اختلاف in English

Meaning of اختلاف in English is: (disagreement, distinction, variation) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

اختلاف بالانجليزي

English for اختلاف


1) disagreement -noun


  ∘ اختلاف meaning in English & Arabic

[uncountable] differences between two statements, reports, numbers etc that ought to be similar

الاختلاف هو عدم التّماثل بين شيئين يجب أن يكونا متماثلين

  ∘ Plural of اختلاف in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of اختلاف in English and Arabic

There is disagreement between the two reports

هناك اختلاف بين التّقريرين

There is disagreement between her words and actions

هناك اختلاف بين أقوالها وأفعالها

  ∘ How to pronounce اختلاف in English?

disagreement is pronounced in English as

2) distinction-noun


  ∘ اختلاف meaning in English & Arabic

a difference between two similar things

الاختلاف هو عدم التّماثل أو التّطابق بين شيئين اثنين أو أكثر

  ∘ Plural of اختلاف in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of اختلاف in English and Arabic

There are several distinctions between written and spoken language

هناك اختلافات عديدة بين اللّغة المكتوبة والمحكيّة

A sharp distinction between dialects

اختلاف حادّ بين اللّهجات

More Examples

There is a clear distinction between towns and cities

هناك اختلاف واضح بين الضّواحي والمدن

Cultural distinctions

الاختلافات الثّقافيّة

This is an important distinction

هذا اختلاف مهمّ

Dictations of class in societies

الاختلافات الطّبقيّة في المجتمعات

  ∘ How to pronounce اختلاف in English?

distinction is pronounced in English as

3) variation-noun


  ∘ اختلاف meaning in English & Arabic

[countable, uncountable] a difference between similar things, or a change from the usual amount or form of something

الاختلاف هو التّباين والتّغيّر والتّنوّع بين أشياء من النّوع نفسه

  ∘ How to pronounce اختلاف in English?

variation is pronounced in English as

4) difference -noun


  ∘ اختلاف meaning in English & Arabic

  ∘ Plural of اختلاف in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of اختلاف in English and Arabic

There is a big difference between words and actions

هناك اختلاف كبير بين القول والفعل

There are significant differences between the health care systems of Turkey and Greece

هناك اختلافات جوهريّة في أنظمة الرّعاية الصّحّيّة بين تركيّا واليونان

More Examples

We are studying the similarities and differences between different cultures

ندرس أوجه التّشابه والاختلاف بين الثّقافات المختلفة

I noticed a marked difference in his way of thinking

لاحظت اختلافا ملحوظا في أسلوب تفكيره

There's a world of difference between civil engineering and architecture

هناك اختلاف ضخم بين الهندسة المدنيّة والمعماريّة/العمارة

can you tell the differences?

هل يمكنك معرفة الاختلافات؟

  ∘ How to pronounce اختلاف in English?

difference is pronounced in English as



  ∘ اختلاف meaning in English & Arabic

the amount by which one thing is greater or smaller than another

  ∘ Examples of اختلاف in English and Arabic

There is not much difference in price between the two flats

لا يوجد اختلاف كبير في السّعر بين الشّقّتين

The time difference between Malaysia and Syria is 6 hours

اختلاف التّوقيت بين ماليزيا وسوريّا 6 ساعات

English for اختلاف


1) disagreement -noun


  ∘ اخْتِلَاف meaning in English & Arabic

[uncountable] differences between two statements, reports, numbers etc that ought to be similar

الِاخْتِلَافُ هُوَ عَدَمُ التَّمَاثُلِ بَيْنَ شَيْئَيْنِ يَجِبُ أَنْ يَكُوْنَا مُتَمَاثِلَيْنِ

  ∘ Plural of اخْتِلَاف in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of اخْتِلَاف in English and Arabic

There is disagreement between the two reports

هُنَاكَ اخْتِلَافٌ بَيْنَ التَّقْرِيْرَيْنِ

There is disagreement between her words and actions

هُنَاكَ اخْتِلَافُ بَيْنَ أَقْوَالِهَا وَأَفْعَالِهَا

  ∘ How to pronounce اخْتِلَاف in English?

disagreement is pronounced in English as

2) distinction-noun


  ∘ اخْتِلَاف meaning in English & Arabic

a difference between two similar things

الِاخْتِلَافُ هُوَ عَدَمُ التَّمَاثُلِ أَوِ التَّطَابُقِ بَيْنَ شَيْئَيْنِ اثْنَيْنِ أَوْ أَكْثَرَ

  ∘ Plural of اخْتِلَاف in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of اخْتِلَاف in English and Arabic

There are several distinctions between written and spoken language

هُنَاكَ اخْتِلَافَاتٌ عَدِيْدَةٌ بَيْنَ اللُّغَةِ المَكْتُوْبَةِ وَالمَحْكِيَّةِ

A sharp distinction between dialects

اخْتِلَافٌ حَادٌّ بَيْنَ اللَّهَجَاتِ

More Examples

There is a clear distinction between towns and cities

هُنَاكَ اخْتِلَافٌ وَاضِحٌ بَيْنَ الضَّوَاحِيْ وُالمُدُنُ

Cultural distinctions

الِاخْتِلَافَاتُ الثَّقَافِيَّةُ

This is an important distinction

هَذَا اخْتِلَافٌ مُهِمٌّ

Dictations of class in societies

الِاخْتِلَافَاتُ الطَّبَقِيَّةُ فِيْ المُجْتَمَعَاتِ

  ∘ How to pronounce اخْتِلَاف in English?

distinction is pronounced in English as

3) variation-noun


  ∘ اخْتِلَاف meaning in English & Arabic

[countable, uncountable] a difference between similar things, or a change from the usual amount or form of something

الِاخْتِلَافُ هُوَ التَّبَايُنُ وَالتَّغَيُّرُ وَالتَّنَوُّعُ بَيْنَ أَشْيَاءٍ مِنَ النَّوْعِ نَفْسِهِ

  ∘ How to pronounce اخْتِلَاف in English?

variation is pronounced in English as

4) difference -noun


  ∘ اخْتَلَاف meaning in English & Arabic

  ∘ Plural of اخْتَلَاف in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of اخْتَلَاف in English and Arabic

There is a big difference between words and actions

هُنَاكَ اخْتِلَافٌ كَبِيْرٌ بَيْنَ القَوْلِ وَالفِعْلِ

There are significant differences between the health care systems of Turkey and Greece

هُنَاكَ اخْتِلَافَاتٌ جَوْهَرِيَّةٌ فِيْ أَنْظِمَةِ الرِّعَايَةِ الصِّحِّيَّةِ بَيْنَ تُرْكِيَّا وَاليُوْنَانِ

More Examples

We are studying the similarities and differences between different cultures

نَدْرُسُ أَوْجُهَ التَّشَابِهِ وَالاخْتِلَافِ بَيْنَ الثَّقَافَاتِ المُخْتَلِفَةِ

I noticed a marked difference in his way of thinking

لَاحَظْتُ اخْتِلَافًا مَلْحُوْظًا فِيْ أُسْلُوْبِ تَفْكِيْرِهِ

There's a world of difference between civil engineering and architecture

هُنَاكَ اخِتَلافٌ ضَخْمٌ بَيْنَ الهَنْدَسَةِ المَدَنِيَّةِ وَالمِعْمَارِيَّةِ/العَمَارَةِ

can you tell the differences?

هَلْ يُمْكِنُكَ مَعْرِفَةُ الاخْتِلَافَاتِ؟

  ∘ How to pronounce اخْتَلَاف in English?

difference is pronounced in English as



  ∘ اخْتَلَاف meaning in English & Arabic

the amount by which one thing is greater or smaller than another

  ∘ Examples of اخْتَلَاف in English and Arabic

There is not much difference in price between the two flats

لَا يُوْجَدُ اخْتِلَافٌ كَبِيْرٌ فِيْ السِّعْرِ بَيْنَ الشُّقَّتَيْنِ

The time difference between Malaysia and Syria is 6 hours

اخْتِلَافُ التَّوْقِيْتِ بَيْنَ مَالِيْزْيَا وَسُوْرِيَّا 6 سَاعَاتٍ
