desk in Arabic

Meaning of desk in Arabic is: (مكتب) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

desk in Arabic

Arabic for desk

1) desk-noun


  ∘ desk meaning in Arabic & English

a piece of furniture like a table, often with drawers, that you sit at to read, write, work, etc.

قطعة أثاث تشبه الطاولة، غالبا ما تكون مزودة بأدراج، تجلس عندها للقراءة أو الكتابة أو العمل إلخ.

  ∘ Examples of desk in Arabic and English

She arranged her books on the desk.

رتبت كتبها على المكتب.

He is sitting at his desk, working on his computer.

هو جالس عند مكتبه، يعمل على الكمبيوتر.

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She wiped the surface of the desk clean.

مسحت سطح المكتب حتى أصبح نظيفا.

The teacher's desk is always full of paper.

مكتب المعلم دائما مليء بالأوراق.

I need to buy a new office desk.

أحتاج لشراء مكتب مكتبي جديد.

Desks for employees are arranged in the rooms.

مكاتب الموظفين مرتبة داخل الغرف.

  ∘ How to pronounce desk in English?

The word desk is pronounced in English as

Arabic for desk

1) desk-noun


  ∘ desk meaning in Arabic & English

a piece of furniture like a table, often with drawers, that you sit at to read, write, work, etc.

قطعة أثاث تشبه الطاولة، غالبًا ما تكون مزودة بأدراج، تجلس عندها للقراءة أو الكتابة أو العمل إلخ.

  ∘ Examples of desk in Arabic and English

She arranged her books on the desk.

رتبت كتبها على المكتب.

He is sitting at his desk, working on his computer.

هو جالس عند مكتبه، يعمل على الكمبيوتر.

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She wiped the surface of the desk clean.

مسحت سطح المكتب حتى أصبح نظيفًا.

The teacher's desk is always full of paper.

مكتب المعلم دائمًا مليء بالأوراق.

I need to buy a new office desk.

أحتاج لشراء مكتب مكتبي جديد.

Desks for employees are arranged in the rooms.

مكاتب الموظفين مرتبة داخل الغرف.

  ∘ How to pronounce desk in English?

The word desk is pronounced in English as
