Arabic for eligible
1) eligible-adj
مؤهّل -اسم
∘ eligible meaning in Arabic & English
someone who is eligible for something is able or allowed to do it, for example because they are the right age
مؤهّل لشيء أي قادر أو مسموح له بفعله
∘ Plural of مؤهّل in Arabic
مؤهّلون/ مؤهّلين/ مؤهّلات
∘ Examples of eligible in Arabic and English
Your not eligible to participate in the contest
لست مؤهّلا للمشاركة في المسابقة
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The new legislation makes any foreigner eligible to invest in the country
يجعل التّشريع الجديد أيّ أجنبيّ مؤهّلا للاستثمار في البلاد
My father is eligible for retirement
والدي مؤهّل للتّقاعد
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Arabic for eligible
1) eligible-adj
مُؤَهَّل -اسم
∘ eligible meaning in Arabic & English
someone who is eligible for something is able or allowed to do it, for example because they are the right age
مُؤَهَّلُ لِشَيْءٍ أَيْ قَادِرٌ أَوْ مَسْمُوْحٌ لَهُ بِفِعْلِهِ
∘ Plural of مُؤَهَّل in Arabic
مُؤَهَّلُوْن/ مُؤَهَّلِيْن/ مُؤَهَّلَات
∘ Examples of eligible in Arabic and English
Your not eligible to participate in the contest
لَسْتَ مُؤَهَّلًا لِلْمُشَارَكَةِ فِيْ المُسَابَقَةِ
Elderly are eligible for the a discount of 45%
المُسِنُّوْنَ مُؤَهَّلُوْنَ لِلْحُصُوْلِ عَلَىْ خَصْمٍ بِقِيْمَةِ 45%
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The new legislation makes any foreigner eligible to invest in the country
يَجْعَلُ التَّشْرِيْعُ الجَدِيْدُ أَيَّ أَجْنَبِيٍّ مُؤَهَّلًا لِلِاسْتِثْمَارِ فِيْ البِلَادِ
permanent employees are eligible for a loan
المُوَظَّفُوْنَ المُثَبَّتُوْنَ مُؤَهَّلُّوْنَ لِلْحُصُوْلِ عَلَىْ قَرْضٍ
My father is eligible for retirement
وَالِدِيْ مُؤَهَّلٌ لِلتَّقَاعُدِ
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