مخيف in English

Meaning of مخيف in English is: (frightening, ugly, scary) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

مخيف بالانجليزي

English for مخيف


1) frightening-adj


  ∘ مخيف meaning in English & Arabic

making you feel afraid

يجعلك تشعر بالخوف

  ∘ Examples of مخيف in English and Arabic

The news was quite frightening.

كان الخبر مخيفا جدا.

A frightening story can keep you awake at night.

قصة مخيفة يمكن أن تبقيك مستيقظا ليلا.

More Examples

The silence was more frightening than the screams.

كان الصمت مخيفا أكثر من الصراخ.

Frightening scenes in movies can affect children.

يمكن أن تؤثر المشاهد المخيفة في الأفلام على الأطفال.

The idea of being lost in the woods is frightening.

فكرة الضياع في الغابة مخيفة.

He told a frightening tale of ghosts and goblins.

روى قصة مخيفة عن الأشباح والعفاريت.

  ∘ How to pronounce مخيف in English?

frightening is pronounced in English as

2) ugly -adj


  ∘ مخيف meaning in English & Arabic

used to describe an event or a situation that is very bad and violent, which makes you feel frightened or threatened

  ∘ Examples of مخيف in English and Arabic

An ugly train accident in which 100 person killed

حادث قطار مخيف قتل فيه 100 شخص

Ugly incidents

حوداث مخيفة

More Examples

Had you watched the ugly scenes of slaughtering kid by armed militias

هل شاهدت المشاهد المخيفة لذبح الأطفال على أيد الميليشيّات المسلّحة؟

  ∘ How to pronounce مخيف in English?

ugly is pronounced in English as

3) scary-adj


  ∘ مخيف meaning in English & Arabic


يثير الخوف

  ∘ Examples of مخيف in English and Arabic

The haunted house looks scary.

يبدو المنزل المسكون مخيفا.

Her scary face made the children cry.

جعل وجهها المخيف الأطفال يبكون.

More Examples

He told a scary story.

حكى قصة مخيفة.

Scary movies often have surprises.

غالبا ما تحتوي الأفلام المخيفة على مفاجآت.

That scary noise is just the wind.

هذا الصوت المخيف مجرد الرياح.

Scary dreams can disturb sleep.

يمكن للأحلام المخيفة أن تعكر النوم.

  ∘ How to pronounce مخيف in English?

scary is pronounced in English as

English for مخيف


1) frightening-adj


  ∘ مخيف meaning in English & Arabic

making you feel afraid

يجعلك تشعر بالخوف

  ∘ Examples of مخيف in English and Arabic

The news was quite frightening.

كان الخبر مخيفًا جدًا.

A frightening story can keep you awake at night.

قصة مخيفة يمكن أن تبقيك مستيقظًا ليلا.

More Examples

The silence was more frightening than the screams.

كان الصمت مخيفاً أكثر من الصراخ.

Frightening scenes in movies can affect children.

يمكن أن تؤثر المشاهد المخيفة في الأفلام على الأطفال.

The idea of being lost in the woods is frightening.

فكرة الضياع في الغابة مخيفة.

He told a frightening tale of ghosts and goblins.

روى قصة مخيفة عن الأشباح والعفاريت.

  ∘ How to pronounce مخيف in English?

frightening is pronounced in English as

2) ugly -adj


  ∘ مُخِيْف meaning in English & Arabic

used to describe an event or a situation that is very bad and violent, which makes you feel frightened or threatened

  ∘ Examples of مُخِيْف in English and Arabic

An ugly train accident in which 100 person killed

حَادِثُ قِطَارٍ مُخِيْفٌ قُتِلَ فِيْهِ 100 شَخْصٍ

Ugly incidents

حَوَدِاثٌ مُخِيْفَةٌ

More Examples

Had you watched the ugly scenes of slaughtering kid by armed militias

هَلْ شَاهَدْتَ المَشَاهِدَ المُخِيْفَةُ لِذَبْحِ الأَطْفَالِ عَلَىْ أَيْدِ المِيْلِيْشِيَّاتِ المُسَلَّحَةِ؟

  ∘ How to pronounce مُخِيْف in English?

ugly is pronounced in English as

3) scary-adj


  ∘ مخيف meaning in English & Arabic


يثير الخوف

  ∘ Examples of مخيف in English and Arabic

The haunted house looks scary.

يبدو المنزل المسكون مخيفا.

Her scary face made the children cry.

جعل وجهها المخيف الأطفال يبكون.

More Examples

He told a scary story.

حكى قصة مخيفة.

Scary movies often have surprises.

غالبا ما تحتوي الأفلام المخيفة على مفاجآت.

That scary noise is just the wind.

هذا الصوت المخيف مجرد الرياح.

Scary dreams can disturb sleep.

يمكن للأحلام المخيفة أن تعكر النوم.

  ∘ How to pronounce مخيف in English?

scary is pronounced in English as
