سيد in English

Meaning of سيد in English is: (gentleman, master, sir) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

سيد بالانجليزي

English for سيد


1) gentleman-n


  ∘ سيد meaning in English & Arabic

a man who is polite and well educated, who has excellent manners and always behaves well

رجل مهذب ومتعلم جيدا، يتمتع بأخلاق ممتازة ويتصرف دائما بشكل جيد

  ∘ Examples of سيد in English and Arabic

Everyone respected him for being a respectful gentleman.

احترمه الجميع كونه سيدا محترما.

More Examples

The gentleman offered his seat to the elderly woman.

قدم السيد مقعده للسيدة العجوز.

Gentlemen usually dress in a classy and formal clothes.

عادة ما يرتدي السادة ملابسا أنيقة ورسمية.

2) master-n


  ∘ سيد meaning in English & Arabic

a man who has people working for him, often as servants in his home

رجل لديه أشخاص يعملون لديه، غالبا كخدم في منزله

  ∘ Examples of سيد in English and Arabic

The master of the house arrived late.

وصل سيد البيت متأخرا.

The master's orders were carried out immediately.

تم تنفيذ أوامر السيد فورا.

More Examples

They have served the same master for years.

خدموا السيد نفسه لسنوات عديدة.

The servants respected their master deeply.

يحترم الخدم سيدهم احتراما شديدا.

3) sir-noun


  ∘ سيّد meaning in English & Arabic

used as a polite way of addressing a man whose name you do not know, for example in a shop or restaurant

يستخدم كطريقة مهذبة لمخاطبة رجل لا تعرف اسمه، على سبيل المثال في متجر أو مطعم

  ∘ Examples of سيّد in English and Arabic

Can I help you, sir?

هل يمكنني مساعدتك، يا سيد؟

Excuse me, sir, your table is ready.

عفوا، يا سيد، طاولتك جاهزة.

More Examples

Sir, we have a special offer for you today.

سيد، لدينا عرض خاص لك اليوم.

How can I assist you today, sir?

كيف يمكنني مساعدتك اليوم، يا سيد؟

Would you like to see the menu, sir?

هل تود رؤية القائمة، يا سيد؟

Is everything to your satisfaction, sir?

هل كل شيء على ما يرام، يا سيد؟

  ∘ How to pronounce سيّد in English?

sir is pronounced in English as

English for سيد


1) gentleman-n


  ∘ سيد meaning in English & Arabic

a man who is polite and well educated, who has excellent manners and always behaves well

رجل مهذب ومتعلم جيدا، يتمتع بأخلاق ممتازة ويتصرف دائما بشكل جيد

  ∘ Examples of سيد in English and Arabic

Everyone respected him for being a respectful gentleman.

احترمه الجميع كونه سيدا محترما.

More Examples

The gentleman offered his seat to the elderly woman.

قدم السيد مقعده للسيدة العجوز.

Gentlemen usually dress in a classy and formal clothes.

عادة ما يرتدي السادة ملابسا أنيقة ورسمية.

2) master-n


  ∘ سيد meaning in English & Arabic

a man who has people working for him, often as servants in his home

رجل لديه أشخاص يعملون لديه، غالبًا كخدم في منزله

  ∘ Examples of سيد in English and Arabic

The master of the house arrived late.

وصل سيد البيت متأخرًا.

The master's orders were carried out immediately.

تم تنفيذ أوامر السيد فورًا.

More Examples

They have served the same master for years.

خدموا السيد نفسه لسنوات عديدة.

The servants respected their master deeply.

يحترم الخدم سيدهم احترامًا شديدًا.

3) sir-noun


  ∘ سَيِّد meaning in English & Arabic

used as a polite way of addressing a man whose name you do not know, for example in a shop or restaurant

يُستخدم كطريقة مهذبة لمخاطبة رجل لا تعرف اسمه، على سبيل المثال في متجر أو مطعم

  ∘ Examples of سَيِّد in English and Arabic

Can I help you, sir?

هل يمكنني مساعدتك، يا سيد؟

Excuse me, sir, your table is ready.

عفوًا، يا سيد، طاولتك جاهزة.

More Examples

Sir, we have a special offer for you today.

سيد، لدينا عرض خاص لك اليوم.

How can I assist you today, sir?

كيف يمكنني مساعدتك اليوم، يا سيد؟

Would you like to see the menu, sir?

هل تود رؤية القائمة، يا سيد؟

Is everything to your satisfaction, sir?

هل كل شيء على ما يرام، يا سيد؟

  ∘ How to pronounce سَيِّد in English?

sir is pronounced in English as
