confident in Arabic

Meaning of confident in Arabic is: (واثق) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

confident in Arabic

Arabic for confident

1) confident-adjective


  ∘ confident meaning in Arabic & English

feeling sure about your own ability to do things and be successful

هو الاطمئنان والإيمان بقدرتك على القيام بالأشياء وتحقيق النجاح

  ∘ Examples of confident in Arabic and English

He's very confident in his skills.

هو واثق جدا من مهاراته.

She walked into the room with a confident smile.

دخلت الغرفة بابتسامة واثقة.

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A confident answer can impress the interviewer.

يمكن للإجابة الواثقة أن تعجب المقابل.

The team feels confident about winning the match.

الفريق واثق من الفوز بالمباراة.

  ∘ How to pronounce confident in English?

The word confident is pronounced in English as



  ∘ confident meaning in Arabic & English

Feeling sure about one

الشعور بالتأكد من القدرات، الصفات، أو الأفكار الخاصة.

  ∘ Examples of confident in Arabic and English

He is confident in his decision.

هو واثق من قراره.

She walked into the room with a confident stride.

دخلت الغرفة بخطوات واثقة.

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We are confident of success.

نحن واثقون من النجاح.

You should be more confident in your abilities.

يجب أن تكون واثقا أكثر في قدراتك.

They seemed confident about the future.

بدوا أنهم واثقين بشأن المستقبل.

After much practice, he became confident in public speaking.

بعد التمرين الكثير، أصبح واثقا من التحدث مع الناس.

  ∘ How to pronounce confident in English?

The word confident is pronounced in English as

Arabic for confident

1) confident-adjective


  ∘ confident meaning in Arabic & English

feeling sure about your own ability to do things and be successful

هو الاطمئنان والإيمان بقدرتك على القيام بالأشياء وتحقيق النجاح

  ∘ Examples of confident in Arabic and English

He's very confident in his skills.

هو واثق جدًا من مهاراته.

She walked into the room with a confident smile.

دخلت الغرفة بابتسامة واثقة.

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A confident answer can impress the interviewer.

يمكن للإجابة الواثقة أن تُعجب المقابِل.

The team feels confident about winning the match.

الفريق واثق من الفوز بالمباراة.

  ∘ How to pronounce confident in English?

The word confident is pronounced in English as



  ∘ confident meaning in Arabic & English

Feeling sure about one

الشعور بالتأكد من القدرات، الصفات، أو الأفكار الخاصة.

  ∘ Examples of confident in Arabic and English

He is confident in his decision.

هو واثق من قراره.

She walked into the room with a confident stride.

دخلت الغرفة بخطوات واثقة.

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We are confident of success.

نحن واثقون من النجاح.

You should be more confident in your abilities.

يجب أن تكون واثقاً أكثر في قدراتك.

They seemed confident about the future.

بدوا أنهم واثقين بشأن المستقبل.

After much practice, he became confident in public speaking.

بعد التمرين الكثير، أصبح واثقاً من التحدث مع الناس.

  ∘ How to pronounce confident in English?

The word confident is pronounced in English as
