scheme in Arabic

Meaning of scheme in Arabic is: (مخطط) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

scheme in Arabic

Arabic for scheme

1) scheme-noun


  ∘ scheme meaning in Arabic & English

a plan or system for doing or organizing something

خطة أو نظام للقيام بشيء ما أو تنظيمه

  ∘ Examples of scheme in Arabic and English

They devised a scheme to reduce carbon emissions.

ابتكروا مخططا لتقليل انبعاثات الكربون.

The government introduced a new housing scheme.

أدخلت الحكومة مخططا جديدا للإسكان.

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Their scheme involved collaborating with local businesses.

تضمن مخططهم التعاون مع الأعمال التجارية المحلية.

She revealed her scheme for organizing the conference.

كشفت عن مخططها لتنظيم المؤتمر.

They launched a marketing scheme to attract more customers.

بدأوا مخططا تسويقيا لجذب المزيد من العملاء.

The new schemes were implemented to improve productivity.

تم تنفيذ المخططات الجديدة لتحسين الإنتاجية.

  ∘ How to pronounce scheme in English?

The word scheme is pronounced in English as

Arabic for scheme

1) scheme-noun


  ∘ scheme meaning in Arabic & English

a plan or system for doing or organizing something

خطة أو نظام للقيام بشيء ما أو تنظيمه

  ∘ Examples of scheme in Arabic and English

They devised a scheme to reduce carbon emissions.

ابتكروا مخططًا لتقليل انبعاثات الكربون.

The government introduced a new housing scheme.

أدخلت الحكومة مخططًا جديدًا للإسكان.

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Their scheme involved collaborating with local businesses.

تضمن مخططهم التعاون مع الأعمال التجارية المحلية.

She revealed her scheme for organizing the conference.

كشفت عن مخططها لتنظيم المؤتمر.

They launched a marketing scheme to attract more customers.

بدأوا مخططًا تسويقيًا لجذب المزيد من العملاء.

The new schemes were implemented to improve productivity.

تم تنفيذ المخططات الجديدة لتحسين الإنتاجية.

  ∘ How to pronounce scheme in English?

The word scheme is pronounced in English as
