commissioner in Arabic

Meaning of commissioner in Arabic is: (مَأْمُوْر، مُفَوَّض، وَزِيْر) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

commissioner in Arabic

Arabic for commissioner

1) commissioner-noun


  ∘ commissioner meaning in Arabic & English

the head of the police department in some parts of the US

المأمور: هو رئيس قسم الشّرطة

  ∘ Plural of مأمور in Arabic

مأمورون/ مأمورين/ مآمير

  ∘ Examples of commissioner in Arabic and English

The commissioner was killed in an exchange of fire

قتل المأمور في تبادل لإطلاق النّار

The commissioner is corrupt

المأمور فاسد

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She is dating a police commissioner

إنّها تواعد مأمور شرطة

2) commissioner-noun


  ∘ commissioner meaning in Arabic & English

a member of a commission

المفوّض: هو أحد أعضاء المفوّضيّة

  ∘ Plural of مفوّض in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of commissioner in Arabic and English

The European commissioner asked for ending/lifting economic sanctions against Iran

طالب المفوّض الأوروبّيّ برفع العقوبات عن إيران

The Russian commissioner called for an urgent political dialogue

دعا المفوّض الرّوسيّ إلى حوار سياسيّ عاجل



  ∘ commissioner meaning in Arabic & English

someone who is officially in charge of a government department in some countries

المفوّض: هو شخص مسؤول عن إدارة جزء من أجزاء الحكومة

  ∘ Examples of commissioner in Arabic and English

The agriculture commissioner

استقال مفوّض الزّراعة

The health commissioner demanded more funds for public hospitals

طالب مفوّض الصّحّة بزيادة تمويل المستشفيات العامّة

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The commissioner refrained from making any statement

امتنع المفوّض عن الإدلاء بأيّة تصريحات

3) commissioner-noun


  ∘ commissioner meaning in Arabic & English

someone who is officially in charge of a government department in some countries

الوزير: هو شخص مسؤول عن إدارة جزء من أجزاء الحكومة

  ∘ Plural of وزير in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of commissioner in Arabic and English

The agriculture commissioner

استقال وزير الزّراعة

The health commissioner demanded more funds for public hospitals

طالب وزير الصّحّة بزيادة تمويل المستشفيات العامّة

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The commissioner refrained from making any statement

امتنع الوزير عن الإدلاء بأيّة تصريحات

Arabic for commissioner

1) commissioner-noun


  ∘ commissioner meaning in Arabic & English

the head of the police department in some parts of the US

المَأمُوْرُ: هُوَ رَئِيْسُ قِسْمِ الشُّرْطَةِ

  ∘ Plural of مَأْمُوْر in Arabic

مَأْمُوْرُوْنَ/ مَأْمُوْرِيْنَ/ مَآمِيْر

  ∘ Examples of commissioner in Arabic and English

The commissioner was killed in an exchange of fire

قُتِلَ المَأْمُوْرُ فِيْ تَبَادُلٍ لِإِطْلَاقِ النَّارِ

The commissioner is corrupt

المَأْمُوْرُ فَاسِدٌ

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She is dating a police commissioner

إِنَّهَا تُوَاعِدُ مَأْمُوْرُ شُرْطَةٍ

2) commissioner-noun


  ∘ commissioner meaning in Arabic & English

a member of a commission

المُفَوَّضُ: هُوَ أَحَدُ أَعْضَاءِ المُفَوَّضِيَّةُ

  ∘ Plural of مُفَوَّض in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of commissioner in Arabic and English

The European commissioner asked for ending/lifting economic sanctions against Iran

طَالَبَ المُفَوَّضُ الأُوْرُوْبِّيُّ بِرَفْعِ العُقُوْبَاتِ عَنْ إِيْرَانَ

The Russian commissioner called for an urgent political dialogue

دَعَا المُفَوَّضُ الرُّوْسِيُّ إِلَىْ حِوَارٍ سِيَاسِيٍّ عَاجِلٍ



  ∘ commissioner meaning in Arabic & English

someone who is officially in charge of a government department in some countries

المٌفَوَّضُ: هُوَ شَخْصٌ مَسْؤُوْلٌ عَنْ إِدَارَةِ جُزْءٍ مِنْ أَجْزَاءِ الحُكُوْمَةِ

  ∘ Examples of commissioner in Arabic and English

The agriculture commissioner

اسْتَقَالَ مُفَوَّضُ الزِّرَاعَةِ

The health commissioner demanded more funds for public hospitals

طَالَبَ مُفَوَّضُ الصِّحَّةِ بِزِيَادَةِ تَمْوِيْلِ المُسْتَشْفَيَاتِ العَامَّةِ

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The commissioner refrained from making any statement

امْتَنَعَ المُفَوَّضُ عَنِ الإِدْلَاءِ بِأَيَّةِ تَصْرِيْحَاتٍ

3) commissioner-noun


  ∘ commissioner meaning in Arabic & English

someone who is officially in charge of a government department in some countries

الوَزِيْرُ: هُوَ شَخْصٌ مَسْؤُوْلٌ عَنْ إِدَارَةِ جُزْءٍ مِنْ أَجْزَاءِ الحُكُوْمَةِ

  ∘ Plural of وَزِيْر in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of commissioner in Arabic and English

The agriculture commissioner

اسْتَقَالَ وَزِيْرُ الزِّرَاعَةِ

The health commissioner demanded more funds for public hospitals

طَالَبَ وَزِيْرُ الصِّحَّةِ بِزِيَادَةِ تَمْوِيْلِ المُسْتَشْفَيَاتِ العَامَّةِ

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The commissioner refrained from making any statement

امْتَنَعَ الوَزِيْرُ عَنِ الإِدْلَاءِ بِأَيَّةِ تَصْرِيْحَاتٍ
