unfair in Arabic

Meaning of unfair in Arabic is: (ظالم) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

unfair in Arabic

Arabic for unfair

1) unfair-adj


  ∘ unfair meaning in Arabic & English

not right or fair according to a set of rules or principles; not treating people equally

غير صحيح أو عادل وفقا لمجموعة من القواعد أو المبادئ؛ لا يعامل الناس بالتساوي

  ∘ Examples of unfair in Arabic and English

The decision was unfair to the employees.

كان القرار ظالما للموظفين.

Many believe the tax system is unfair.

يعتقد الكثيرون أن نظام الضرائب ظالم.

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The distribution of tasks was considered unfair by many.

كان توزيع المهام في نظر الكثيرين ظالما.

  ∘ How to pronounce unfair in English?

The word unfair is pronounced in English as

Arabic for unfair

1) unfair-adj


  ∘ unfair meaning in Arabic & English

not right or fair according to a set of rules or principles; not treating people equally

غير صحيح أو عادل وفقًا لمجموعة من القواعد أو المبادئ؛ لا يعامل الناس بالتساوي

  ∘ Examples of unfair in Arabic and English

The decision was unfair to the employees.

كان القرار ظالمًا للموظفين.

Many believe the tax system is unfair.

يعتقد الكثيرون أن نظام الضرائب ظالم.

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The distribution of tasks was considered unfair by many.

كان توزيع المهام في نظر الكثيرين ظالما.

  ∘ How to pronounce unfair in English?

The word unfair is pronounced in English as
