improvement in Arabic

Meaning of improvement in Arabic is: (تَحْسِيْن) among others. This article contains pronunciation, examples, and more!

Arabic for improvement

1) improvement-n


  ∘ improvement meaning in Arabic & English

the act of making something better; the process of something becoming better

فعل جعل شيء أفضل؛ عملية شيء يصبح أفضل

  ∘ Examples of improvement in Arabic and English

The improvement of the product has significantly increased its sales.

لقد زاد تحسين المنتج من مبيعاته بشكل ملحوظ.

An improvement in quality is always appreciated by customers.

يقدّرتحسين الجودة دائما من قبل العملاء.

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Continuous improvement is key to success.

التحسين المستمر هو مفتاح النجاح.

She saw an improvement in her grades after studying harder.

رأت تحسينا في درجاتها بعد أن درست بجهد أكبر.

The team is focused on the improvement of their performance.

يتركز الفريق على تحسين أدائه.

They aimed at making improvement in the system.

كانوا يهدفون إلى تحسين النظام.

  ∘ How to pronounce improvement in English?

The word improvement is pronounced in English as

Arabic for improvement

1) improvement-n


  ∘ improvement meaning in Arabic & English

the act of making something better; the process of something becoming better

فعل جعل شيء أفضل؛ عملية شيء يصبح أفضل

  ∘ Examples of improvement in Arabic and English

The improvement of the product has significantly increased its sales.

لقد زاد تحسين المنتج من مبيعاته بشكل ملحوظ.

An improvement in quality is always appreciated by customers.

يُقدّرتحسين الجودة دائمًا من قبل العملاء.

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Continuous improvement is key to success.

التحسين المستمر هو مفتاح النجاح.

She saw an improvement in her grades after studying harder.

رأت تحسينًا في درجاتها بعد أن درست بجهد أكبر.

The team is focused on the improvement of their performance.

يتركز الفريق على تحسين أدائه.

They aimed at making improvement in the system.

كانوا يهدفون إلى تحسين النظام.

  ∘ How to pronounce improvement in English?

The word improvement is pronounced in English as
