guess in Arabic

Meaning of guess in Arabic is: (خَمَّنَ.) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

guess in Arabic

Arabic for guess

1) guess-verb


  ∘ guess meaning in Arabic & English

To try and give an answer or make a judgement about something without being sure of all the facts.

محاولة إعطاء إجابة أو إصدار حكم عن شيء ما دون التأكد من كل الحقائق.

  ∘ Examples of guess in Arabic and English

He guessed the right answer.

خمن الإجابة الصحيحة.

Can you guess what I'm thinking about?

هل يمكنك أن تخمن ما أفكر فيه؟

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She had to guess his age.

كان عليها أن تخمن عمره.

I guess we'll succeed.

أخمن أننا سوف ننجح.

They guessed that the trip would take around four hours.

خمنوا أن الرحلة ممكن أن تستغرق حوالي أربع ساعات.

Guess who I saw today!

خمن من رأيت اليوم!

  ∘ How to pronounce guess in English?

The word guess is pronounced in English as

Arabic for guess

1) guess-verb


  ∘ guess meaning in Arabic & English

To try and give an answer or make a judgement about something without being sure of all the facts.

محاولة إعطاء إجابة أو إصدار حكم عن شيء ما دون التأكد من كل الحقائق.

  ∘ Examples of guess in Arabic and English

He guessed the right answer.

خمن الإجابة الصحيحة.

Can you guess what I'm thinking about?

هل يمكنك أن تخمن ما أفكر فيه؟

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She had to guess his age.

كان عليها أن تخمن عمره.

I guess we'll succeed.

أخمن أننا سوف ننجح.

They guessed that the trip would take around four hours.

خمنوا أن الرحلة ممكن أن تستغرق حوالي أربع ساعات.

Guess who I saw today!

خمن من رأيت اليوم!

  ∘ How to pronounce guess in English?

The word guess is pronounced in English as
