entertaining in Arabic

Meaning of entertaining in Arabic is: (تَرْفِيْهِيّ، مُسَلِّيْ) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

entertaining in Arabic

Arabic for entertaining

1) entertaining-adj

ترفيهيّ -اسم

  ∘ entertaining meaning in Arabic & English

​that you enjoy watching, listening to, doing or experiencing

ترفيهيّ أي ممتع ومسلّ وظريف يبعث في النّفس السّرور والمتعة

  ∘ Examples of entertaining in Arabic and English

I attended an entertaining evening

حضرت أمسيّة ترفيهيّة

An entertaining speech

خطاب ترفيهيّ

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Entertaining tv's programs

برامج تلفاز ترفيهيّة

Entertaining circus shows

عروض سيرك ترفيهيّة

  ∘ How to pronounce entertaining in English?

The word entertaining is pronounced in English as

2) entertaining-adj


  ∘ entertaining meaning in Arabic & English

​that you enjoy watching, listening to, doing or experiencing

مسلّ أي ممتع وترفيهيّ وظريف يبعث في النّفس السّرور والمتعة

  ∘ Examples of entertaining in Arabic and English

News are not entertaining for children

الأخبار غير مسلّية للأطفال

My grandmother told us a wry and entertaining tale

حكت لنا جدّتي حكاية ساخرة ومسلّية

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Her husband is very entertaining

زوجها مسلّ ظريف

The evening was highly entertaining

كانت الأمسيّة مسلّية للغاية

The novel was entertaining

كانت الرّواية مسلّية

An entertaining speech

خطاب مسلّ

Try to tell your children the story in more entertaining tone

حاولي أن ترو القصّة لأطفالك بنبرة صوت مسلّية أكثر

  ∘ How to pronounce entertaining in English?

The word entertaining is pronounced in English as

Arabic for entertaining

1) entertaining-adj

تَرْفِيْهِيّ -اسم

  ∘ entertaining meaning in Arabic & English

​that you enjoy watching, listening to, doing or experiencing

تَرْفِيْهِيٌّ أَيْ مُمْتِعٌ وَمُسَلٍّ وَظَرِيْفٌ يَبْعَثُ فِيْ النَّفْسِ السُّرُوْرَ وَالمُتْعَةَ

  ∘ Examples of entertaining in Arabic and English

I attended an entertaining evening

حَضَرْتُ أُمْسِيَّةً تَرْفِيْهِيَّةً

An entertaining speech

خِطَابٌ تَرْفِيْهِيٌّ

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Entertaining tv's programs

بَرَامَجُ تِلْفَازٍ تَرْفِيْهِيَّةٌ

Entertaining circus shows

عُرُوْضُ سِيْرْكَ تَرْفِيْهِيَّةٌ

  ∘ How to pronounce entertaining in English?

The word entertaining is pronounced in English as

2) entertaining-adj


  ∘ entertaining meaning in Arabic & English

​that you enjoy watching, listening to, doing or experiencing

مُسَلٍّ أَيْ مُمْتِعٌ وَتَرْفِيْهِيٌّ وَظَرِيْفٌ يَبْعَثُ فِيْ النَّفْسِ السُّرُوْرَ وَالمُتْعَةَ

  ∘ Examples of entertaining in Arabic and English

News are not entertaining for children

الأَخْبَارُ غَيْرُ مُسَلِّيَةٍ لِلْأَطَفَالِ

My grandmother told us a wry and entertaining tale

حَكَتْ لَنَا جَدَّتِيْ حِكَايَةً سَاخِرَةً وَمُسَلِّيَةً

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Her husband is very entertaining

زَوْجُهَا مُسَلٍّ ظَرِيْفٌ

The evening was highly entertaining

كَانَتِ الأُمْسِيَّةُ مُسَلِّيَةٌ لِلْغَايَةِ

The novel was entertaining

كَانَتِ الرِّوَايَةُ مُسَلِّيَةً

An entertaining speech

خِطَابٌ مُسَلٍّ

Try to tell your children the story in more entertaining tone

حَاوِلِيْ أَنْ تَرْوِ القِصَّةَ لِأَطْفَالِكِ بِنَبْرَةِ صَوْتٍ مُسَلِّيَةٍ أَكْثَرَ

  ∘ How to pronounce entertaining in English?

The word entertaining is pronounced in English as
