lively in Arabic

Meaning of lively in Arabic is: (نشيط) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

lively in Arabic

Arabic for lively

1) lively-adj


  ∘ lively meaning in Arabic & English

full of life and energy; active and enthusiastic

مليء بالحياة والطاقة؛ نشط وحماسي

  ∘ Examples of lively in Arabic and English

She has a lively personality.

لديها شخصية نشيطة.

The conversation became more lively.

أصبح الحوار أكثر نشاطا.

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He gave a lively performance on stage.

قدم عرضا نشيطا على المسرح.

The market was bustling and lively.

كان السوق صاخبا ونشيطا.

She seems always lively when she tells stories.

تبدو دائما نشيطة عندما تحكي الحكايات.

The children played in a lively manner.

لعب الأطفال بطريقة نشيطة.

  ∘ How to pronounce lively in English?

The word lively is pronounced in English as

  ∘ How to pronounce lively in Arabic?

The word نشيط is pronounced in English as

Arabic for lively

1) lively-adj


  ∘ lively meaning in Arabic & English

full of life and energy; active and enthusiastic

مليء بالحياة والطاقة؛ نشط وحماسي

  ∘ Examples of lively in Arabic and English

She has a lively personality.

لديها شخصية نشيطة.

The conversation became more lively.

أصبح الحوار أكثر نشاطاً.

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He gave a lively performance on stage.

قدم عرضاً نشيطاً على المسرح.

The market was bustling and lively.

كان السوق صاخباً ونشيطاً.

She seems always lively when she tells stories.

تبدو دائماً نشيطة عندما تحكي الحكايات.

The children played in a lively manner.

لعب الأطفال بطريقة نشيطة.

  ∘ How to pronounce lively in English?

The word lively is pronounced in English as

  ∘ How to pronounce lively in Arabic?

The word نشيط is pronounced in English as
