محترف in English

Meaning of محترف in English is: (professional, senior) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

محترف بالانجليزي

English for محترف


1) professional-adj


  ∘ محترف meaning in English & Arabic

doing something as a paid job rather than as a hobby

القيام بشيء كوظيفة مدفوعة الأجر بدلا من كونه هواية

  ∘ Examples of محترف in English and Arabic

She is a professional swimmer.

هي سباحة محترفة.

He has taken up photography on a professional level.

قد بدأ العمل في التصوير الفوتوغرافي على مستوى محترف.

More Examples

The event was organized by professional planners.

تم تنظيم الحدث من قبل مخططين محترفين.

They sought the advice of a professional consultant.

لجأوا إلى استشارة مستشار محترف.

She is professional in delivering services to her clients.

إنها محترفة في تقديم الخدمات لعملائها.

Professional athletes often undergo rigorous training.

الرياضيون المحترفون غالبا ما يخضعون لتدريبات صارمة.

  ∘ How to pronounce محترف in English?

professional is pronounced in English as

2) senior -adj


  ∘ محترف meaning in English & Arabic

(in sport)for a player on teams at a higher level

  ∘ Examples of محترف in English and Arabic

to participate in the senior league.

لتشارك بدوريّ المحترفينّ.

The men's senior team.

فريق الرجال المحترفينّ.

  ∘ How to pronounce محترف in English?

senior is pronounced in English as

English for محترف


1) professional-adj


  ∘ محترف meaning in English & Arabic

doing something as a paid job rather than as a hobby

القيام بشيء كوظيفة مدفوعة الأجر بدلاً من كونه هواية

  ∘ Examples of محترف in English and Arabic

She is a professional swimmer.

هي سباحة محترفة.

He has taken up photography on a professional level.

قد بدأ العمل في التصوير الفوتوغرافي على مستوى محترف.

More Examples

The event was organized by professional planners.

تم تنظيم الحدث من قبل مخططين محترفين.

They sought the advice of a professional consultant.

لجأوا إلى استشارة مستشار محترف.

She is professional in delivering services to her clients.

إنها محترفة في تقديم الخدمات لعملائها.

Professional athletes often undergo rigorous training.

الرياضيون المحترفون غالبًا ما يخضعون لتدريبات صارمة.

  ∘ How to pronounce محترف in English?

professional is pronounced in English as

2) senior -adj


  ∘ مُحْتَرِف meaning in English & Arabic

(in sport)for a player on teams at a higher level

  ∘ Examples of مُحْتَرِف in English and Arabic

to participate in the senior league.

لِتُشَارِكَ بِدَوْرِيِّ الُمُحْتَرِفِيْنَّ.

The men's senior team.

فَرِيقُ الْرِجَالِ الْمُحْتَرِفِيْنَّ.

  ∘ How to pronounce مُحْتَرِف in English?

senior is pronounced in English as
