roughly in Arabic

Meaning of roughly in Arabic is: (بِشَكْلٍ تَقْرِيْبِيٍّ، بِقَسْوَةٍ، تَقْرِيْبًا) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

roughly in Arabic

Arabic for roughly

1) roughly-noun

بشكل تقريبيّ-اسم

  ∘ roughly meaning in Arabic & English

approximately but not exactly

بشكل تقريبيّ أو بصورة تقريبيّة أي بصورة غير دقيقة

  ∘ Examples of roughly in Arabic and English

Roughly speaking, our sales increased by 15 per cent

بشكل تقريبيّ, زادت مبيعاتنا 15 في المئة

Roughly, you need 2000 calories a day

تحتاج إلى 2000 سعرة حراريّة (= حريرة) بشكل تقريبيّ في اليوم

  ∘ How to pronounce roughly in English?

The word roughly is pronounced in English as

2) roughly-noun

بقسوة-جار ومجرور

  ∘ roughly meaning in Arabic & English

in a violent or angry way

بقسوة أي دون لطف مع خشونة أو عنف

  ∘ Examples of roughly in Arabic and English

He grasped my hand roughly

أمسك يميني بقسوة

He pushed me roughly against the wall

دفعني بقسوة إلى الحائط (= الجدار)

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She spoke to him roughly

تحدّثت إليه بقسوة

  ∘ How to pronounce roughly in English?

The word roughly is pronounced in English as

3) roughly-noun

تقريبا -اسم

  ∘ roughly meaning in Arabic & English

approximately but not exactly

تقريبا أي بشكل تقريبيّ غير دقيق بشكل كامل

  ∘ Examples of roughly in Arabic and English

Exports dropped by roughly 12 percent during the pandemic

هبطت (= انخفضت) الصّادرات 12 في المئة تقريبا أثناء الجائحة

The conflict lingered on for rougly fifty years

استمرّ الصّراع 50 عاما تقريبا

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The hall accommodates roughly 300 people

تستوعب (= تتّسع) القاعة 300 شخصا تقريبا

  ∘ How to pronounce roughly in English?

The word roughly is pronounced in English as

4) roughly-noun

دون عناية-شبه جملة

  ∘ roughly meaning in Arabic & English

without taking a lot of care to make something perfect

دون عناية أي بلا بذل جهد لفعل شيء مميّز أو مثاليّ

  ∘ Examples of roughly in Arabic and English

Roughly chop the carrots

قطّع الجزر دون عناية

  ∘ How to pronounce roughly in English?

The word roughly is pronounced in English as

5) roughly-noun


  ∘ roughly meaning in Arabic & English

approximately but not exactly

زهاء أي بشكل تقريبيّ غير دقيق بشكل كامل

  ∘ Examples of roughly in Arabic and English

I made roughly $1000 last month

جنيت زهاء 1000$ الشّهر الماضي

There were roughly 40 delegates at the conference

حضر المؤتمر زهاء 40 مبعوثا (= مندوبا)

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The nuclear power plant will generate roughly 5.6 gigawatts

سوف تولّد محطّة الطّاقة النّوويّة زهاء 5.6 جيجاوات

  ∘ How to pronounce roughly in English?

The word roughly is pronounced in English as

6) roughly-noun


  ∘ roughly meaning in Arabic & English

approximately but not exactly

قرابة أي بشكل تقريبيّ غير دقيق بشكل كامل

  ∘ Examples of roughly in Arabic and English

The charity raised roughly 2 million dollars

جمعت الجمعيّة الخيريّة قرابة المليوني دولار

The war forced roughly 4 million civilians to flee the kingdom

أرغمت الحرب قرابة الأربعة ملايين مدنيّ على الفرار من المملكة

  ∘ How to pronounce roughly in English?

The word roughly is pronounced in English as

7) roughly-noun


  ∘ roughly meaning in Arabic & English

approximately but not exactly

نحو أي بشكل تقريبيّ غير دقيق بشكل كامل

  ∘ Examples of roughly in Arabic and English

I made roughly $1000 last month

جنيت نحو 1000$ الشّهر الماضي

There were roughly 40 delegates at the conference

حضر المؤتمر نحو 40 مبعوثا (= مندوبا)

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The nuclear power plant will generate roughly 5.6 gigawatts

سوف تولّد محطّة الطّاقة النّوويّة نحو 5.6 جيجاوات

  ∘ How to pronounce roughly in English?

The word roughly is pronounced in English as

Arabic for roughly

1) roughly-noun

بِشَكْلٍ تَقْرِيْبِيٍّ-اسم

  ∘ roughly meaning in Arabic & English

approximately but not exactly

بِشَكْلٍ تَقْرِيْبِيٍّ أَوْ بِصُوْرَةٍ تَقْرِيْبِيَّةٍ أَيْ بِصُوْرَةٍ غَيْرِ دَقِيْقَةٍ

  ∘ Examples of roughly in Arabic and English

Roughly speaking, our sales increased by 15 per cent

بِشَكْلٍ تَقْرِيْبِيٍّ, زَادَتْ مَبِيْعَاتُنَا 15 فِيْ المِئَةِ

Roughly, you need 2000 calories a day

تَحْتَاجُ إِلَىْ 2000 سَعْرَةٍ حَرَارِيَّةٍ (= حُرَيْرَةٍ) بِشَكْلٍ تَقْرِيْبِيٍّ فِيْ اليَوْمِ

  ∘ How to pronounce roughly in English?

The word roughly is pronounced in English as

2) roughly-noun

بِقَسْوَةٍ-جار ومجرور

  ∘ roughly meaning in Arabic & English

in a violent or angry way

بِقَسْوَةٍ أَيْ دُوْنَ لُطْفٍ مَعَ خُشُوْنَةٍ أَوْ عُنْفٍ

  ∘ Examples of roughly in Arabic and English

He grasped my hand roughly

أَمْسَكَ يَمِيْنِيَ بِقَسْوَةٍ

He pushed me roughly against the wall

دَفَعَنِيْ بِقَسْوَةٍ إِلَىْ الحَائِطِ (= الجِدَارِ)

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She spoke to him roughly

تَحَدَّثَتْ إِلَيْهِ بِقَسْوَةٍ

  ∘ How to pronounce roughly in English?

The word roughly is pronounced in English as

3) roughly-noun

تَقْرِيْبًا -اسم

  ∘ roughly meaning in Arabic & English

approximately but not exactly

تَقْرِيْبًا أَيْ بِشَكْلٍ تَقْرِيْبِيٍّ غَيْرَ دَقِيْقٍ بِشَكْلٍ كَامِلٍ

  ∘ Examples of roughly in Arabic and English

Exports dropped by roughly 12 percent during the pandemic

هَبَطَتِ (= انْخَفَضَتِ) الصَّادِرَاتُ 12 فِيْ المِئَةِ تَقْرِيْبًا أَثْنَاءَ الجَائِحَةِ

The conflict lingered on for rougly fifty years

اسْتَمَرَّ الصِّرَاعُ 50 عَامًا تَقْرِيْبًا

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The hall accommodates roughly 300 people

تَسْتَوْعِبُ (= تَتَّسِعُ) القَاعَةُ 300 شَخْصًا تَقْرِيْبًا

  ∘ How to pronounce roughly in English?

The word roughly is pronounced in English as

4) roughly-noun

دُوْنَ عِنَايَةٍ-شبه جملة

  ∘ roughly meaning in Arabic & English

without taking a lot of care to make something perfect

دُوْنَ عِنَايَةٍ أَيْ بِلَا بَذْلِ جُهْدٍ لِفِعْلِ شَيْءٍ مُمَيَّزٍ أَوْ مِثَالِيٍّ

  ∘ Examples of roughly in Arabic and English

Roughly chop the carrots

قَطِّعِ الجَزَرَ دُوْنَ عِنَايَةٍ

  ∘ How to pronounce roughly in English?

The word roughly is pronounced in English as

5) roughly-noun


  ∘ roughly meaning in Arabic & English

approximately but not exactly

زَهَاءَ أَيْ بِشَكْلٍ تَقْرِيْبِيٍّ غَيْرَ دَقِيْقٍ بِشَكْلٍ كَامِلٍ

  ∘ Examples of roughly in Arabic and English

I made roughly $1000 last month

جَنَيْتُ زَهَاءَ 1000$ الشَّهْرَ المَاضِيَ

There were roughly 40 delegates at the conference

حَضَرَ المُؤْتَمَرَ زَهَاءَ 40 مَبْعُوْثًا (= مَنْدُوْبًا)

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The nuclear power plant will generate roughly 5.6 gigawatts

سَوْفَ تُوَلِّدُ مَحَطَّةُ الطَّاقَةِ النَّوَوِيَّةِ زَهَاءَ 5.6 جِيْجَاوَاتَ

  ∘ How to pronounce roughly in English?

The word roughly is pronounced in English as

6) roughly-noun


  ∘ roughly meaning in Arabic & English

approximately but not exactly

قَرَابَةَ أَيْ بِشَكْلٍ تَقْرِيْبِيٍّ غَيْرَ دَقِيْقٍ بِشَكْلٍ كَامِلٍ

  ∘ Examples of roughly in Arabic and English

The charity raised roughly 2 million dollars

جَمَعَتِ الجَمْعِيَّةُ الخَيْرِيَّةُ قَرَابَةَ المِلْيُوْنَيْ دُوْلَارَ

The war forced roughly 4 million civilians to flee the kingdom

أَرْغَمَتِ الحَرْبُ قَرَابَةَ الأَرْبَعَةِ مَلَايِيْنَ مَدَنِيٍّ عَلَىْ الفَرَارِ مِنَ المَمْلَكَةِ

  ∘ How to pronounce roughly in English?

The word roughly is pronounced in English as

7) roughly-noun


  ∘ roughly meaning in Arabic & English

approximately but not exactly

نَحْوَ أَيْ بِشَكْلٍ تَقْرِيْبِيٍّ غَيْرَ دَقِيْقٍ بِشَكْلٍ كَامِلٍ

  ∘ Examples of roughly in Arabic and English

I made roughly $1000 last month

جَنَيْتُ نَحْوَ 1000$ الشَّهْرَ المَاضِيَ

There were roughly 40 delegates at the conference

حَضَرَ المُؤْتَمَرَ نَحْوَ 40 مَبْعُوْثًا (= مَنْدُوْبًا)

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The nuclear power plant will generate roughly 5.6 gigawatts

سَوْفَ تُوَلِّدُ مَحَطَّةُ الطَّاقَةِ النَّوَوِيَّةِ نَحْوَ 5.6 جِيْجَاوَاتَ

  ∘ How to pronounce roughly in English?

The word roughly is pronounced in English as
