explanation in Arabic

Meaning of explanation in Arabic is: (تَفْسِيْر) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

explanation in Arabic

Arabic for explanation

1) explanation-noun


  ∘ explanation meaning in Arabic & English

a statement, fact, or situation that tells you why something happened; a reason given for something

بيان، حقيقة، أو موقف يخبرك لماذا حدث شيء ما؛ سبب معطى لشيء ما

  ∘ Examples of explanation in Arabic and English

She gave an explanation for her behavior.

قدمت تفسيرا لسلوكها.

The teacher demanded an explanation for the late submission.

طالب المعلم بتفسير للتأخير في الإرسال.

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His explanation clarified the misunderstanding.

أوضح تفسيره سوء الفهم.

An explanation is necessary when rules are violated.

التفسير ضروري عندما تنتهك القوانين.

The manual contains explanations for all the features.

يحتوي الدليل على تفسيرات لجميع الميزات.

She was looking for an explanation to the phenomenon.

كانت تبحث عن تفسير للظاهرة.

  ∘ How to pronounce explanation in English?

The word explanation is pronounced in English as

Arabic for explanation

1) explanation-noun


  ∘ explanation meaning in Arabic & English

a statement, fact, or situation that tells you why something happened; a reason given for something

بيان، حقيقة، أو موقف يخبرك لماذا حدث شيء ما؛ سبب معطى لشيء ما

  ∘ Examples of explanation in Arabic and English

She gave an explanation for her behavior.

قدمت تفسيرًا لسلوكها.

The teacher demanded an explanation for the late submission.

طالب المعلم بتفسير للتأخير في الإرسال.

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His explanation clarified the misunderstanding.

أوضح تفسيره سوء الفهم.

An explanation is necessary when rules are violated.

التفسير ضروري عندما تُنتهك القوانين.

The manual contains explanations for all the features.

يحتوي الدليل على تفسيرات لجميع الميزات.

She was looking for an explanation to the phenomenon.

كانت تبحث عن تفسير للظاهرة.

  ∘ How to pronounce explanation in English?

The word explanation is pronounced in English as
