Arabic for non profit
1) non-profit -adj
غير ربحيّ -اسم
∘ non-profit meaning in Arabic & English
(especially British English) (also nonprofit (especially in North American English)) (also not-for-profit British and North American English) (British English also non-profit-making) (of an organization) without the aim of making a profit
غير ربحيّ أو غير هادف للرّبح أي غير هادف لتحقيق أرباح مادّيّة
∘ Examples of non-profit in Arabic and English
The UN is an international nonprofit organization formed in 1945
الأمم المتّحدة منظّمة دوليّة غير ربحيّة أسّست عام 1945
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The company is operating on a non-profit basis during the pandemic
تعمل الشّركة على أساس غير ربحيّ أثناء الجائحة
A non-profit-making institution
مؤسّسة غير ربحيّة (=غير هادفة للرّبح)
The largest non-profit, non-governmental, independent organization in the kingdom
أكبر منظّمة غير ربحيّة وغير حكوميّة مستقلّة في المملكة
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Arabic for non profit
1) non-profit -adj
غَيْرُ رِبْحِيٍّ -اسم
∘ non-profit meaning in Arabic & English
(especially British English) (also nonprofit (especially in North American English)) (also not-for-profit British and North American English) (British English also non-profit-making) (of an organization) without the aim of making a profit
غَيْرُ رِبْحِيٍّ أَوْ غَيْرُ هَادِفٍ لِلرِّبْحِ أَيْ غَيْرُ هَادِفٍ لِتَحْقِيْقِ أَرْبَاحٍ مَادِّيَّةٍ
∘ Examples of non-profit in Arabic and English
The UN is an international nonprofit organization formed in 1945
الأُمَمُ المُتَّحِدَةُ مُنَظَّمَةٌ دُوَلِيَّةٌ غَيْرُ رِبْحِيَّةٍ أُسِّسَتْ عَامَ 1945
A non-profit research group
مَجْمُوْعَةٌ بَحْثِيَّةٌ غَيْرُ رِبْحِيَّةٍ
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The company is operating on a non-profit basis during the pandemic
تَعْمَلُ الشَّرِكَةُ عَلَىْ أَسَاسٍ غَيْرِ رِبْحِيٍّ أَثْنَاءَ الجَائِحَةِ
A non-profit-making institution
مُؤَسَّسَةٌ غَيْرُ رِبْحِيَّةٍ (=غَيْرُ هَادِفَةٍ لِلرِّبْحِ)
The largest non-profit, non-governmental, independent organization in the kingdom
أَكْبَرُ مُنَظَّمَةٍ غَيْرُ رِبْحِيَّةٍ وَغَيْرُ حُكُوْمِيَّةٍ مُسْتَقِلَّةٍ فِيْ المَمْلَكَةِ
We are a non-profit group with the aim of making a political change
نَحْنُ مَجْمُوْعَةٌ غَيْرُ رِبْحِيَّةٍ تَهْدُفُ لِإِحْدَاثِ تَغْيِيْرٍ سِيَاسِيٍّ
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