خاص in English

Meaning of خاص in English is: (exclusive, peculiar, respective) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

خاص بالانجليزي

English for خاص


1) exclusive-adj


  ∘ خاصّ meaning in English & Arabic

(of a group, society, etc.) not very willing to allow new people to become members, especially if they are from a lower social class

خاصّ أي مقتصر على مجموعة محدّدة من الأشخاص أو الجماعات الخ

  ∘ Examples of خاصّ in English and Arabic

An exclusive night club for the rich

ملهى ليليّ خاص بالأثرياء

2) peculiar-adj


  ∘ خاصّ meaning in English & Arabic

peculiar (to somebody/something) belonging or relating to one particular place, situation, person, etc., and not to others

خاصّ أي متفرّد أو يخصّ أو يميّز شخصا أو مجموعة محدّدة

  ∘ Examples of خاصّ in English and Arabic

Traditions that are peculiar to Egyptians

تقاليد خاصّة بالمصريّين

The peculiar chemical properties of leads

الخواصّ (=الخصائص) الكيميائيّة الخاصّة (=المميّزة) بالرّصاص

More Examples

The peculiar importance of air defense systems to the opposition forces

الأهمّيّة الخاصّة لأنظمة الدّفاع الجوّيّ لقوّات المعارضة

This tigers breed is peculiar to Malaysia

سلالة النّمور هذه خاصّة (=تنتمي) بماليزيا

  ∘ How to pronounce خاصّ in English?

peculiar is pronounced in English as

3) respective-adj


  ∘ خاصّ meaning in English & Arabic

[only before noun] ​belonging or relating separately to each of the people or things already mentioned

خاصّ أي متعلّق بشيء يخصّ شخصا أو شيئا معيّنا

  ∘ Examples of خاصّ in English and Arabic

the respective roles of husbands and wives

الأدوار الخاصّة بالأزواج والزّوجات

They are experts in their respective fields

كلّ منهما خبير في مجاله (الخاصّ)

More Examples

We met today to discuss the problems in our respective countries

اجتمعنا اليوم لمناقشة المشاكل في كلّ بلد ( خاصّ ) من بلداننا

Students went to their respective classes

ذهب الطّلّاب إلى فصولهم ( الخاصّة )

  ∘ How to pronounce خاصّ in English?

respective is pronounced in English as

4) characteristic-adj


  ∘ خاصّ meaning in English & Arabic

very typical of something or of somebody’s character

خاصّ أيّ متفرّد و متميّز بصفات معيّنة أو محدّدة

  ∘ Examples of خاصّ in English and Arabic

Sense of humour is so characteristic of him.

روح الدعابة خاصّة به جدا.

Communication is characteristic of languages.

إن التواصل خاصّ باللغات.

More Examples

She played with characteristic professionalism.

لعبت باحترافيّة خاصّة.

5) own-adj


  ∘ خاص meaning in English & Arabic

used to emphasize that something belongs to or is connected with somebody

يستخدم للتأكيد على أن شيئا ما ينتمي إلى شخص ما أو متصل به

  ∘ Examples of خاص in English and Arabic

He has his own car.

لديه سيارته الخاصة.

She lives in her own house.

تعيش في بيتها الخاص.

More Examples

They grow their own vegetables.

يزرعون خضرواتهم الخاصة.

I prefer to read at my own pace.

أفضل القراءة بوتيرتي الخاصة.

Each student has his or her own desk.

لكل طالب مكتبه الخاص.

You should form your own opinion.

يجب أن نبني رأيك الخاص.

  ∘ How to pronounce خاص in English?

own is pronounced in English as

6) private-adj


  ∘ خاص meaning in English & Arabic

belonging to or for the use of a particular person or group; not for public use

يخص شخصا أو مجموعة بعينهما ولا يقصد استخدامه من قبل الجمهور

  ∘ Examples of خاص in English and Arabic

She has a private office.

لديها مكتب خاص.

They were having a private conversation.

كانوا يجرون محادثة خاصة.

More Examples

Private lessons are expensive.

الدروس الخاصة مكلفة.

Keep it private.

احتفظ بها في الخاص.

This is a private property.

هذه ملكية خاصة.

The meeting is private.

الاجتماع خاص.

  ∘ How to pronounce خاص in English?

private is pronounced in English as

7) special-adj


  ∘ خاص meaning in English & Arabic

not ordinary or usual; different from what is normal

ليس عاديا أو معتادا؛ مختلف عن المعتاد

  ∘ Examples of خاص in English and Arabic

This is a special occasion.

هذه مناسبة خاصة.

She has a special interest in music.

لديها اهتمام خاص بالموسيقى.

More Examples

I bought a special gift for you.

اشتريت هدية خاصة لك.

The chef prepared a special menu for the event.

أعد الطاهي قائمة خاصة للحفل.

She wears special glasses for reading.

ترتدي نظارات خاصة للقراءة.

The museum has a special exhibit this month.

لدى المتحف عرض خاص هذا الشهر.

  ∘ How to pronounce خاص in English?

special is pronounced in English as

English for خاص


1) exclusive-adj


  ∘ خَاصّ meaning in English & Arabic

(of a group, society, etc.) not very willing to allow new people to become members, especially if they are from a lower social class

خَاصٌّ أَيْ مُقْتَصِرٌ عَلَىْ مَجْمُوْعَةٍ مُحَدَّدَةٍ مِنَ الأَشْخَاصِ أَوِ الجَمَاعَاتِ اِلَخْ

  ∘ Examples of خَاصّ in English and Arabic

An exclusive night club for the rich

مَلْهًى لَيْلِيٌّ خاص بِالأَثْرِيَاءِ

2) peculiar-adj


  ∘ خَاصّ meaning in English & Arabic

peculiar (to somebody/something) belonging or relating to one particular place, situation, person, etc., and not to others

خَاصٌّ أَيْ مُتَفَرِّدٌ أَوْ يَخُصُّ أَوْ يُمَيِّزُ شَخْصًا أَوْ مَجْمُوْعَةً مُحَدَّدَةً

  ∘ Examples of خَاصّ in English and Arabic

Traditions that are peculiar to Egyptians

تَقَالِيْدٌ خَاصَّةٌ بِالمِصْرِيِّيْنَ

The peculiar chemical properties of leads

الخَوَاصُّ (=الخَصَائِصُ) الكِيْمْيَائِيَّةُ الخَاصَّةُ (=المُمَيِّزَةُ) بِالرَّصَاصِ

More Examples

The peculiar importance of air defense systems to the opposition forces

الأَهَمِّيَّةُ الخَاصَّةُ لِأَنْظِمَةِ الدِّفَاعِ الجَوِّيِّ لِقُوَّاتِ المُعَارَضَةِ

This tigers breed is peculiar to Malaysia

سُلَالَةُ النُّمُوْرِ هَذِهِ خَاصَّةٌ (=تَنْتَمِيْ) بِمَالِيْزْيَا

  ∘ How to pronounce خَاصّ in English?

peculiar is pronounced in English as

3) respective-adj


  ∘ خَاصّ meaning in English & Arabic

[only before noun] ​belonging or relating separately to each of the people or things already mentioned

خَاصٌّ أَيْ مُتَعَلِّقٌ بِشَيْءٍ يَخُصُّ شَخْصًا أَوْ شَيْئًا مُعَيَّنًا

  ∘ Examples of خَاصّ in English and Arabic

the respective roles of husbands and wives

الأَدْوَارُ الخَاصَّةُ بِالأَزْوَاجِ وَالزَّوْجَاتِ

They are experts in their respective fields

كُلٌّ مِنْهُمَا خَبِيْرٌ فِيْ مَجَالِه (الخَاصِّ)

More Examples

We met today to discuss the problems in our respective countries

اجْتَمَعْنَا اليَوْمَ لِمُنَاقَشَةِ المَشَاكِلِ فِيْ كُلِّ بَلَدٍ ( خَاصٍّ ) مِنْ بُلْدَانِنَا

Students went to their respective classes

ذَهَبَ الطُّلَّابُ إِلَىْ فُصُوْلِهِمُ ( الخَاصَّةِ )

  ∘ How to pronounce خَاصّ in English?

respective is pronounced in English as

4) characteristic-adj


  ∘ خاصّ meaning in English & Arabic

very typical of something or of somebody’s character

خاصّ أيّ متفرّد و متميّز بصفات معيّنة أو محدّدة

  ∘ Examples of خاصّ in English and Arabic

Sense of humour is so characteristic of him.

روح الدعابة خاصّة به جداً.

Communication is characteristic of languages.

إن التواصل خاصّ باللغات.

More Examples

She played with characteristic professionalism.

لعبت باحترافيّة خاصّة.

5) own-adj


  ∘ خاص meaning in English & Arabic

used to emphasize that something belongs to or is connected with somebody

يُستخدم للتأكيد على أن شيئًا ما ينتمي إلى شخص ما أو متصل به

  ∘ Examples of خاص in English and Arabic

He has his own car.

لديه سيارته الخاصة.

She lives in her own house.

تعيش في بيتها الخاص.

More Examples

They grow their own vegetables.

يزرعون خضرواتهم الخاصة.

I prefer to read at my own pace.

أفضل القراءة بوتيرتي الخاصة.

Each student has his or her own desk.

لكل طالب مكتبه الخاص.

You should form your own opinion.

يجب أن نبني رأيك الخاص.

  ∘ How to pronounce خاص in English?

own is pronounced in English as

6) private-adj


  ∘ خاص meaning in English & Arabic

belonging to or for the use of a particular person or group; not for public use

يخص شخصًا أو مجموعة بعينهما ولا يُقصد استخدامه من قِبل الجمهور

  ∘ Examples of خاص in English and Arabic

She has a private office.

لديها مكتب خاص.

They were having a private conversation.

كانوا يجرون محادثة خاصة.

More Examples

Private lessons are expensive.

الدروس الخاصة مكلفة.

Keep it private.

احتفظ بها في الخاص.

This is a private property.

هذه ملكية خاصة.

The meeting is private.

الاجتماع خاص.

  ∘ How to pronounce خاص in English?

private is pronounced in English as

7) special-adj


  ∘ خاص meaning in English & Arabic

not ordinary or usual; different from what is normal

ليس عاديًا أو معتادًا؛ مختلف عن المعتاد

  ∘ Examples of خاص in English and Arabic

This is a special occasion.

هذه مناسبة خاصة.

She has a special interest in music.

لديها اهتمام خاص بالموسيقى.

More Examples

I bought a special gift for you.

اشتريت هدية خاصة لك.

The chef prepared a special menu for the event.

أعد الطاهي قائمة خاصة للحفل.

She wears special glasses for reading.

ترتدي نظارات خاصة للقراءة.

The museum has a special exhibit this month.

لدى المتحف عرض خاص هذا الشهر.

  ∘ How to pronounce خاص in English?

special is pronounced in English as
