قفزة in English

Meaning of قفزة in English is: (boom, leap, spring) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

قفزة بالانجليزي

English for قفزة


1) boom-noun


  ∘ قفزة meaning in English & Arabic

  ∘ Plural of قفزة in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of قفزة in English and Arabic

A boom in flat prices in the UK

قفزة في أسعار الشّقق في المملكة المتّحدة

This month has witnessed a boom in bicycle sales

شهد الشّهر قفزة في مبيعات الدّرّاجات

More Examples

A boom in car's imports

قفزة في واردات السّيّارات

An economic boom

قفزة اقتصاديّة

the post-war investment boom

الطّفرة الاستثماريّة عقب الحرب

2) leap -noun


  ∘ قفزة meaning in English & Arabic

a long or high jump

القفزة هي وثبة أو نطّة مرتفعة

  ∘ Plural of قفزة in Arabic

قفزات / قفزات

  ∘ Examples of قفزة in English and Arabic

The runner made a three-meter leap

قفز العدّاء قفزة مسافتها (=طولها) ثلاثة أمتار

The cat went on a flying leap and caught the bird

قامت القطّة بقفزة هوائيّة وأمسكت بالعصفور

More Examples

Ronald made a flying leap at the ball

قام رونالدو بقفزة هوائيّة نحو الكرة

She crossed the river with only one leap

عبرت النّهر بقفزة واحدة فقط

  ∘ How to pronounce قفزة in English?

leap is pronounced in English as



  ∘ قفزة meaning in English & Arabic

a sudden large increase in something

القفزة هي زيادة كبيرة ومفاجئة في شيء ما

  ∘ Plural of قفزة in Arabic

قفزات / قفزات

  ∘ Examples of قفزة in English and Arabic

The firm made liap in profts

حقّقت الشّركة قفزة في الأرباح

A leap in housing prices

قفزة في أسعار المنازل

More Examples

Turkey made a 300 per cent leap in arms exports

حقّقت تركيّا قفزة في صادرات الأسلحة بنسبة 300 بالمئة

A quantum leap in immigration levels from Hong Kong to the UK

قفزة نوعيّة في مستويات الهجرة من هونغ كونغ إلى المملكة المتّحدة

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  ∘ قفزة meaning in English & Arabic

leap + adv./prep. a sudden change from one thing to another; very fast progress with something

القفزة هي تغيّر أو تحوّل من شيء إلى شيء آخر أو تحرّك سريع مفاجئ

  ∘ Plural of قفزة in Arabic

قفزات / قفزات

  ∘ Examples of قفزة in English and Arabic

The Postponement of the election was viewed as a leap into the unknown

نظر إلى تأجيل الانتخابات على أنّه قفزة نحو المجهول

Our country made a great leap forward in the recent years

حقّق بلدنا قفزة كبيرة إلى الأمام في السّنوات الأخيرة

3) spring -noun


  ∘ قفزة meaning in English & Arabic

A sudden jump upwards or forwards

  ∘ Plural of قفزة in Arabic

قفزات/ قفزات

  ∘ Examples of قفزة in English and Arabic

With a spring, I crossed the river

بقفزة واحدة عبرت النّهر

He jumped one of his best springs

قفز أحد أفضل قفزاته

  ∘ How to pronounce قفزة in English?

spring is pronounced in English as

4) surge-noun


  ∘ قفزة meaning in English & Arabic

a sudden increase in the amount or number of something

القفزة هي تغيّر وتطوّر سريع ومفاجئ يشهده شيء ما والجمع قفزات

  ∘ Plural of قفزة in Arabic

قفزات/ قفزات

  ∘ Examples of قفزة in English and Arabic

a surge in elcetricity bills

قفزة في فواتير الكهرباء

There has been a surge in house prices recently

شهدت أسعار المنازل قفزة في الآونة الأخيرة

  ∘ How to pronounce قفزة in English?

surge is pronounced in English as

English for قفزة


1) boom-noun


  ∘ قَفْزَة meaning in English & Arabic

  ∘ Plural of قَفْزَة in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of قَفْزَة in English and Arabic

A boom in flat prices in the UK

قَفْزَةٌ فِيْ أَسْعَارِ الشُّقَقِ فِيْ المَمْلَكَةِ المُتَّحِدَةِ

This month has witnessed a boom in bicycle sales

شَهِدَ الشَّهْرُ قَفْزَةً فِيْ مَبِيْعَاتِ الدَّرَّاجَاتِ

More Examples

A boom in car's imports

قَفْزَةٌ فِيْ وَارِدَاتِ السَّيَّارَاتِ

An economic boom

قَفْزَةٌ اقْتِصَادِيَّةٌ

the post-war investment boom

الطَّفْرَةُ الاسْتِثْمَارِيَّةُ عَقِبَ الحَرْبِ

2) leap -noun


  ∘ قَفْزَة meaning in English & Arabic

a long or high jump

القَفْزَةُ هِيَ وَثْبَةٌ أَوْ نَطَّةٌ مُرْتَفِعَةٌ

  ∘ Plural of قَفْزَة in Arabic

قَفْزَات / قَفَزَات

  ∘ Examples of قَفْزَة in English and Arabic

The runner made a three-meter leap

قَفَزَ العَدَّاءُ قَفْزَةً مَسَافَتُهَا (=طُوْلُهَا) ثَلَاثَةَ أَمْتَارَ

The cat went on a flying leap and caught the bird

قَامَتِ القِطَّةُ بِقَفْزَةٍ هَوَائِيَّةٍ وَأَمْسَكَتْ بِالعُصْفُوْرِ

More Examples

Ronald made a flying leap at the ball

قَامَ رُوْنَالْدُوْ بِقَفْزَةٍ هَوَائِيَّةٍ نَحْوَ الكُرَةِ

She crossed the river with only one leap

عَبَرَتِ النَّهْرَ بِقَفْزَةٍ وَاحِدَةٍ فَقَطَ

  ∘ How to pronounce قَفْزَة in English?

leap is pronounced in English as



  ∘ قَفْزَة meaning in English & Arabic

a sudden large increase in something

القَفْزَةُ هِيَ زِيَادَةٌ كَبِيْرَةٌ وَمُفَاجِئَةٌ فِيْ شَيْءٍ مَا

  ∘ Plural of قَفْزَة in Arabic

قَفْزَات / قَفَزَات

  ∘ Examples of قَفْزَة in English and Arabic

The firm made liap in profts

حَقَّقَتِ الشَّرِكَةُ قَفْزَةً فِيْ الأَرْبَاحِ

A leap in housing prices

قَفْزَةٌ فِيْ أَسْعَارِ المَنَازِلِ

More Examples

Turkey made a 300 per cent leap in arms exports

حَقَّقَتْ تُرْكِيَّا قَفْزَةً فِيْ صَادِرَاتِ الأَسْلِحَةِ بِنِسْبَةِ 300 بِالمِئَةِ

A quantum leap in immigration levels from Hong Kong to the UK

قَفْزَةٌ نَوْعِيَّةٌ فِيْ مُسْتَوَيَاتِ الهِجْرَةِ مِنْ هُوْنْغْ كُوْنْغْ إِلَىْ المَمْلَكَةِ المُتَّحِدَةِ

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  ∘ قَفْزَة meaning in English & Arabic

leap + adv./prep. a sudden change from one thing to another; very fast progress with something

القَفْزَةُ هِيَ تَغَيُّرٌ أَوْ تَحَوُّلٌ مِنْ شَيْءٍ إِلَىْ شَيْءٍ آخَرَ أَوْ تَحَرُّكٌ سَرِيْعٌ مُفَاجِئٌ

  ∘ Plural of قَفْزَة in Arabic

قَفْزَات / قَفَزَات

  ∘ Examples of قَفْزَة in English and Arabic

The Postponement of the election was viewed as a leap into the unknown

نُظِرَ إِلَىْ تَأْجِيْلِ الِانْتِخَابَاتِ عَلَىْ أَنَّهُ قَفْزَةٌ نَحْوَ المَجْهُوْلِ

Our country made a great leap forward in the recent years

حَقَّقَ بَلَدُنَا قَفْزَةً كَبِيْرَةً إِلَىْ الأَمَامِ فِيْ السَّنَوَاتِ الأَخِيْرَةِ

3) spring -noun


  ∘ قَفْزَة meaning in English & Arabic

A sudden jump upwards or forwards

  ∘ Plural of قَفْزَة in Arabic

قَفْزَات/ قَفَزَات

  ∘ Examples of قَفْزَة in English and Arabic

With a spring, I crossed the river

بِقَفْزَةٍ وَاحِدَةٍ عَبَرْتُ النَّهْرَ

He jumped one of his best springs

قَفَزَ أَحَدَ أَفْضَلِ قَفَزَاتِهِ

  ∘ How to pronounce قَفْزَة in English?

spring is pronounced in English as

4) surge-noun


  ∘ قَفْزَة meaning in English & Arabic

a sudden increase in the amount or number of something

القَفْزَةُ هِيَ تَغَيُّرٌ وَتَطَوُّرٌ سَرِيْعٌ وَمُفَاجِئٌ يَشْهَدُهُ شَيْءٌ مَا وَالجَمْعُ قَفْزَات

  ∘ Plural of قَفْزَة in Arabic

قَفْزَات/ قَفَزَات

  ∘ Examples of قَفْزَة in English and Arabic

a surge in elcetricity bills

قَفْزَةٌ فِيْ فَوَاتِيْرِ الكَهْرُبَاءِ

There has been a surge in house prices recently

شَهِدَتْ أَسْعَارُ المَنَازِلِ قَفْزَةً فِيْ الآوِنَةِ الأَخِيْرَةِ

  ∘ How to pronounce قَفْزَة in English?

surge is pronounced in English as
