rest in Arabic

Meaning of rest in Arabic is: (بَاقِي) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

rest in Arabic

Arabic for rest

1) rest-noun


  ∘ rest meaning in Arabic & English

the part of something that remains

الجزء من شيء ما يبقى

  ∘ Examples of rest in Arabic and English

He ate half of the pizza, and left the rest for later.

أكل نصف البيتزا وترك الباقي لوقت لاحق.

The rest of the team will join us tomorrow.

سينضم باقي الفريق إلينا غدا.

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She spent the rest of the day reading.

قضت باقي اليوم في القراءة.

The rest of the apples are in the fridge.

باقي التفاح في الثلاجة.

He decided to give the rest of his belongings to charity.

قرر أن يتبرع بباقي ممتلكاته للجمعيات الخيرية.

The rest of the story was never told.

لم يتم سرد باقي القصة مطلقا.

  ∘ How to pronounce rest in English?

The word rest is pronounced in English as

Arabic for rest

1) rest-noun


  ∘ rest meaning in Arabic & English

the part of something that remains

الجزء من شيء ما يبقى

  ∘ Examples of rest in Arabic and English

He ate half of the pizza, and left the rest for later.

أكل نصف البيتزا وترك الباقي لوقت لاحق.

The rest of the team will join us tomorrow.

سينضم باقي الفريق إلينا غدًا.

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She spent the rest of the day reading.

قضت باقي اليوم في القراءة.

The rest of the apples are in the fridge.

باقي التفاح في الثلاجة.

He decided to give the rest of his belongings to charity.

قرر أن يتبرع بباقي ممتلكاته للجمعيات الخيرية.

The rest of the story was never told.

لم يتم سرد باقي القصة مطلقاً.

  ∘ How to pronounce rest in English?

The word rest is pronounced in English as
