Arabic for justification
1) justification-noun
∘ justification meaning in Arabic & English
[uncountable, countable] a good reason why something exists or is done
التّبرير هو سبب وجيه للقيام بعمل محدّد أو لوجوده
∘ Plural of تبرير in Arabic
∘ Examples of justification in Arabic and English
I found his justifications convincing
وجدت تبريراته مقنعة
He has failed to provide adequate justification for the assassination of the journalist
لقد فشل في تقديم مبرّر مقبول لاغتيال الصّحفيّ
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2) justification-noun
∘ justification meaning in Arabic & English
[uncountable, countable] a good reason why something exists or is done
المبرّر هو سبب وجيه للقيام بعمل محدّد أو لوجوده
∘ Plural of مبرّر in Arabic
∘ Examples of justification in Arabic and English
There is no justification for the coup attmept in Turkey
لا يوجد أيّ مبرّر لمحاولة لانقلاب في تركيّا
I can see no real justification for privatizing the oil companies
لا أرى أيّ مبرّر حقيقيّ لخصخصة شركات النّفط
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Arabic for justification
1) justification-noun
∘ justification meaning in Arabic & English
[uncountable, countable] a good reason why something exists or is done
التَّبْرِيْرُ هُوَ سَبَبٌ وَجِيْهٌ لِلْقِيَامِ بِعَمَلٍ مُحَدَّدٍ أَوْ لِوُجُوْدِهِ
∘ Plural of تَبْرِيْر in Arabic
∘ Examples of justification in Arabic and English
I found his justifications convincing
وَجَدْتُ تَبْرِيْرَاتِهِ مُقْنِعَةً
He has failed to provide adequate justification for the assassination of the journalist
لَقَدْ فَشِلَ فِيْ تَقْدِيْمِ مُبَرِّرٍ مَقْبُوْلٍ لِاغْتِيَالِ الصَّحَفِيِّ
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The airline has cancelled the flight without justification
أَلْغَتْ شَرِكَةُ الطَّيَرَانِ (=الخُطُوْطُ الجَوِّيَّةُ) الرِّحْلَةَ دُوْنَ تَبْرِيْرٍ
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2) justification-noun
∘ justification meaning in Arabic & English
[uncountable, countable] a good reason why something exists or is done
المُبَرِّرُ هُوَ سَبَبٌ وَجِيْهٌ لِلْقِيَامِ بِعَمَلٍ مُحَدَّدٍ أَوْ لِوُجُوْدِهِ
∘ Plural of مُبَرِّر in Arabic
∘ Examples of justification in Arabic and English
There is no justification for the coup attmept in Turkey
لَا يُوْجَدُ أَيُّ مُبَرِّرٍ لِمُحَاوَلَةِ لِانْقِلَابِ فِيْ تُرْكِيَّا
I can see no real justification for privatizing the oil companies
لَا أَرَىْ أَيَّ مُبَرِّرٍ حَقِيْقِيٍّ لِخَصْخَصَةِ شَرِكَاتِ النَّفْطِ
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