوم (= أبدى ل) الجنود مقاومة شديدة

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The opposition troops offered no resistance

لم تبد قوّات المعارضة أيّ مقاومة

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  ∘ مقاومة meaning in English & Arabic

[uncountable, singular] resistance (to something) the power not to be affected by something

المقاومة هي المناعة أو القدرة على مواجهة شيء محدّد كالمرض ونحوه

  ∘ Examples of مقاومة in English and Arabic

the body's resistance to disease

مقاومة الجسد للأمراض

disease resistance

مقاومة المرض

More Examples

Resistance to antibiotics

مقاومة المضادّات الحيويّة



  ∘ مقاومة meaning in English & Arabic

​[uncountable, singular] resistance (to something) a force that stops something moving or makes it move more slowly

المقاومة هي القوّة الّتي توقف شيئا ما أو تعرقل حركته

  ∘ Examples of مقاومة in English and Arabic

air resistance

مقاومة الهواء

wind resistance

مقاومة الرّياح



  ∘ مقاومة meaning in English & Arabic

​[uncountable, countable] (physics) (symbol R) the opposition of a substance or device to the flow of an electrical current

المقاومة هي قدرة المادّة على ممانعة مرور التّيّار الكهربائيّ عبرها

  ∘ Examples of مقاومة in English and Arabic

Copper has low er resistance than aluminum

مقاومة النّحاس (لمرور التّيّار) أقلّ من الألمينيوم



  ∘ مقاومة meaning in English & Arabic

(often the Resistance) [singular + singular or plural verb] a secret organization that resists the authorities, especially in a country that an enemy has control of

المقاومة هي منظّمة أو مجموعة منظّمة تقاوم الاحتلال ونحوه في دولة ما

  ∘ Examples of مقاومة in English and Arabic

Ten resistance fighters were hanged yesterday

شنق عشرة من المقاومة ( عشرة مقاومين) أمس

English for مقاومة


1) resistance -noun


  ∘ مُقَاوَمَة meaning in English & Arabic

[uncountable, singular] dislike of or opposition to a plan, an idea, etc.; the act of refusing to obey

المُقَاوَمَةُ هِيَ المُعَارَضَةُ لِخُطَّةٍ أَوْ مُخَطَّطٍ أَوْ مَشْرُوْعٍ

  ∘ Examples of مُقَاوَمَة in English and Arabic

The scheme was met with fierce resistance

وُوْجِهَ المُخَطَّطُ بِمُقَاوَمَةٍ شَرِسَةٍ

Resistance to change had destroyed the kingdom

دَمَّرَتْ مُقَاوَمَةُ التَّغْيِيْرِ المَمْلَكَةِ

More Examples

The feminist movement mounted substantial resistance to the bill

قَاوَمَتِ الحَرَكَةُ النَّسَوِيَّةُ مَشْرُوْعَ القَانُوْنِ مُقَاوَمَةً شَدِيْدَةً

  ∘ How to pronounce مُقَاوَمَة in English?

resistance is pronounced in English as



  ∘ مُقَاوَمَة meaning in English & Arabic

[uncountable, singular] the act of using force to oppose somebody/something

المُقَاوَمَةُ هُوَ اسْتِخْدَامُ القُوَّةِ أَوِ العُنْفِ لِمُعَارَضَةِ شَخْصٍ أَوْ شَيْءٍ مَا

  ∘ Examples of مُقَاوَمَة in English and Arabic

The occupation was met with massive armed resistance

وُوْجِهَ الِاحْتِلَالُ بِمُقَاوَمَةٍ مُسَلَّحَةٍ شَعْوَاءَ

He put up strong resistance to soldiers

قَاوَمَ (= أَبْدَىْ لِ) الجُنُوْدَ مُقَاوَمَةً شَدِيْدَةً

More Examples

The opposition troops offered no resistance

لَمْ تُبْدِ قُوَّاتُ المُعَارَضَةِ أَيَّ مُقَاوَمَةٍ

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  ∘ مُقَاوَمَة meaning in English & Arabic

[uncountable, singular] resistance (to something) the power not to be affected by something

المُقَاوَمَةُ هِيَ المَنَاعَةُ أَوِ القُدْرَةُ عَلَىْ مُوَاجَهَةِ شَيْءٍ مُحَدَّدٍ كَالمَرَضِ وَنَحْوِهِ

  ∘ Examples of مُقَاوَمَة in English and Arabic

the body's resistance to disease

مُقَاوَمَةُ الجَسَدِ لِلْأَمْرَاضِ

disease resistance

مُقَاوَمَةُ المَرَضِ

More Examples

Resistance to antibiotics

مُقَاوَمَةُ المُضَادَّاتِ الحَيَوِيَّةِ



  ∘ مُقَاوَمَة meaning in English & Arabic

​[uncountable, singular] resistance (to something) a force that stops something moving or makes it move more slowly

المُقَاوَمَةُ هِيَ القُوَّةُ الَّتِيْ تُوْقِفُ شَيْئًا مَا أَوْ تُعَرْقِلُ حَرَكَتَهُ

  ∘ Examples of مُقَاوَمَة in English and Arabic

air resistance

مُقَاوَمَةُ الهَوَاءِ

wind resistance

مُقَاوَمَةُ الرِّيَاحِ



  ∘ مُقَاوَمَة meaning in English & Arabic

​[uncountable, countable] (physics) (symbol R) the opposition of a substance or device to the flow of an electrical current

المُقَاوَمَةُ هِيَ قُدْرَةُ المَادَّةِ عَلَىْ مُمَانَعَةِ مُرُوْرِ التَّيَّارِ الكَهْرُبَائِيِّ عَبْرَهَا

  ∘ Examples of مُقَاوَمَة in English and Arabic

Copper has low er resistance than aluminum

مُقَاوَمَةُ النُّحَاسِ (لِمُرُوْرِ التَّيَّارِ) أَقَلُّ مِنَ الأَلَمِيْنْيُوْمِ



  ∘ مُقَاوَمَة meaning in English & Arabic

(often the Resistance) [singular + singular or plural verb] a secret organization that resists the authorities, especially in a country that an enemy has control of

المُقَاوَمَةُ هِيَ مُنَظَّمَةٌ أَوْ مَجْمُوْعَةٌ مُنَظَّمَةٌ تُقَاوِمُ الِاحْتِلَالَ وَنَحْوَهُ فِيْ دَوْلَةٍ مَا

  ∘ Examples of مُقَاوَمَة in English and Arabic

Ten resistance fighters were hanged yesterday

شُنِقَ عَشَرَةٌ مِنَ المُقَاوَمَةِ ( عَشَرَةُ مُقَاوِمِيْنَ) أَمْسَ
