حماس in English

Meaning of حماس in English is: (enthusiasm, excitement) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

حماس بالانجليزي

English for حماس


1) enthusiasm-noun


  ∘ حماس meaning in English & Arabic

a strong feeling of excitement and interest in something and a desire to become involved in it

شعور قوي بالإثارة والاهتمام بشيء ما ورغبة في الانخراط فيه

  ∘ Examples of حماس in English and Arabic

Her enthusiasm for the project is infectious.

حماسها للمشروع معديا.

He spoke about his travels with great enthusiasm.

تحدث عن رحلاته بحماس كبير.

More Examples

The teacher's enthusiasm motivates the students.

يحفز حماس المعلم الطلاب.

She showed enthusiasm at the idea of studying abroad.

أظهرت حماسا لفكرة الدراسة في الخارج.

His enthusiasm for cooking led him to a culinary career.

قاده حماسه للطهي إلى مهنة في الطهي.

  ∘ How to pronounce حماس in English?

enthusiasm is pronounced in English as

2) excitement-noun


  ∘ حماس meaning in English & Arabic

the state of feeling or showing happiness and enthusiasm

حالة الشعور أو إظهار السعادة والحماس

  ∘ Examples of حماس in English and Arabic

The children showed their excitement for the trip.

أظهر الأطفال حماسهم للرحلة.

Her excitement was evident in her bright smile.

كان حماسها واضحا في ابتسامتها اللامعة.

More Examples

The audience's excitement increased with the scoring of the first goal.

زاد حماس الجمهور مع تسجيل الهدف الأول.

He could hardly contain his excitement.

بالكاد كتم حماسه.

They shared their excitement with friends and family.

شاركوا حماسهم مع الأصدقاء والعائلة.

The announcement was met with great excitement.

استقبل الإعلان بحماس كبير.

  ∘ How to pronounce حماس in English?

excitement is pronounced in English as

English for حماس


1) enthusiasm-noun


  ∘ حماس meaning in English & Arabic

a strong feeling of excitement and interest in something and a desire to become involved in it

شعور قوي بالإثارة والاهتمام بشيء ما ورغبة في الانخراط فيه

  ∘ Examples of حماس in English and Arabic

Her enthusiasm for the project is infectious.

حماسها للمشروع معديًا.

He spoke about his travels with great enthusiasm.

تحدث عن رحلاته بحماس كبير.

More Examples

The teacher's enthusiasm motivates the students.

يحفز حماس المعلم الطلاب.

She showed enthusiasm at the idea of studying abroad.

أظهرت حماساً لفكرة الدراسة في الخارج.

His enthusiasm for cooking led him to a culinary career.

قاده حماسه للطهي إلى مهنة في الطهي.

  ∘ How to pronounce حماس in English?

enthusiasm is pronounced in English as

2) excitement-noun


  ∘ حماس meaning in English & Arabic

the state of feeling or showing happiness and enthusiasm

حالة الشعور أو إظهار السعادة والحماس

  ∘ Examples of حماس in English and Arabic

The children showed their excitement for the trip.

أظهر الأطفال حماسهم للرحلة.

Her excitement was evident in her bright smile.

كان حماسها واضحًا في ابتسامتها اللامعة.

More Examples

The audience's excitement increased with the scoring of the first goal.

زاد حماس الجمهور مع تسجيل الهدف الأول.

He could hardly contain his excitement.

بالكاد كتم حماسه.

They shared their excitement with friends and family.

شاركوا حماسهم مع الأصدقاء والعائلة.

The announcement was met with great excitement.

استُقبل الإعلان بحماس كبير.

  ∘ How to pronounce حماس in English?

excitement is pronounced in English as
