liable in Arabic

Meaning of liable in Arabic is: (عُرْضَة، مَسْؤُوْل، مُعَرَّض) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

liable in Arabic

Arabic for liable

1) liable-adj


  ∘ liable meaning in Arabic & English

liable to do something likely to do something

عرضة لشيء أي معرّض له أو من المحتمل حدوث ذلك الشّيء

  ∘ Examples of liable in Arabic and English

You are liable to lose hearing in your left ear

أنت عرضة لفقدان السّمع بأذنك اليسرى

The lighthouse is liable to collapse

المنارة عرضة للانهيار

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You are liable to be investigated over tax evasion

أنت عرضة للتّحقيق بشأن التّهرّب الضّريبيّ

Four thousands employees are liable to be dismissed due to corona pandemic

أربعة آلاف موظّف عرضة للتّسريح بسبب جائحة كورونا

  ∘ How to pronounce liable in English?

The word liable is pronounced in English as



  ∘ liable meaning in Arabic & English

liable to something likely to be affected by something

عرضة لشيء أي معرّض له أو من المحتمل حدوثه

  ∘ Examples of liable in Arabic and English

You are more liable to injury if you do not exercise frequently

أنت عرضة للإصابة إن لم تتدرّب بانتظام

You are liable to lung cancer if you smoke cigarettes

أنت عرضة للإصابة بسرطان الرّئة إن قمت بتدخين السّجائر

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  ∘ liable meaning in Arabic & English

​liable to something likely to be punished by law for something

عرضة لعقوبة أو غرامة أي معرّض لها أو من المحتمل فرضها عليك

  ∘ Examples of liable in Arabic and English

You are liable to a $200 fine

أنت عرضة لغرامة قدرها 200 دولار

The former president is liable to prosecution

الرّئيس السّابق عرضة للملاحقة القضائيّة

2) liable-adj


  ∘ liable meaning in Arabic & English

[not before noun] liable (for something) legally responsible for paying the cost of something

مسؤول أي ملزم قانونا بدفع مبلغ ماليّ محدّد

  ∘ Plural of مسؤول in Arabic

مسؤولون / مسؤولين / مسؤولات

  ∘ Examples of liable in Arabic and English

You are liable for paying your father's debts

أنت مسؤولة عن سداد ديون والدك

The tenant is liable for any damage

المستأجر مسؤول عن أيّ ضرر

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You are vicariously liable for his actions

أنت مسؤول مسؤوليّة غير مباشرة عن أفعاله

  ∘ How to pronounce liable in English?

The word liable is pronounced in English as

3) liable-adj


  ∘ liable meaning in Arabic & English

liable to do something likely to do something

معرّض لشيء أي عرضة أو من المحتمل حدوث ذلك الشّيء

  ∘ Plural of معرّض in Arabic

معرّضون / معرّضين / معرّضات

  ∘ Examples of liable in Arabic and English

The tower is liable to collapse

البرج معرّض للانهيار

You are liable to lose your eyesight

أنت معرّض لفقدان بصرك

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Our store is liable to lose customers to online stores

متجرنا معرّض لخسارة الزّبائن لصالح المتاجر الإلكترونيّة

  ∘ How to pronounce liable in English?

The word liable is pronounced in English as



  ∘ liable meaning in Arabic & English

liable to something likely to be affected by something

معرّض لشيء أي عرضة له أو من المحتمل حدوثه

  ∘ Examples of liable in Arabic and English

You are more liable to injury if you do not exercise frequently

أنت معرّض للإصابة إن لم تتدرّب بانتظام

You are liable to lung cancer if you smoke cigarettes

أنت معرّضة للإصابة بسرطان الرّئة إن قمت بتدخين السّجائر

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  ∘ liable meaning in Arabic & English

​liable to something likely to be punished by law for something

معرّض لعقوبة أو غرامة أي عرضة لها أو من المحتمل فرضها عليك

  ∘ Examples of liable in Arabic and English

You are liable to a $200 fine

أنت معرّض لغرامة قدرها 200 دولار

The former president is liable to prosecution

الرّئيس السّابق معرّض للملاحقة القضائيّة

4) liable-adj


  ∘ liable meaning in Arabic & English

[not before noun] liable (for something) legally responsible for paying the cost of something

ملزم أي مجبر أو مسؤول قانونا بدفع مبلغ ماليّ محدّد

  ∘ Plural of ملزم in Arabic

ملزمون / ملزمين / ملزمات

  ∘ Examples of liable in Arabic and English

You are liable for paying your father's debts

أنت ملزم بسداد ديون والدك

The company is liable for $2.5 millions in compensation

الشّركة ملزمة بدفع تعويضات بقيمة 2.5 مليون دولار

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If we lose the suitcase we are liable for the costs of the whole trial.

إن خسرنا القضيّة فإنّنا ملزمون بدفع أتعاب المحاكمة كاملة

  ∘ How to pronounce liable in English?

The word liable is pronounced in English as

5) liable -adj

من المحتمل (يحتمل)-جار ومجرور

  ∘ liable meaning in Arabic & English

liable to do something likely to do something

من المحتمل أو يحتمل أي من الممكن حدوث شيء ما

  ∘ Examples of liable in Arabic and English

The patient is liable to pass away at any moment

من المحتمل (=تحتمل) وفاة المريض في أيّ لحظة

You are liable to make some mistakes as an intern

من المحتمل (=يحتمل) ارتكابك بعض الأخطاء كمتدرّب

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You’re more liable to injury if you don’t get regular exercise

يحتمل (=من المحتمل) تعرّضك للإصابة إن لم تتمرّن بانتظام

She is liable to throw a fit if she finds out

يحتمل ( من المحتمل) أن تغضب إن عرفت

You are liable to be arrested if she raised a suitcase

يحتمل (=من المحتمل) اعتقالك إن رفعت قضيّة

  ∘ How to pronounce liable in English?

The word liable is pronounced in English as

Arabic for liable

1) liable-adj


  ∘ liable meaning in Arabic & English

liable to do something likely to do something

عُرْضَة لِشَيْءٍ أَيْ مُعَرَّضٌ لَهُ أَوْ مِنَ المُحْتَمَلِ حُدُوْثُ ذَلِكَ الشَّيْءِ

  ∘ Examples of liable in Arabic and English

You are liable to lose hearing in your left ear

أَنْتَ عُرْضَةٌ لِفُقْدَانِ السَّمْعِ بِأُذُنِكَ اليُسْرَىْ

The lighthouse is liable to collapse

المَنَارَةُ عُرْضَةٌ لِلِانْهِيَارِ

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You are liable to be investigated over tax evasion

أَنْتَ عُرْضَةٌ لِلتَّحْقِيْقِ بِشَأْن التَّهَرُّبِ الضَّرِيْبِيِّ

Four thousands employees are liable to be dismissed due to corona pandemic

أَرْبَعَةُ آلَافِ مُوَظَّفٍ عُرْضَةٌ لِلتَّسْرِيْحِ بِسَبَبِ جَائِحَةِ كُوْرُوْنَا

  ∘ How to pronounce liable in English?

The word liable is pronounced in English as



  ∘ liable meaning in Arabic & English

liable to something likely to be affected by something

عُرْضَةٌ لِشَيْءٍ أَيْ مُعَرَّضٌ لَهُ أَوْ مِنَ المُحْتَمَلِ حُدُوْثُهُ

  ∘ Examples of liable in Arabic and English

You are more liable to injury if you do not exercise frequently

أَنْتَ عُرْضَةٌ لِلْإِصَابَةِ إِنْ لَمْ تَتَدَرَّبْ بِانْتِظَامٍ

You are liable to lung cancer if you smoke cigarettes

أَنْتِ عُرْضَةٌ لِلْإِصَابَةِ بِسَرَطَانِ الرِّئَةِ إِنْ قُمْتِ بِتَدْخِيْنِ السَّجَائِرِ

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  ∘ liable meaning in Arabic & English

​liable to something likely to be punished by law for something

عُرْضَةٌ لِعُقُوْبَةٍ أَوْ غَرَامَةٍ أَيْ مُعَرَّضٌ لَهَا أَوْ مِنَ المُحْتَمَلِ فَرْضُهَا عَلَيْكَ

  ∘ Examples of liable in Arabic and English

You are liable to a $200 fine

أَنْتَ عُرْضَةٌ لِغَرَامَةٍ قَدْرُهَا 200 دُوْلَارَ

The former president is liable to prosecution

الرَّئِيْسُ السَّابِقُ عُرْضَةٌ لِلْمُلَاحَقَةِ القَضَائِيَّةِ

2) liable-adj


  ∘ liable meaning in Arabic & English

[not before noun] liable (for something) legally responsible for paying the cost of something

مَسْؤُوْلٌ أَيْ مُلْزَمٌ قَانُوْنًا بِدَفْعِ مَبْلَغٍ مَالِيّ مُحَدَّدٍ

  ∘ Plural of مَسْؤُوْل in Arabic

مَسْؤُوْلُوْنَ / مَسْؤُوْلِيْنَ / مَسْؤُوْلَات

  ∘ Examples of liable in Arabic and English

You are liable for paying your father's debts

أَنْتِ مَسْؤُوْلَةٌ عَنْ سَدَادِ دُيُوْنِ وَالِدِكِ

The tenant is liable for any damage

المُسْتَأْجِرُ مَسْؤُوْلٌ عَنْ أَيِّ ضَرَرٍ

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You are vicariously liable for his actions

أَنْتَ مَسْؤُوْلٌ مَسْؤُوْلِيَّةً غَيْرَ مُبَاشِرَةٍ عَنْ أَفْعَالِهِ

  ∘ How to pronounce liable in English?

The word liable is pronounced in English as

3) liable-adj


  ∘ liable meaning in Arabic & English

liable to do something likely to do something

مُعَرَّضٌ لِشَيْءٍ أَيْ عُرْضَةٌ أَوْ مِنَ المُحْتَمَلِ حُدُوْثُ ذَلِكَ الشَّيْءِ

  ∘ Plural of مُعَرَّض in Arabic

مُعَرَّضُوْنَ / مُعَرَّضِيْنَ / مُعَرَّضَات

  ∘ Examples of liable in Arabic and English

The tower is liable to collapse

البُرْجُ مُعَرَّضٌ لِلِانْهِيَارِ

You are liable to lose your eyesight

أَنْتَ مُعَرَّضٌ لِفُقْدَانِ بَصَرِكَ

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Our store is liable to lose customers to online stores

مَتْجَرُنَا مُعَرَّضٌ لِخَسَارَةِ الزَّبَائِنِ لِصَالِحِ المَتَاجِرِ الإِلْكِتْرُوْنِيَّةَ

  ∘ How to pronounce liable in English?

The word liable is pronounced in English as



  ∘ liable meaning in Arabic & English

liable to something likely to be affected by something

مُعَرَّضٌ لِشَيْءٍ أَيْ عُرْضَةٌ لَهُ أَوْ مِنَ المُحْتَمَلِ حُدُوْثُهُ

  ∘ Examples of liable in Arabic and English

You are more liable to injury if you do not exercise frequently

أَنْتَ مُعَرَّضٌ لِلْإِصَابَةِ إِنْ لَمْ تَتَدَرَّبْ بِانْتِظَامٍ

You are liable to lung cancer if you smoke cigarettes

أَنْتِ مُعَرَّضَةٌ لِلْإِصَابَةِ بِسَرَطَانِ الرِّئَةِ إِنْ قُمْتِ بِتَدْخِيْنِ السَّجَائِرِ

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  ∘ liable meaning in Arabic & English

​liable to something likely to be punished by law for something

مُعَرَّضٌ لِعُقُوْبَةٍ أَوْ غَرَامَةٍ أَيْ عُرْضَةٌ لَهَا أَوْ مِنَ المُحْتَمَلِ فَرْضُهَا عَلَيْكَ

  ∘ Examples of liable in Arabic and English

You are liable to a $200 fine

أَنْتَ مُعَرَّضٌ لِغَرَامَةٍ قَدْرُهَا 200 دُوْلَارَ

The former president is liable to prosecution

الرَّئِيْسُ السَّابِقُ مُعَرَّضٌ لِلْمُلَاحَقَةِ القَضَائِيَّةِ

4) liable-adj


  ∘ liable meaning in Arabic & English

[not before noun] liable (for something) legally responsible for paying the cost of something

مُلْزَمٌ أَيْ مُجْبَرٌ أَوْ مَسْؤُوْلٌ قَانُوْنًا بِدَفْعِ مَبْلَغٍ مَالِيّ مُحَدَّدٍ

  ∘ Plural of مُلْزَم in Arabic

مُلْزَمُوْنَ / مُلْزَمِيْنَ / مُلْزَمَات

  ∘ Examples of liable in Arabic and English

You are liable for paying your father's debts

أَنْتِ مُلْزَمٌ بِسَدَادِ دُيُوْنِ وَالِدِكِ

The company is liable for $2.5 millions in compensation

الشَّرِكَةُ مُلْزَمَةٌ بِدَفْعِ تَعْوِيْضَاتٍ بِقِيْمَةِ 2.5 مِلْيَوْنَ دُوْلَارَ

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If we lose the suitcase we are liable for the costs of the whole trial.

إِنْ خَسِرْنَا القَضِيَّةَ فِإِنَّنَا مُلْزَمُوْنَ بِدَفْعِ أَتْعَابِ المُحَاكَمَةِ كَامِلَةً

  ∘ How to pronounce liable in English?

The word liable is pronounced in English as

5) liable -adj

مِنَ المُحْتَمَلِ (يُحْتَمَلُ)-جار ومجرور

  ∘ liable meaning in Arabic & English

liable to do something likely to do something

مِنَ المُحْتَمَلِ أو يُحْتَمَلُ أَيْ مِنَ المُمْكِنِ حُدُوْثُ شَيْءٍ مَا

  ∘ Examples of liable in Arabic and English

The patient is liable to pass away at any moment

مِنَ المُحْتَمَلِ (=تُحْتَمَلُ) وَفَاةُ المَرِيْضِ فِيْ أَيِّ لَحْظَةٍ

You are liable to make some mistakes as an intern

مِنَ المُحْتَمَلِ (=يُحْتَمَلُ) ارْتِكَابُكَ بَعْضَ الأَخْطَاءِ كَمُتَدَرِّبٍ

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You’re more liable to injury if you don’t get regular exercise

يُحْتَمَلُ (=مِنَ المُحْتَمَلِ) تَعَرُّضُكَ لِلْإِصَابَةِ إِنْ لَمْ تَتَمَرَّنْ بِانْتِظَامٍ

She is liable to throw a fit if she finds out

يُحْتَمَلُ ( مِنَ المُحْتَمَلِ) أَنْ تَغْضَبَ إِنْ عَرِفَتْ

You are liable to be arrested if she raised a suitcase

يُحْتَمَلُ (=مِنَ المُحْتَمَلِ) اعْتِقَالُكَ إِنْ رَفَعَتْ قَضِيَّةً

  ∘ How to pronounce liable in English?

The word liable is pronounced in English as
