حذاء in English

Meaning of حذاء in English is: (shoe, trainer) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

حذاء بالانجليزي

English for حذاء


1) shoe-noun


  ∘ Plural of حذاء in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of حذاء in English and Arabic

The shoe's size is 46

مقاس الحذاء 46

Where is my new shoe

أين حذائي الجديد

More Examples

The woman has bought a new pair pf shoes

اشترت الإمرأة زوج أحذية جديدا

The little female kid sat down and took off her shoes and socks

جلست الصّغيرة وخلعت حذاءها وجواربها

  ∘ How to pronounce حذاء in English?

shoe is pronounced in English as

2) trainer-noun


  ∘ حذاء meaning in English & Arabic

a shoe that you wear for sports or as informal clothing

حذاء ترتديه لممارسة الرياضة أو كملابس غير رسمية

  ∘ Examples of حذاء in English and Arabic

She bought a new pair of trainers for her morning run.

اشترت زوجا جديدا من الأحذية لجريها الصباحي.

My trainers are very comfortable for walking.

حذائي مريح جدا للمشي.

More Examples

He likes to wear trainers even when he is not sporting.

يحب أن يرتدي الأحذية حتى عندما لا يلعب رياضة.

Trainers are popular among young people.

الأحذية رائجة بين الشباب.

These trainers are good for a basketball court.

هذه الأحذية جيدة لملعب كرة السلة.

Her trainers were dirty from playing soccer.

كانت أحذيتها متسخة من لعب كرة القدم.

English for حذاء


1) shoe-noun


  ∘ Plural of حِذَاْءٌ in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of حِذَاْءٌ in English and Arabic

The shoe's size is 46

مَقَاسُ الحِذَاءِ 46

Where is my new shoe

أَيْنَ حِذَائِيَ الجَدِيْدُ

More Examples

The woman has bought a new pair pf shoes

اشْتَرَتِ الإِمْرَأَةُ زَوْجَ أَحْذِيَةٍ جَدِيْدَاً

The little female kid sat down and took off her shoes and socks

جَلَسَتِ الصَّغِيْرَةُ وَخَلَعَتْ حِذَاءَهَا وَجَوَارِبَهَا

  ∘ How to pronounce حِذَاْءٌ in English?

shoe is pronounced in English as

2) trainer-noun


  ∘ حِذَاء meaning in English & Arabic

a shoe that you wear for sports or as informal clothing

حذاء ترتديه لممارسة الرياضة أو كملابس غير رسمية

  ∘ Examples of حِذَاء in English and Arabic

She bought a new pair of trainers for her morning run.

اشترت زوجاً جديداً من الأحذية لجريها الصباحي.

My trainers are very comfortable for walking.

حذائي مريح جداً للمشي.

More Examples

He likes to wear trainers even when he is not sporting.

يحب أن يرتدي الأحذية حتى عندما لا يلعب رياضة.

Trainers are popular among young people.

الأحذية رائجة بين الشباب.

These trainers are good for a basketball court.

هذه الأحذية جيدة لملعب كرة السلة.

Her trainers were dirty from playing soccer.

كانت أحذيتها متسخة من لعب كرة القدم.
