humour in Arabic

Meaning of humour in Arabic is: (فُكَاهَة) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

humour in Arabic

Arabic for humour

1) humour-n


  ∘ humour meaning in Arabic & English

the quality in something that makes it funny; the ability to laugh at things that are funny

الصفة في شيء ما تجعله مضحكا؛ القدرة على الضحك على الأشياء المضحكة

  ∘ Examples of humour in Arabic and English

His humour always lightens the mood.

فكاهته دائما ما تلطف الأجواء.

The book is filled with humour.

الكتاب مليء بالفكاهة.

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She has a great sense of humour.

لديها حس فكاهي رائع.

Humour often lightens depression mood.

تخفف للفكاهة في كثير من الأحيان من مزاج الكآبة.

British humour is quite distinct.

الفكاهة البريطانية مميزة جدا.

They shared jokes and laughed, enjoying the humour of the moment.

شاركوا النكات وضحكوا، مستمتعين بفكاهة اللحظة.

  ∘ How to pronounce humour in English?

The word humour is pronounced in English as

Arabic for humour

1) humour-n


  ∘ humour meaning in Arabic & English

the quality in something that makes it funny; the ability to laugh at things that are funny

الصفة في شيء ما تجعله مضحكًا؛ القدرة على الضحك على الأشياء المضحكة

  ∘ Examples of humour in Arabic and English

His humour always lightens the mood.

فكاهته دائمًا ما تُلطف الأجواء.

The book is filled with humour.

الكتاب مليء بالفكاهة.

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She has a great sense of humour.

لديها حس فكاهي رائع.

Humour often lightens depression mood.

تخفف للفكاهة في كثير من الأحيان من مزاج الكآبة.

British humour is quite distinct.

الفكاهة البريطانية مميزة جدًا.

They shared jokes and laughed, enjoying the humour of the moment.

شاركوا النكات وضحكوا، مستمتعين بفكاهة اللحظة.

  ∘ How to pronounce humour in English?

The word humour is pronounced in English as
