رسغ in English

Meaning of رسغ in English is: (ankle, wrist) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

رسغ بالانجليزي

English for رسغ


1) ankle-noun


  ∘ رسغ meaning in English & Arabic

he joint connecting the foot to the leg; the narrow part of the leg just above the ankle joint

رسغ القدم هو المفصل المشكّل من ربط عظام القدم السفليّة مع عظم الكاحل

  ∘ Plural of رسغ in Arabic

أرساغ رسغ

  ∘ Examples of رسغ in English and Arabic

He fell and sprained his ankle.

وقع و التوى رسغ قدمه.

Her ankle disjointed after the accident.

تفكك رسغ قدمها بعد الحادث.

More Examples

It's hard for me to walk, I have a sharp pain in my ankle.

من الصعب عليّا المشيّ، لديّ ألم حاد في رسغ قدميّ.

  ∘ How to pronounce رسغ in English?

ankle is pronounced in English as

2) wrist-noun


  ∘ رسغ meaning in English & Arabic

the joint between the hand and the arm

الرسغ هو المفصل بين اليد والذّراع

  ∘ Plural of رسغ in Arabic

أرساغ، أرسغ

  ∘ Examples of رسغ in English and Arabic

Put the watch on your wrist

ضع الساعة على رسغك

He broke his wrist

لقد كسر رسغه

More Examples

She's suffering from wrist pain

إنها تعاني من ألم في الرسغ

  ∘ How to pronounce رسغ in English?

wrist is pronounced in English as

English for رسغ


1) ankle-noun


  ∘ رسغ meaning in English & Arabic

he joint connecting the foot to the leg; the narrow part of the leg just above the ankle joint

رسغ القدم هو المفصل المشكَّل من ربط عظام القدم السفليَّة مع عظم الكاحل

  ∘ Plural of رسغ in Arabic

أرساغ رسغ

  ∘ Examples of رسغ in English and Arabic

He fell and sprained his ankle.

وقع و التوى رسغ قدمه.

Her ankle disjointed after the accident.

تفكك رسغ قدمها بعد الحادث.

More Examples

It's hard for me to walk, I have a sharp pain in my ankle.

من الصعب عليّا المشيّ، لديّ ألم حاد في رسغ قدميّ.

  ∘ How to pronounce رسغ in English?

ankle is pronounced in English as

2) wrist-noun


  ∘ رُسْغ meaning in English & Arabic

the joint between the hand and the arm

الرسغ هُوَ المَفْصِلُ بَيْنَ اليَدِ وَالذِّرَاعِ

  ∘ Plural of رُسْغ in Arabic

أرساغ، أرسغ

  ∘ Examples of رُسْغ in English and Arabic

Put the watch on your wrist

ضع الساعة على رسغك

He broke his wrist

لقد كسر رسغه

More Examples

She's suffering from wrist pain

إنها تعاني من ألم في الرسغ

  ∘ How to pronounce رُسْغ in English?

wrist is pronounced in English as
