encourage in Arabic

Meaning of encourage in Arabic is: (شجع) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

encourage in Arabic

Arabic for encourage

1) encourage-v


  ∘ encourage meaning in Arabic & English

to give somebody support, courage or hope

تقديم الدعم أو الشجاعة أو الأمل لشخص

  ∘ Examples of encourage in Arabic and English

The coach encouraged the team before the big game.

شجع المدرب الفريق قبل المباراة الكبيرة.

He encourages her to apply for the job.

شجعها على التقديم للوظيفة.

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Teachers should encourage students to think critically.

يجب على المعلمين تشجيع الطلاب على التفكير النقدي.

Seeing their progress encouraged him to continue.

شجعته رؤية تقدمهم على الاستمرار.

Parents encouraged their children to develop their talents.

شجع الوالدان أطفالهم على تطوير مواهبهم.

They encouraged the children who won the prizes.

شجعوا الأطفال الذين فازوا بالجوائز.

  ∘ How to pronounce encourage in English?

The word encourage is pronounced in English as

Arabic for encourage

1) encourage-v


  ∘ encourage meaning in Arabic & English

to give somebody support, courage or hope

تقديم الدعم أو الشجاعة أو الأمل لشخص

  ∘ Examples of encourage in Arabic and English

The coach encouraged the team before the big game.

شجع المدرب الفريق قبل المباراة الكبيرة.

He encourages her to apply for the job.

شجعها على التقديم للوظيفة.

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Teachers should encourage students to think critically.

يجب على المعلمين تشجيع الطلاب على التفكير النقدي.

Seeing their progress encouraged him to continue.

شجعته رؤية تقدمهم على الاستمرار.

Parents encouraged their children to develop their talents.

شجع الوالدان أطفالهم على تطوير مواهبهم.

They encouraged the children who won the prizes.

شجعوا الأطفال الذين فازوا بالجوائز.

  ∘ How to pronounce encourage in English?

The word encourage is pronounced in English as
