hide in Arabic

Meaning of hide in Arabic is: (أخفى) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

hide in Arabic

Arabic for hide

1) hide-verb


  ∘ hide meaning in Arabic & English

to put or keep somebody/something in a place where they/it cannot be seen or found

وضع أو الاحتفاظ بشخص أو شيء في مكان لا يمكن فيه رؤيته أو العثور عليه

  ∘ Examples of hide in Arabic and English

He hides the keys under the mat.

يخفي المفاتيح تحت الحصيرة.

She hid the gift to surprise her friend.

أخفت الهدية لتفاجئ صديقتها.

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They hid in the closet to avoid being seen.

اختبئوا في الخزانة لتجنب رؤيتهم.

He had hidden the letter before anyone else saw it.

كان قد أخفى الرسالة قبل أن يراها أي شخص آخر.

The treasures were hidden centuries ago.

أخفيت الكنوز منذ قرون مضت.

She hides her feelings very well.

تخفي مشاعرها جيدا.

  ∘ How to pronounce hide in English?

The word hide is pronounced in English as

Arabic for hide

1) hide-verb


  ∘ hide meaning in Arabic & English

to put or keep somebody/something in a place where they/it cannot be seen or found

وضع أو الاحتفاظ بشخص أو شيء في مكان لا يمكن فيه رؤيته أو العثور عليه

  ∘ Examples of hide in Arabic and English

He hides the keys under the mat.

يخفي المفاتيح تحت الحصيرة.

She hid the gift to surprise her friend.

أخفت الهدية لتفاجئ صديقتها.

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They hid in the closet to avoid being seen.

اختبئوا في الخزانة لتجنب رؤيتهم.

He had hidden the letter before anyone else saw it.

كان قد أخفى الرسالة قبل أن يراها أي شخص آخر.

The treasures were hidden centuries ago.

أُخفيت الكنوز منذ قرون مضت.

She hides her feelings very well.

تخفي مشاعرها جيدًا.

  ∘ How to pronounce hide in English?

The word hide is pronounced in English as
