affect in Arabic

Meaning of affect in Arabic is: (أثّر، تأثّر، تظاهر) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

Arabic for affect

1) affect-verb


  ∘ affect meaning in Arabic & English

to produce a change in somebody/something

أثّر فيه أي ترك فيه أثرا و أظهر تغيير في شخص ما أو شيء ما

Click to show conjugation of أثّر

  ∘ أثّر past tense conjugation in Arabic

أثّر أثّرت أثّروا

  ∘ أثّر present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic

يؤثّر تؤثّر يؤثّرون

  ∘ أثّر imperative mood conjugation in Arabic

أثّر أثّري أثّروا

  ∘ Examples of affect in Arabic and English

These changes will affect us.

ستؤثّر هذه التغيرات قينا.

Smoking affects peoples life.

يؤثّر التدخين في حياه الناس.

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Stress affected his concentration.

أثّر التوتر في تركيزه.

Global warming affects our lives.

يؤثّر الاحتباس الحراري في حياتنا.

  ∘ How to pronounce affect in English?

The word affect is pronounced in English as



  ∘ affect meaning in Arabic & English

to produce a change in somebody/something

أّثّر عليّه أي حاول إقناعه أو أحدث تغيير في شخص ما أو شيء ما

Click to show conjugation of أّثّر

  ∘ أّثّر past tense conjugation in Arabic

أّثّر أّثّرت أّثّروا

  ∘ أّثّر imperative mood conjugation in Arabic

أّثّر أّثّري أّثّروا

  ∘ Examples of affect in Arabic and English

Her opinion will not affect my decision.

سوف لن يؤثّر رأيّها على قراري.

His point of view affected us.

أثّرت وجهة نظره عليّنا.

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Whatever they did, they didn't affect her.

لم يؤثّر كل ما فعلوه عليّها.

The discussion in the meeting affected the manager's decision.

أثّرت المناقشة في الاجتماع على قرار المدير.

  ∘ How to pronounce affect in English?

The word affect is pronounced in English as

2) affect-verb


  ∘ affect meaning in Arabic & English

to make somebody feel very sad, sorry, etc. about somebody/something

تأثّر بالشيء أيّ شعر بأثر في نفسه مثل الشعور بالحزن أو الأسف على شخص ما أو شيء ما

Click to show conjugation of تأثّر

  ∘ تأثّر past tense conjugation in Arabic

تأثّر تأثّرت تأثّروا

  ∘ تأثّر present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic

يتأثّر تتأثّر يتأثّرون

  ∘ تأثّر imperative mood conjugation in Arabic

تأثّر تأثّري تأثّروا

  ∘ Examples of affect in Arabic and English

Her death affected them deeply.

تأثّروا بموتها.

His mother illness affected him.

تأثّر بمرض أمه.

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Don't let what happened affects you.

لا تتأثّر بما حدث.

The accident which happened to his brother will affect him.

سيتأثّر بالحادث الذي حصل لأخيه.

  ∘ How to pronounce affect in English?

The word affect is pronounced in English as

3) affect-verb


  ∘ affect meaning in Arabic & English

to pretend to be feeling or thinking something

تظاهر بشيء أي أظهر حاله على عكس ما هو عليّه

Click to show conjugation of تظاهر

  ∘ تظاهر past tense conjugation in Arabic

تظاهر تظاهرت تظاهروا

  ∘ تظاهر present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic

يتظاهر تتظاهر يتظاهرون

  ∘ تظاهر imperative mood conjugation in Arabic

تظاهر تظاهري تظاهروا

  ∘ Examples of affect in Arabic and English

She affected an interest she did not feel.

تظاهرت بالاهتمام الذي لم تكن تشعر به.

He doesn't love her, though he affects it.

لا يحبها بالرغم من أنه يتظاهر به.

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Sami will affect to his family that every thing is fine.

سيتظاهر سامي أمام عائلته أن كل شيء على ما يرام.

She affects a feeling of dislike to the rich, but in fact she likes to be rich.

تتظاهر بكرهها للأغنياء، لكنها في الحقيقة تحب أن تكون غنيّة.

  ∘ How to pronounce affect in English?

The word affect is pronounced in English as

4) affect-verb


  ∘ affect meaning in Arabic & English

to produce a change in somebody/something

غيّره أي جعله على غير ما كان عليّه

Click to show conjugation of غيّر

  ∘ غيّر past tense conjugation in Arabic

غيّر غيّرت غيّروا

  ∘ غيّر present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic

يغيّر تغيّر يغيّرون

  ∘ غيّر imperative mood conjugation in Arabic

غيّر غيّري غيّروا

  ∘ Examples of affect in Arabic and English

His opinion will not affect my decision.

لن يغيّر رأيه قراري.

The problem affected her behaviour.

غيّرت المشكلة سلوكهاز

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Her point of view affected the system of the work.

غيّرت وجهة نظرها نظام العمل.

His parents' decision affected the rout of his future .

غيّر قرار أهله مسار مستقبله.

  ∘ How to pronounce affect in English?

The word affect is pronounced in English as

5) affect-verb


  ∘ affect meaning in Arabic & English

to attack somebody or a part of the body; to make somebody become ill

هاجم المرض شخص ما أي اندفع نحوه فجأة و أصاب جسده أو جزء منه

Click to show conjugation of هاجم

  ∘ هاجم past tense conjugation in Arabic

هاجم هاجمت هاجموا

  ∘ هاجم present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic

يهاجم تهاجم يهاجمون

  ∘ هاجم imperative mood conjugation in Arabic

هاجم هاجمي هاجموا

  ∘ Examples of affect in Arabic and English

The disease affected her.

هاجمها المرض.

He was affected by a heart attack.

هاجمته نوبة قلبيّة.

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She died after cancer affected her.

ماتت بعد أن هاجمها مرض السرطان.

A dangerous disease affected the people in that area.

هاجم مرض خطير الناس في تلك المنطقة.

  ∘ How to pronounce affect in English?

The word affect is pronounced in English as

Arabic for affect

1) affect-verb


  ∘ affect meaning in Arabic & English

to produce a change in somebody/something

أثّر فيه أي ترك فيه أثراً و أظهر تغيير في شخص ما أو شيء ما

Click to show conjugation of أثّر

  ∘ أثّر past tense conjugation in Arabic

أثّر أثّرت أثّروا

  ∘ أثّر present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic

يؤثّر تؤثّر يؤثّرون

  ∘ أثّر imperative mood conjugation in Arabic

أثّر أثّري أثّروا

  ∘ Examples of affect in Arabic and English

These changes will affect us.

ستؤثّر هذه التغيرات قينا.

Smoking affects peoples life.

يؤثّر التدخين في حياه الناس.

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Stress affected his concentration.

أثّر التوتر في تركيزه.

Global warming affects our lives.

يؤثّر الاحتباس الحراري في حياتنا.

  ∘ How to pronounce affect in English?

The word affect is pronounced in English as



  ∘ affect meaning in Arabic & English

to produce a change in somebody/something

أُّثّر عليّه أي حاول إقناعه أو أحدث تغيير في شخص ما أو شيء ما

Click to show conjugation of أُّثّر

  ∘ أُّثّر past tense conjugation in Arabic

أُّثّر أُّثّرت أُّثّروا

  ∘ أُّثّر imperative mood conjugation in Arabic

أُّثّر أُّثّري أُّثّروا

  ∘ Examples of affect in Arabic and English

Her opinion will not affect my decision.

سوف لن يؤثّر رأيّها على قراري.

His point of view affected us.

أثّرت وجهة نظره عليّنا.

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Whatever they did, they didn't affect her.

لم يؤثّر كل ما فعلوه عليّها.

The discussion in the meeting affected the manager's decision.

أثّرت المناقشة في الاجتماع على قرار المدير.

  ∘ How to pronounce affect in English?

The word affect is pronounced in English as

2) affect-verb


  ∘ affect meaning in Arabic & English

to make somebody feel very sad, sorry, etc. about somebody/something

تأثّر بالشيء أيّ شعر بأثر في نفسه مثل الشعور بالحزن أو الأسف على شخص ما أو شيء ما

Click to show conjugation of تأثّر

  ∘ تأثّر past tense conjugation in Arabic

تأثّر تأثّرت تأثّروا

  ∘ تأثّر present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic

يتأثّر تتأثّر يتأثّرون

  ∘ تأثّر imperative mood conjugation in Arabic

تأثّر تأثّري تأثّروا

  ∘ Examples of affect in Arabic and English

Her death affected them deeply.

تأثّروا بموتها.

His mother illness affected him.

تأثّر بمرض أمه.

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Don't let what happened affects you.

لا تتأثّر بما حدث.

The accident which happened to his brother will affect him.

سيتأثّر بالحادث الذي حصل لأخيه.

  ∘ How to pronounce affect in English?

The word affect is pronounced in English as

3) affect-verb


  ∘ affect meaning in Arabic & English

to pretend to be feeling or thinking something

تظاهر بشيء أي أظهر حاله على عكس ما هو عليّه

Click to show conjugation of تظاهر

  ∘ تظاهر past tense conjugation in Arabic

تظاهر تظاهرت تظاهروا

  ∘ تظاهر present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic

يتظاهر تتظاهر يتظاهرون

  ∘ تظاهر imperative mood conjugation in Arabic

تظاهر تظاهري تظاهروا

  ∘ Examples of affect in Arabic and English

She affected an interest she did not feel.

تظاهرت بالاهتمام الذي لم تكن تشعر به.

He doesn't love her, though he affects it.

لا يحبها بالرغم من أنه يتظاهر به.

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Sami will affect to his family that every thing is fine.

سيتظاهر سامي أمام عائلته أن كل شيء على ما يرام.

She affects a feeling of dislike to the rich, but in fact she likes to be rich.

تتظاهر بكرهها للأغنياء، لكنها في الحقيقة تحب أن تكون غنيّة.

  ∘ How to pronounce affect in English?

The word affect is pronounced in English as

4) affect-verb


  ∘ affect meaning in Arabic & English

to produce a change in somebody/something

غيّره أي جعله على غير ما كان عليّه

Click to show conjugation of غيّر

  ∘ غيّر past tense conjugation in Arabic

غيّر غيّرت غيّروا

  ∘ غيّر present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic

يغيّر تغيّر يغيّرون

  ∘ غيّر imperative mood conjugation in Arabic

غيّر غيّري غيّروا

  ∘ Examples of affect in Arabic and English

His opinion will not affect my decision.

لن يغيّر رأيه قراري.

The problem affected her behaviour.

غيّرت المشكلة سلوكهاز

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Her point of view affected the system of the work.

غيّرت وجهة نظرها نظام العمل.

His parents' decision affected the rout of his future .

غيّر قرار أهله مسار مستقبله.

  ∘ How to pronounce affect in English?

The word affect is pronounced in English as

5) affect-verb


  ∘ affect meaning in Arabic & English

to attack somebody or a part of the body; to make somebody become ill

هاجم المرض شخص ما أي اندفع نحوه فجأة و أصاب جسده أو جزء منه

Click to show conjugation of هاجم

  ∘ هاجم past tense conjugation in Arabic

هاجم هاجمت هاجموا

  ∘ هاجم present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic

يهاجم تهاجم يهاجمون

  ∘ هاجم imperative mood conjugation in Arabic

هاجم هاجمي هاجموا

  ∘ Examples of affect in Arabic and English

The disease affected her.

هاجمها المرض.

He was affected by a heart attack.

هاجمته نوبة قلبيّة.

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She died after cancer affected her.

ماتت بعد أن هاجمها مرض السرطان.

A dangerous disease affected the people in that area.

هاجم مرض خطير الناس في تلك المنطقة.

  ∘ How to pronounce affect in English?

The word affect is pronounced in English as
