sincere in Arabic

Meaning of sincere in Arabic is: (صادق) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

sincere in Arabic

Arabic for sincere

1) sincere-adj


  ∘ sincere meaning in Arabic & English

showing what you really think or feel

يظهر ما تفكّر أو تشعر به بحقيقة

  ∘ Examples of sincere in Arabic and English

He offered his sincere apologies.

قدّم اعتذاراته الصادقة.

Her words were sincere when she spoke.

كان كلامها صادقا عندما تحدثت.

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I appreciate your sincere efforts.

أقدّر جهودك الصادقة.

His sincere smile won everyone's heart.

فازت ابتسامته الصادقة بقلوب الجميع.

We had a sincere conversation about our future.

أجرينا حوارا صادقا حول مستقبلنا.

She is always sincere in her dealings.

هي دائما صادقة في تعاملاتها.

  ∘ How to pronounce sincere in English?

The word sincere is pronounced in English as

Arabic for sincere

1) sincere-adj


  ∘ sincere meaning in Arabic & English

showing what you really think or feel

يُظهِر ما تُفكّر أو تشعر به بحقيقة

  ∘ Examples of sincere in Arabic and English

He offered his sincere apologies.

قدّم اعتذاراته الصادقة.

Her words were sincere when she spoke.

كان كلامها صادقاً عندما تحدثت.

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I appreciate your sincere efforts.

أقدّر جهودك الصادقة.

His sincere smile won everyone's heart.

فازت ابتسامته الصادقة بقلوب الجميع.

We had a sincere conversation about our future.

أجرينا حواراً صادقاً حول مستقبلنا.

She is always sincere in her dealings.

هي دائماً صادقة في تعاملاتها.

  ∘ How to pronounce sincere in English?

The word sincere is pronounced in English as
