false in Arabic

Meaning of false in Arabic is: (خَاطِئ) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

false in Arabic

Arabic for false

1) false-adj


  ∘ false meaning in Arabic & English

Wrong; not correct or true.

غير صحيح؛ غير صادق أو حقيقي.

  ∘ Examples of false in Arabic and English

The statement was false.

كان البيان خاطئا.

He gave a false name.

أعطى اسما خاطئا.

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Their accusations were found to be false.

وجد أن اتهاماتهم كانت خاطئة.

She denied the false rumors.

نفت الشائعات الخاطئة.

He was arrested for providing false information.

تم القبض عليه بسبب تقديم معلومات خاطئة.

The test results were falsely interpreted.

فسرت نتائج الاختبار بشكل خاطئ.

  ∘ How to pronounce false in English?

The word false is pronounced in English as

Arabic for false

1) false-adj


  ∘ false meaning in Arabic & English

Wrong; not correct or true.

غير صحيح؛ غير صادق أو حقيقي.

  ∘ Examples of false in Arabic and English

The statement was false.

كان البيان خاطئًا.

He gave a false name.

أعطى اسمًا خاطئًا.

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Their accusations were found to be false.

وُجد أن اتهاماتهم كانت خاطئة.

She denied the false rumors.

نفت الشائعات الخاطئة.

He was arrested for providing false information.

تم القبض عليه بسبب تقديم معلومات خاطئة.

The test results were falsely interpreted.

فُسرت نتائج الاختبار بشكل خاطئ.

  ∘ How to pronounce false in English?

The word false is pronounced in English as
