eligible in Arabic

Meaning of eligible in Arabic is: (مُؤَهَّل) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

eligible in Arabic

Arabic for eligible

1) eligible-adj

مؤهّل -اسم

  ∘ eligible meaning in Arabic & English

someone who is eligible for something is able or allowed to do it, for example because they are the right age

مؤهّل لشيء أي قادر أو مسموح له بفعله

  ∘ Plural of مؤهّل in Arabic

مؤهّلون/ مؤهّلين/ مؤهّلات

  ∘ Examples of eligible in Arabic and English

Your not eligible to participate in the contest

لست مؤهّلا للمشاركة في المسابقة

Elderly are eligible for the a discount of 45%

المسنّون مؤهّلون للحصول على خصم بقيمة 45%

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The new legislation makes any foreigner eligible to invest in the country

يجعل التّشريع الجديد أيّ أجنبيّ مؤهّلا للاستثمار في البلاد

I am not eligible to vote yet

لست مؤهّلة للتّصويت بعد

permanent employees are eligible for a loan

الموظّفون المثبّتون مؤهّلّون للحصول على قرض

My father is eligible for retirement

والدي مؤهّل للتّقاعد

Arabic for eligible

1) eligible-adj

مُؤَهَّل -اسم

  ∘ eligible meaning in Arabic & English

someone who is eligible for something is able or allowed to do it, for example because they are the right age

مُؤَهَّلُ لِشَيْءٍ أَيْ قَادِرٌ أَوْ مَسْمُوْحٌ لَهُ بِفِعْلِهِ

  ∘ Plural of مُؤَهَّل in Arabic

مُؤَهَّلُوْن/ مُؤَهَّلِيْن/ مُؤَهَّلَات

  ∘ Examples of eligible in Arabic and English

Your not eligible to participate in the contest

لَسْتَ مُؤَهَّلًا لِلْمُشَارَكَةِ فِيْ المُسَابَقَةِ

Elderly are eligible for the a discount of 45%

المُسِنُّوْنَ مُؤَهَّلُوْنَ لِلْحُصُوْلِ عَلَىْ خَصْمٍ بِقِيْمَةِ 45%

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The new legislation makes any foreigner eligible to invest in the country

يَجْعَلُ التَّشْرِيْعُ الجَدِيْدُ أَيَّ أَجْنَبِيٍّ مُؤَهَّلًا لِلِاسْتِثْمَارِ فِيْ البِلَادِ

I am not eligible to vote yet

لَسْتُ مُؤَهَّلَةً لِلتَّصْوِيْتِ بَعْدُ

permanent employees are eligible for a loan

المُوَظَّفُوْنَ المُثَبَّتُوْنَ مُؤَهَّلُّوْنَ لِلْحُصُوْلِ عَلَىْ قَرْضٍ

My father is eligible for retirement

وَالِدِيْ مُؤَهَّلٌ لِلتَّقَاعُدِ
