mechanic in Arabic

Meaning of mechanic in Arabic is: (آلِيَّة (آلِيَّات)، مُصَلِّح، مِيْكَانِيْكِيّ) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

mechanic in Arabic

Arabic for mechanic

1) mechanic (the mechanics)-noun

آليّة (آليّات)-اسم

  ∘ mechanic (the mechanics) meaning in Arabic & English

​the mechanics [plural] the way something works or is done

آليّات أو آليّة عمل الشّيء أو تنفيذه الخ أي الطّريقة الّتي يعمل أو ينفّذ بها

  ∘ Plural of آليّة (آليّات) in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of mechanic (the mechanics) in Arabic and English

The exact mechanics of how vaccine will be distributed will be announced later

سيتمّ الإعلان عن الآليّات الدّقيقة لتوزيع اللّقاح لاحقا

She knows alot about the mechanics of running governments

تعرف الكثير عن آليّات إدارة الحكومات

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The mechanics of Brexit

آليّات خروج بريطانيا من الاتّحاد الأوروبّيّ

The mechanics of interrogating a suspect

آليّات استجواب المتّهم

2) mechanic-noun


  ∘ mechanic meaning in Arabic & English

[countable] a person whose job is repairing machines, especially the engines of vehicles

المصلّح هو شخص حرفته أو وظيفته تصليح الآلات كالسّيّارات والدّرّاجات وصيانتها

  ∘ Plural of مصلّح in Arabic

مصلحون / مصلحين

  ∘ Examples of mechanic in Arabic and English

He is a bike mechanic

إنّه مصلّح درّاجات

The mechanic checked my bike before buying it

تفحّص (=تحقّق) المصلّح درّاجتي قبل شرائها

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My uncle is a professional motor mechanic

خالي مصلّح محرّكات محترف

The car mechanic told me that I have to replace the engine

أخبرني مصلّح السّيّارات أنّ عليّ تبديل المحرّك

  ∘ How to pronounce mechanic in English?

The word mechanic is pronounced in English as

3) mechanic-noun


  ∘ mechanic meaning in Arabic & English

[countable] a person whose job is repairing machines, especially the engines of vehicles

الميكانيكيّ هو شخص حرفته أو وظيفته تصليح محرّكات الآلات والعربات وصيانتها

  ∘ Plural of ميكانيكيّ in Arabic

ميكانيكيّون / ميكانيكيّين

  ∘ Examples of mechanic in Arabic and English

Do you know any good car mechanic?

هل تعرف أيّ ميكانيكيّ سيّارات جيّد؟

Her husband works as a motor mechanic

يعمل زوجها كميكانيكيّ محرّكات

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The ,mechanic assured me that the bus will be ready next week

أكّد لي الميكانيكيّ أنّ الحافلة ستكون جاهزة الأسبوع القادم

The mechnic will repair my car

سيصلّح الميكانيكيّ سيّارتي

  ∘ How to pronounce mechanic in English?

The word mechanic is pronounced in English as

Arabic for mechanic

1) mechanic (the mechanics)-noun

آلِيَّة (آلِيَّات)-اسم

  ∘ mechanic (the mechanics) meaning in Arabic & English

​the mechanics [plural] the way something works or is done

آلِيَّاتُ أَوْ آلِيَّةُ عَمَلِ الشَّيْءِ أَوْ تَنْفِيْذِهِ اِلَخْ أَيْ الطَّرِيْقَةُ الَّتِيْ يَعْمَلُ أَوْ يُنَفَّذُ بِهَا

  ∘ Plural of آلِيَّة (آلِيَّات) in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of mechanic (the mechanics) in Arabic and English

The exact mechanics of how vaccine will be distributed will be announced later

سِيَتِمُّ الإِعْلَانُ عَنِ الآلِيَّاتِ الدَّقِيْقَةِ لِتَوْزِيْعِ اللُّقَاحِ لَاحِقًا

She knows alot about the mechanics of running governments

تَعْرِفُ الكَثِيْرَ عَنْ آلِيَّاتِ إِدَارَةِ الحُكُوْمَاتِ

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The mechanics of Brexit

آلِيَّاتُ خُرُوْجِ بَرِيْطَانْيَا مِنَ الِاتِّحَادِ الأُوْرُوْبِّيَّ

The mechanics of interrogating a suspect

آلِيَّاتُ اسْتِجْوَابِ المُتَّهَمِ

2) mechanic-noun


  ∘ mechanic meaning in Arabic & English

[countable] a person whose job is repairing machines, especially the engines of vehicles

المُصَلِّحُ هُوَ شَخْصٌ حِرْفَتُهُ أَوْ وَظِيْفَتُهُ تَصْلِيْحُ الآلَاتِ كَالسَّيَّارَاتِ وَالدَّرَّاجَاتِ وَصِيَانَتِهَا

  ∘ Plural of مُصَلِّح in Arabic

مُصْلِحُوْنَ / مُصْلِحِيْنَ

  ∘ Examples of mechanic in Arabic and English

He is a bike mechanic

إِنَّهُ مُصَلِّحُ دَرَّاجَاتٍ

The mechanic checked my bike before buying it

تَفَحَّصَ (=تَحَقَّقَ) المُصَلِّحُ دَرَّاجَتِيْ قَبْلَ شِرَائِهَا

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My uncle is a professional motor mechanic

خَالِيْ مُصَلِّحُ مُحَرِّكَاتٍ مُحْتَرِفٌ

The car mechanic told me that I have to replace the engine

أَخْبَرَنِيْ مُصَلِّحُ السَّيَّارَاتِ أَنَّ عَلَيَّ تَبْدِيْلُ المُحَرِّكِ

  ∘ How to pronounce mechanic in English?

The word mechanic is pronounced in English as

3) mechanic-noun


  ∘ mechanic meaning in Arabic & English

[countable] a person whose job is repairing machines, especially the engines of vehicles

المِيْكَانِيْكِيُّ هُوَ شَخْصٌ حِرْفَتُهُ أَوْ وَظِيْفَتُهُ تَصْلِيْحُ مُحَرِّكَاتِ الآلَاتِ وَالعَرَبَاتِ وَصِيَانَتِهَا

  ∘ Plural of مِيْكَانِيْكِيّ in Arabic

مِيْكَانِيْكِيُّوْنَ / مِيْكَانِيْكِيِّيْنَ

  ∘ Examples of mechanic in Arabic and English

Do you know any good car mechanic?

هَلْ تَعْرِفُ أَيَّ مِيْكَانِيْكِيَّ سَيَّارَاتٍ جَيِّدٍ؟

Her husband works as a motor mechanic

يَعْمَلُ زَوْجُهَا كَمِيْكَانِيْكِيُّ مُحَرِّكَاتٍ

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The ,mechanic assured me that the bus will be ready next week

أَكَّدَ لِيَ المِيْكَانِيْكِيُّ أَنَّ الحَافِلَةَ سَتَكُوْنُ جَاهِزَةً الأُسْبُوْعَ القَادِمَ

The mechnic will repair my car

سَيُصَلِّحُ المِيْكَانِيْكِيُّ سَيَّارَتِيَ

  ∘ How to pronounce mechanic in English?

The word mechanic is pronounced in English as
