hero in Arabic

Meaning of hero in Arabic is: (بطل) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

hero in Arabic

Arabic for hero

1) hero-noun


  ∘ hero meaning in Arabic & English

a person who is admired by many people for doing something brave or good

شخص يعجب به الكثير من الناس لقيامه بعمل شجاع أو جيد

  ∘ Examples of hero in Arabic and English

The firefighter became a hero after saving the children from the fire.

أصبح رجل الإطفاء بطلا بعد إنقاذه للأطفال من الحريق.

Everyone considered him a hero for her efforts in the community.

اعتبره الجميع بطلا لجهوده في المجتمع.

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The heroes of the story inspire the readers.

يلهم أبطال القصة القراء.

He was honored as a national hero.

تم تكريمه كبطل وطني.

He always wanted to be a hero like in the movies.

كان دائما يرغب في أن يكون بطلا كما في الأفلام.

Heroes come in all shapes and sizes.

الأبطال يأتون بجميع الأشكال والأحجام.

  ∘ How to pronounce hero in English?

The word hero is pronounced in English as

Arabic for hero

1) hero-noun


  ∘ hero meaning in Arabic & English

a person who is admired by many people for doing something brave or good

شخص يُعجب به الكثير من الناس لقيامه بعمل شجاع أو جيد

  ∘ Examples of hero in Arabic and English

The firefighter became a hero after saving the children from the fire.

أصبح رجل الإطفاء بطلاً بعد إنقاذه للأطفال من الحريق.

Everyone considered him a hero for her efforts in the community.

اعتبره الجميع بطلاً لجهوده في المجتمع.

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The heroes of the story inspire the readers.

يلهم أبطال القصة القراء.

He was honored as a national hero.

تم تكريمه كبطل وطني.

He always wanted to be a hero like in the movies.

كان دائماً يرغب في أن يكون بطلاً كما في الأفلام.

Heroes come in all shapes and sizes.

الأبطال يأتون بجميع الأشكال والأحجام.

  ∘ How to pronounce hero in English?

The word hero is pronounced in English as
